
Sometimes i think i am alone when i perfectly know that my family and some friends support me

I think cocaine is messing up my brain im just an early addict but i know that i must stop doing it

Anyone ever get impulsive thoughts or behavior early on? Day 5. Can’t sleep and I have the urge to get out of bed and exercise at 230 in the morning. Anxiety maybe?

I need help. Day 1 of opiate withdrawal and using Kratom to help, but need to get off Kratom too. Any advice?

Hey everyone

Hello all… Got on here to help with one of my character defects. I will say it is helpful to have the quotes. I read them from time to time. On May 19th I will be celebrating 7years clean n sober. I know that there are many ways to sI try to keep an open mind the longer I’ve been sober the better

New here !

Hey I’m New here anyone wanna chat

Hey everyone, redsox game tonight, a loss but sober fun is a win

Yes. Good morning well it is here!

New here too

I am 8hrs into being clean from prescription pain killers. I have a chronic pain condition but i have abused the meds for over 2 years now… I’m not scared of being clean I’m scared of withdrawls and resisting the pills… but i am a mom and i have to. I feel like a horrible person and I’m doing all of this on my own as i have no one in my life that i can turn to for help or advice. I’m making small goals. First goal?? Reach 24hrs.

New here! My name is Kadedra. I’m 19 days sober today from Suboxone. Its been hard but everyday sober is totally worth it. Figured this would help motivate me😊

I’ve been learning to deal with cravings carefully so as to not reach for alcohol. Thankfully I’m eating exercising and sleeping better so alcohol cravings are lessening.

Hey karli. I know coming off any opiate is hell. Keep your head up and your sober network. This seems like a great place to start

Hello everybody. Also new here. Not sure how these things work but I’m trying it out. I’m hours sober from alcohol and ciggerettes. I’m 29 but it has already affected my liver and teeth. I want to be sober and be able to wake up without hangovers or cravings. And just enjoy the beautiful day and be outside and live life and not worry about the next time I can drink.

I relapsed again after being sober for 90 day’s

Hello everyone my name is is Anthony I’m from Portland ,OR I’m trying tthis road to recovery for the fourth time and need a lil bit of support

I fucked up again. Used and drunk. Day 1 again. Im new to this app too. But reading everyone else’s things makes me feel not alone.

So can’t seem to get this right, I hit my reset button last night and now I’m back at day 1 yet again