
@Lynnie girl that is awesome!!! Keep going, you’re an inspiration :innocent: much love :heart:

@JakDup4Christ welcome!! :blush: this app has kept me so distracted- I hope it does the same for you :heart:

I have successfully completed my first day and I am very proud of myself… Some people said that they thought something was w with me because I wasn’t my cheerful self but I don’t care because I will learn who I am without the Alcohol. I have to because I spent to much time boozed out! Everybody have a great night.


Hello everyone

On my 5th day sober…im getting sooo moody at work and home. I just blow up for no reason does anyone else have this problem :angry:

Guys can u tell me how to post on a topic?

@Aakash_kumar click the three lines on the to right corner then click your topic you want to write about, then click new topic

My First day, decided to be sober.Dont want to be on same path again and be drunk everyday. Hope for the best and new life to come in. ALL THE BEST TO ME.

Hi everyone!!! I’m new here… I am now on my 11th day without opiates!!! It’s been rough but I’m making it… I have been looking for a place like this just to get stuff off my chest… I’m hoping for a good fit right here!!!

good night all I am off to bed, 2.09am here downunder. A new day awaits!!!

Hey guys, day two here. Just having a particularly anxious day. Drinking has been a coping mechanism for anxiety the last 10 years and while I’m not having a craving necessarily at the moment, I’m definitely feeling the anxiety trigger. Gaaah. I think shouting it into the chatroom will help a little. At least I’m acknowledging that the trigger thoughts are there and not rushing to find some way to hide it this time I guess! (Booze, smoking of both kinds etc)

Hey guys :pensive: I just got off the phone with a lawyer that wants WAY too much money from me, to defend me in some legal shit threatening my professional license. Trouble that I’m in BECAUSE of drinking. I’m so frustrated, so fucking pissed off. All I want to do is pop a xanie and drink my night away. Fuck this shit is so hard right now. #tryingtostaycl34n :weary:

Still drinking after 4 years of heavy drinkibg need support asap. I want out of this hell hole

C13an, I feel for you. Go get a different lawyer. I’m sure that they don’t all charge the same. Stay sober and strong. It will be okay.

This justice system is all rigged…you pay more, you get a better bargain…you pay less, you get screwed…

Life sucks

It’s kinda sad…I used alcohol to cope with anxiety…which it gave me more anxiety. Now I’m sober and functional I barely ever get anxiety. Who knew

2 days sober and can’t seem to stop myou mind from racing and going to dark places…

New here, 3rd day sober.I’m 27 year old mom who’s trying to put down alcohol for good…fingers crossed!!!