
Just started getting sober 2 days ago. I’m 24 years old but I’m having trouble with alcohol can’t seem to let it go.hope to get better

hey there @AndresViard im 24 as well. we can do this!

18 days have them apples even when my friend bought me a lemonade lager shandy and tried to sabotage my journey 18 days strong :muscle:

2 1/2 days down and a life time to go…didn’t sleep at all last night. Opiates (pills) is my choice of drug. I feel like all these emotions that pills have made me numb to are flooding back all at once. I keep thinking how I’m an awful person and why couldn’t I do better!!!

@KevinesKay thank you!! And I would but court is on Monday :pensive: procrastination at its finest. Honestly it’s about time I just grow up and face the music. Whatever will be will be. I will remain sober- I’ve never felt so positive and so good about a shitty situation. This sobriety thing really is as rewarding as they said it would be!!

Today is rough. Day 4 no alcohol. I have a two year old and right now every tantrum is a trigger…pray for me

Why am I trying to plan my day around alcohol.? I have to remind myself that I am not drinking today. Then I start Romanticizing alcohol. How will I have fun? I am going to be so boring. How will I relax? Then I start questioning my decision to quit.

I have finally completed probation after two and a half years of being revoked/reinstated, jail, iop, and never ending ua’s. I hit every roadblock possible and snuck in a drink whenever i could knowing the next day i would be in fear of going back to jail and losing it all. I rode that line the entire time up until i found this app and reached a personal resolve to not drink. Ive always hated being told what to do but through all of the pushback and stress of my actions I feel empowered to see this new day as being my personal choice to change and take charge of my future. You all inspire my resolve. Ty

Insomnia is starting and I’m almost 72hrs clean of opiates. Which means my legs won’t fucking stop moving at night and all I do is toss n turn…just wish I could sleep thru the bad parts of detoxing. I have a 6yr old boy luckily he has a good man as as dad to shield him from my detox state right now. I keep getting lightheaded and I’m SO weak. I’ve been taking all kinds of vitamins seems to help a tiny bit. Any tips to a healthier me is appreciated! My head is in the right place this time around! Just these last 72hrs have been he’ll!

It’s almost my 4th day sober. Sadly my brother tried to kill himself last night and I’m feeling the urge 2 drink…

Andres - your parents don’t need two kids trying to kill themselves this week - let’s not drink Bc that’s where it will lead - don’t let addiction lie to you bud

Just finished up my second AA meeting. Anyone else in AA who is not religious or spiritual? I’m having a hard time with all the god talk. But unfortunately we do not have any secular groups around here.

Finishing up 11 days without drinking! Feeling good but mentally preparing for the weekend. Hope everyone is having an awesome day.

First time on chat. Seems like it could be a very useful tool to help when the urges hit.


@Tifflb33 just take from the meeting what helps you. They say that God of your choosing or what you call a higher power. I had the same problem when I started and an old timer at the meeting told me if the glove box of my car was higher power that was fine write down what was on my mind put it into the glove box and shut it . That way I got what was bothering me off my chest. Just don’t give up.

I think the hardest thing to do is get time under the belt. Time is a motivator for me. Quit drinking seems easier than quit smoking, at least during first week.

Just over 24 hours since I came home from treatment. No cravings, and on my way to a meeting. Any advice to stay on this path?

Day 2 and sober.

Day 2 and sober…