
How’s everything everyone

Just stay strong girly but you got to do this for your self before anyone recognises and honestly we got too do this first before we get any approval from anyone god bless you and stay strong

Did 30 days alcohol free then recently tried smoking H and C couldnt write this shit :joy:

Very upset or what I just did :tired_face:

I’m having a hard time choosing between a woman from the meeting I go to in my home town or my superviso at work. I have a lot of love and respect for both of them. I went to a meeting with my supervisor last week and it’s like the more I get to know her personally the more I admire her faith in God and the 12 steps. Plus I see her 5 days a week as where I see the other lady at the Tuesday secret meeting (lol) I really honestly feel like God has placed my supervisor in my life because he knew I’d grow to love this woman and trust her. It’s hard to trust people for me everyone I have trusted (including my mom) has eventually left. He also knew I’d need a friend that’s been there done that. Our stories might be different but at the end of the day an addict is an addict. What are your thoughts ?

^ is about choosing a sponsor ^

New here. Really wanting to get off drugs and get my life back. Ive lost so much and im done, im taking my life back! :slight_smile:

8 More one day at a time’s and i will have one year sober from all my addiction!! Hell ya

So how does this work??

Am I even in the right place? Lol

So begins another blessed day to try and get it right . Glory be to God for giving me another chance to get it right today. :wink:

New here

This is my first post. I’m a functional alcoholic. I drink every night when I get home from work. I have a great job and a great life but I’m afraid I’m going to lose it all if I can’t change. I’m a stage 3 except my family life is good. Last year I confessed to my doctor of my drinking and she wanted me to go to AA. The reason I didn’t go is because I’m gay and well AA is very religious. So my question is what does someone like me that had a partner of 11 years do? It doesn’t help I’m bipolar.

What do you mean very religious? I have never been to AA i go to GA because of my gambling problem but i am told its the same thing and other than saying a prayer at the end of the meeting and people thanking God when the share religion is not brought into the meeting. Nore is ones sexual preferences. One of the big things about the meeting is not to judge others. If you have never been i hope you give it a try i think you will see its not what you think it is. I been sober from gambling 273 days thanks to the meeting.

Awesome accomplishment @David. Congrats on the 273 days

Hi everyone. Just checking in. I hope everyone is well and sticking to it. Ten days without alcohol and tobacco in my system today…going strong with this. One second at a time :blush:


Hey everyone i am a big 8 months sober from the horrible :sunglasses:

Evening all. Struggling to get through 48hrs without a drink. Fucking fed up

Keep at it HJekyll one day at a time my friend