
Sorry that went wrong. I’m new here and looking forward to the future .

HI I’m new here just trying to find my way around lol

Forgot to say I’ve done 15 days

Hi John welcome good job on the 15 days. Keep up the good work.

Day 660. Longest period sober in almost 7 years. :slight_smile.

Hi I have been sober now for 116 days now and feeling really good about it, I go to meetings every tuesday and I get alot from these groups, my only problem is I find it hard to talk as I get embarressed very easilynice amd dont like talking in big groups, I also struggle to open up to my partner, ive never been 1 to express my feelings honestly. Any suggestions would be very welcomed, I have done this before and was 2 and half years sober but Ihad the same problem then.

Today was my week. I spoilt it. My partner bought me a small glass of wine and I decided I didn’t want It, but still drank it as it seemed a waste. I generally guilty all afternoon… And had to sit through a family get together tonight with wine flowing… irnbru got me thru .feeling conflicted . P’d off. I should reset my counter…but avoiding it :expressionless:

Hi, I’m new here too, just finishing day one

I kno thee feeling I had ten days clean from meth and the anxiety the knot in my stomach is fucked I’m doin it on my own free will I checked into an outpatient but it don’t start till may 5

Hi Sean I’m Daniel how u doin?

Good luck stay strong u got this

I’m 6 days off tobacco today. 8 hours before I complete my 1st week :blush::blush::blush:

Day 16 for me and feeling good. I’ve got this app on my phone, I want to put it on my tablet (Samsung tab 1) but when I go on play store it tells me it’s not compatible. Any ideas please

I had to reset, I was days away from 60 days clean. I feel so regretful.

I Been Clean For 159 Days

Good Afternoon every one Wearing a smile

Checking in one day today clean house of all things and pary for his will not mys

@John_Wilkinson, if I can’t get the app to install, I would simply resort to accessing the community by going to

@Carol_H, sorry to hear about your relapse. Just pick yourself up an start again. You can do this!

Hello! I’m new. First day starting sober. I’m a mother and a wife. Been struggling with drinking for about a year now. Didn’t think it was a big deal until last night. Got wasted and didn’t come in the door till 3:30am! Had a 4 mile race at 7:45 am! I’m now suffering. My husband didn’t say it but I know he is disappointed. Thankfully my son is at Grandma’s. I decided to do this for him. I want to be a good mother and set a good example. Please help me do this!