
Hi @CHRISTO! You only die if you make the drastic change of going back to the first drinkšŸ’€

Almost through my first day. Huge deal for me for starting this journey to a better lifestyle

@Formychildren hi there! I know exactly what you went troughā€¦ iā€™m also a grown up woman with kids. There were a lot of times the booze made me saying things i did not (or partialy) remember the day after. A lot of times the shame drove me again to drinking: to forget it, to convince myself that this time i could handle (and remember). Even those moments of shame did not stop meā€¦ please hold onā€‹:pray: itā€™s worth it and -spoken for myself-find the courage to talk to us and keep in touch ! "One day at a time":rose:

@Turtle thank you! That is normally what i do too. I day 2 so far 8:15 pm here. I have to attend a baby shower with these people I do not know as well (the same people I am ashamed to face again) I so want to bail, but donā€™t think that is the best idea. Weekends will be tough. I also work at a bar :disappointed_relieved:

Day 2 the tiredness and anxiousnessā€‹ and moodiness are proof my issue is worse than I thought. Canā€™t wait to feel better without booze

I canā€™t quit drinking! My depression is at an all-time high. :sob:

Recovery in my town is a joke. Itā€™s all cliques. I trust no one.

@formychildren I made apologies to my best friend before i saw him back. Sincerely apologies. Heā€™s one of my strongest damage icons to hold on in sobriety. He still avoids me, his comments are shorter than seems I have severious hurt himā€¦ but the only thing i can do is accept his attitude at the moment because itā€™s my responsibility to make it up, by staying clean.

@formychildren i also had 5 days (especially mornings) that i was extremely tired and sweating and feeling depressedā€¦ keep on going it gets better! I took anti fatigue energie drinks an befact vitam from the pharmacie which helped, slept a lot and spent time on sports ( even if i was not into it!). It seemed that my body carried a lot of booze-damage that weights a lot and could drawn us into drinking againā€¦ but we just need to do the opposite the first week(s):rose: stay strong!!:four_leaf_clover::sunny:ļø:turtle:

15 days, more focused and hopeful than ever. Its different this time, I actually want to sober and Iā€™ve been freed from the mental obsession with drugs

Came back last night sitting in the room of na ice been hiding and relapsing in aa rooms. I have to be around addicts like myself. Today Iā€™m feeling sadness from years past; things I thought I had felt with are coming back and hitting me hardšŸ˜£ no more hiding!!!

Having a clean sober day on house arrest with my loving wife and step son. Work at 5 yay I get to get outta the house

Today I started counting how many days can i go without heroine. I am 18 years old and some of my friends told me to try it. From then I canā€™t go without heroine 30 minutes to 1 hour. I put it on airplanes and doing it inside there with risk.

Hello yā€™all, I am new to this app,today is my day 11ā€¦feeling good,withdrawal symptoms gone,thank Godā€¦this time it was awful!!! Has anyone tried prescription med called Naltrexone for curbing alcohol cravings???Any suggestion or advice on that?Thank u!

Hi everyone its my third day Sober bit i almost fail today the message in the app ā€œyou can do this!ā€ Really help me. Even when i spent 4 months in rehab before, i decided to stop but somethimes i feel really weak :pray:t6::disappointed:

So Iā€™m 11 days sober but my ass is hitting the floor hardcore and Iā€™m not picking up I canā€™t get to a meeting no car but i have faith God is my driver and Iā€™ll survive

Hi!! Iā€™m new to this forum. But NOT new to trying to get sober. I have had a long relationship with alcohol and have yet again vowed to finally say good bye to it. I am SO HAPPY to have found this forum. Iā€™m very motivated to keep sober, but do not go to meetings (please no judgement, itā€™s my prerogative at this time, thanks) so kinda feel alone. Hoping to make some online friends to help me stay on path, while i help them!!

@Brittany_Phillips awesome job, girl!! Iā€™ve never made it 12 days. Youā€™re an inspiration!!:heart:

@Michele how ya doing? Hang in there. Weā€™re here for you. You inspire me, Iā€™ve never even made double digitsā€¦

Hey to all my sober friends and family!!! Howā€™s everyone doing tonight??