
4 days sober and I’m slowly starting to not feel so shitty…still can’t sleep even with sleeping meds…blows…but I’m eating and keeping it down so that a plus…4 days might not sound like a lot to many but for being an addict for 9 yrs using off n on…last 2 yrs straight…4days is a milestone I’m proud of!

Sober 55 days and counting. Productivity has skyrocketed.

got 39 hours separating me from my last shot of h. i’m going all the way this time. i have spent the last 7 years with my head in the clouds and i am finally ready to out it all behind me. longest clean time in 3 years :grin:

60 days sober today!! :metal::japanese_ogre::metal:

5 days and counting

Hi everyone I’m 94 days free of all mind altering substances and I feel good but I’m very emotional life’s grind it’s pounding me to tears I will endure giving it to God everyday

Day Ay ay 20

Going into the first weekend without beer. Morning was awesome, inspirational, but turned so fast. How does that happen? Now I crave beer and smokes. I won’t do it, but hate the cravings.

Good job @JCB

So…I achieved 5 days sober which for me is a miracle. Every day in work this week without a hangover was so good. I felt like a new person and didn’t feel I looked bad when I looked in the mirror for a change. I was drinking half a bottle of vodka every night for about a year. I suppose I’m what you’d call a functioning achoholic as I go into work and blame insomnia in case my work colleagues suspect anything. That’s the good part…to continue the story, I just drank a bottle of wine as that’s what I used to do before the dark times (as I call them) took hold. It’s like a release at the end of the working week. I’m determined not to drink tomorrow or anytime until the next end of my week at work but just wanted to see if you all think this is a bad idea. Thank everyone. So glad I found this app for people in the same situation as me. Makes me feel not so isolated.

Hi Doodles. What types of activities interest you when you are not working? I ask because I’ve been trapped for many years with the belief that if I only drink this one bottle of wine today, I’m good. Got the buzz I wanted and now I’ll not drink until the next end of my work week. But what happens the following week is that my mind remembers how good it felt to have the little buzz last week and the recovery was quick and easy and no one knew about it, so… this next week I find my self drinking two bottles of wine. Over the course of month or so I am back to drinking every day again. So for me, being 5 days sober I have made other plans then a bottle of wine to keep me occupied this weekend and see it as a treat and a release for myself. I’m going to dinner and a play tonight, tomorrow my son and I are going on a drive and taking pictures and Sunday will be yoga, grocery shopping, short road trip and prepping food for next week. I’m hoping that incorporating these fun activities into my weekend will help with the craving and desire to drink. Hope this is post is helpful to you. With warmth…

@Sawood I try to keep myself busy with theme parks, concerts, movies, and plays.

Today was kind of a challenge

Ready to get started

I find myself spending money on things. I need to sit down. Being off work is a problem because that’s when it hits me hardest. I got this though because I am going to bed and I made it!!!

Awe this makes me heart happy. I just hope anyone one here knows that even if I don’t personally know you… im here for you!



I think I need someone to talk

I’m here!