
Really gonna give this a try. Drinking makes everything better. But slowly everything worse. I’m 22 and been drinking since I was 18. Things are getting worse I’m losing friends and even family relationships. But all I think about is how I just want one drink.

Hello all. I have struggled with alcoholism most of my adult life.working in the liquor industry didn’t help. Went to rehab about 15 years ago after divorce and losing the love of my children. I have spent most of my life blaming myself for ruining my family . I managed the keep the drinking at a reasonable level especially since retiring in 2014. My kids came back into my life. I endured their abuse for about a year when l realised that my drinking was as bad if not worse than before rehab. I had to draw a line for my health sake., knowing this would lead to a split. They have once again excommunicated me this time it involves my 3 beautiful grandchildren who I miss beyond words. It’s been a nasty couple of months so I will start each day anew. Funny thing is I feel so much better when I don’t drink but damn those cravings!

Cheers xine

Annl, I totally understand. Good job recognizing the issue and tackling it. Good luck!

Hey everyone! I’m Gabby

My names Gabby I’m 23 years old and I’ve bee. Struggling with IV herion, I’ve been on it since I was 20 not a long time but long enough, it’s a battle it’s self everyday struggle after struggle, I’m tried of worrying about where my next high is coming from, so I wanted to be apart of this awesome support group cause I definitely need all the support I can get right now it’s going to be a long road ahead of me but the rainbow is going to be ever brighter on the other side!!!

Hi gabby, great perspective, we are here for You!

I’ve haven’t done any coke only had a couple of beers no hard liquor anymore but its hard but i gotta get better

Hey so I have getting sober a try a while back and failed. I’ve decided to give it another go I’m tired of letting beer control my life

I have 60 days today. New to sober time. All I can say is surrender to your higher power what or whoever it may be (I don’t care if it’s a tree…), admit you are powerless over alcohol & your life has become unmanageable, have an OPEN MIND! Be HONEST!! I’m nicheren Buddhist & the philosophy goes hand in hand with sobriety!! Thank you gohonzon! 1 day, hell, 1 second @ a time!! You get what you get, when you do what you do!!Nam Myoho Renge kyo! :innocent:

Also remember that we have a SEVERE ALLERGY to alcohol! Would you eat peanuts if you knew your throat would swell up & you could potentially suffocate & die? Nope… Dont think so!! I have a severe allergy to alcohol. If I drink I die!!! I love life, just got a 2nd chance @ it! I choose to do with my life what I was put in this body to do!:innocent: That is help others that are still suffering! I pray/meditate(chant-nam myoho renge kyo) morning & evening & read pgs 86-88 og bb of alcoholics anonymous. Helps me tremendously! At first sobriety is tough. It gets easier! Life is still life, but in technicolor!! It’s BITCHEN!! I hope this has helped someone!! Smile, it’s sure to be contagiousness! ! Sobriety is awesome!! Stay long enough to find out for yourself! :sun_with_face::star::innocent::pray:

15 days Sober!!!

60 days today!

Super. Emotional

I’m only a couple days in, but finding that my emotions are running wild. I’m constantly on the verge of tears for no good reason. Either that, or I want to bite someone’s head off for no good reason. Then, I’ll find something funny and laugh before cycling through these crazy mood swings all over again. I feel like a basket case. I’m 37 and started drinking pretty much daily since I was 16. Damn. Sounds kind of crazy when I say (or write) that out loud! I tried quitting once before and made it 4 months. I was so proud of myself that I allowed one celebratory drink for the holidays. Well, you can guess how that turned out. I’m tired of blacking out. I’m tired of doing stupid sh** I regret while under the influence. I’m tired of losing a full day or more while I recover from the hangover from hell. I’m tired of feeling helpless under the spell of alcohol. So…like I said, 2 days in, but an emotional mess! Is or has anyone else gone through this while trying to get sober? Help, I feel like a lunatic, but I know this isn’t the real me!

Hello guys I’m on day 16 coming off methadone

I’m new here I’m 16 days sober off methadone.

First time in 3 years…craved for alcohol but did not buy one…

15 days today

Hello all