
How do I post in a thread not chat?

Iā€™m new to thisā€¦i just downloaded this and have no clue how to do it

Where it says chatroom select " all categories"

Hi lol whatā€™s everyone doing? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Today Iā€™m 30 days clean! Iā€™m getting to celebrate by myself in the hospital again. I got an infection in my blood n heart from shooting meth! Iā€™m so done wit this! :mask:

Hi am back and sober

Jen good wortk

Just come out of a 2 day coke and booze relapse, feeling so low, I have spent a fortune, and damaged my car. Iā€™m picking myself up this is my 5th and final time! You

Man I wake feeling so great today !

9days. It took ten years of drunk to warn this. Iā€™m not giving up yet.

New to this chat. Today I am 70 days clean and sober. Alochol and weed are my struggle this time around. Clean from meth for 9 years!

There is nothing like waking up and remembering everythingā€™s you did last night!!!

I have 39 days today after lapsing a few times this past year. but itā€™s the most sober time Iā€™ve had in the last 20 years with hard work a sponsor and reading and working the steps sobriety is now a reality for me

Hi, Iā€™m nikki. I was born in New Orleans. Iā€™m 39. And, Iā€™ve got 4 children. Only one of which lives with me. My 10 year old son who has enduredone more than any kid should. Anyways, after moving around my whole childhood, we finally ended up in Tallahassee fl. Being raised by an alcaholic mother was not easy. I swore Iā€™d never be that person. And so at age 15 I started to use drugs. Iā€™m talking about any drug. Pot, shrooms, coke, crack, pills. Even huffing gas. Iā€™m pretty sure I destroyed mist of my brain cells. By age 19 i had a son. crack ended up being my drug of choice It was at age 25 when I was sitting in jail for the 8th time or so, when I realized that I couldnā€™t do this anymore. I was given an opportunity to get out on probation, or go to impatient rehab for a year. I never did probation. They would let me out and Iā€™d just go right back to getting high. So I took the rehab. I stayed clean for almost 10 years. I started to find myself. Or so I thought. I ha

Continue from last post: I started using pills. Not long after that I ended up in prison. Leaving 3 small children behind. Iā€™ve been out of prison for two and a half years. Although Iā€™ve not used a drug, I found myself drinking a lot. To the point of black outs and voliolence. Iā€™ve been hospitalized numerous times. And this time my condition seems life threatening. Iā€™ve been sober for 10 days. And itā€™s not fun. Iā€™m here for support. And to share my experience, in hopes that I may be able to help another addiict. Thank you. ā€¦

Drugs and alcohol are not an option for me anymore. I want to learn how to life a healthy and sober life. And I think that point in which its no longer an option for many people, is when sobriety becomes available.

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Happy to be sober today! One day at atime :slight_smile

Massive fall off the wagon in the past week. Day 1. Again.

I am at day 1 too

Also day 1 again! I feel so stupid relapsing again!