Character Defect of the Day

Judgement. Mostly myself, but easily distracted judging others.


Judgement. Yep. I have been fighting that a lot recently. What sucks is I am struggling to understand why…? Sometimes it feels almost like a resentment. At least for the most part when I realize I’m feeling judgy I check myself.


My judgements and resentments are intertwined. I resent myself because of some of the decisions and actions I have done. The people I catch myself judging are people who I have resentments against.


Nurturing my ability to avoid unpleasant things. Through the stained glass windows of apathy, I look at what needs to be done, and then do something else instead. It’s an ongoing battle, but particularly acute today.


I can be verbose when nervous.

I think this annoys people, because I just end up spouting out a meaningless tirade of tripe which makes no sense.


Intolerant->frustration as result lack of control over shit I don’t have any control over.


Obsessing about the past and stressing about the future instead of realising the power of now.


Ego or pride I guess lately. Not liking to admit a problem, accept help, or put myself out there in a vulnerable state sort of how I’ve been looking for a job lately… But I’m getting over it. It may come from fear of being judged so would that boil down to fear regardless?

I don’t know. But the trick is to be aware of it I guess.


Jealousy in many forms, which then turns into shades of resentment, anger, fear, judgements. Lots to work on. Give it a voice, call a sponsor or support, write and pray about it, try to help someone else, get some physical exercise and hope to find relief.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:


Reading everyone elses character defects, and relating to them all makes me feel like It might be faster to think of what character defect isn’t present today.

I cant think of any.

Self will summarizes all my character defects. Its all connected.


Yes! I’ve just been learning this about myself this past week. I’ve had light bulbs going off left right and centre since attending rehab but wow… perfectionism… I never thought I had this (and it took my councillor and peers to help me work it out) because I didnt think I was ‘perfect’ enough to have it :sweat_smile::sweat_smile: like, I’m not good enough and nothing I do is good enough so how can I be a perfectionist? :rofl: It makes so much sense now it’s been brought to my attention. Why I’m so insecure (even though I think I’m not…) and need everything to be “just so” or else I get really panicked over it… the list goes on. Its gonna take alot of work unraveling this one…


Procrastination is my CD of the day. There’s a couple projects both work and personal that I keep putting off. I spend more time thinking about how much I don’t want to do them than it takes to actually do them.


Don’t give up on “watching the thinker” :slightly_smiling_face:



This is one I struggle to be willing to give up. Sometimes my pride/ego motivates me to be better. It makes me ambitious. It makes me want to be better.

Sometimes it makes me arrogant and bullheaded. It can lead to unrealistic expectations of others.

This is one I learn to live with because I am not willing to let go. That means I need to incorporate into my 10th n 11th step if I won’t put it in 6&7.


Control, mind reading, future tripping. I know I can’t control other people’s thoughts and what may happen, but it doesn’t stop me stressing about it. I just hate uncertainty.


I guess that my CD of the day (week, month, year, life) would be that I really don’t like myself, and generally consider myself to be a pretty crappy person.


Procrastination. I made huge progress recently and got a lot done. I tackled the easiest first, and now Im filled with dread about the rest. I find it easy to work on things I enjoy, and extremely difficult to do things that I dont. It all had to get done. Keep grinding!

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Woohoo it’s resentment day. From time to time they creep up. This one is not so surprising as I’ve been trying to tamp it down the last 2 weeks. Today it reared it’s ugly head. Of course I snapped at someone who was not involved in the situation.

Normally I’d go read page 552 of the big book but I pretty much have it memorized. I’m going to pray for the person I have the resentment against for 2 weeks. Works like a charm every time.

I may have mentioned this before but if I identify a defect but then have no plan to address it then it’s a useless endeavor


This sounds straight out of Sharon Salzberg’s loving kindness metta meditations. I love it. :heart:


It’ll be hard to recover if u don’t stop kicking yourself. Focus on some good things, even if small. e.g. I study and stretch myself intellectually. I was kind to the cashier.