
I’m Marie and I just signed up. I’ve seen what substance abuse can do and have decided to quit. :blush: I want to feel more present in my life.

Wishing everyone the best!

I’m new to the group! 7 days sober. It’s been a struggle getting here, but I’m here.

I am new to group. I have been sober from alcohol for over 6 and half years.

I’m 98 days over from Meth. it has been hard

I am new. 5 days this time. I’m an habitual relapser.

Hi all. New here. 2 days sober. I am tapering… still in denial

@raiannmorse same here, that is when i manage to even try to stop.!

Had 45 days…relapsed.1 week clean tonight. This is where you find out who your real friends and supporters are (when you relapse) I never expected to be abandoned in a true time need. Hoping to find friendly support here, although I know its not mandatory for recovery because God is everything or He is nothing. It just feels better to have human support. Thanks for being here :smirk:

I’m glad we’re all here doing this. Good luck to us all :heart:

Hello all

I have some time maybe 3 weeks and I wanna blaze but I’ve been saying no and it getting easier

Almost forty days and I feel like my memory is worse than when I drank… anyone else experience this?

Hey Everyone!

Hii hope fully

I can stay sober today :fearful:

I have been trying to give up alcohol for a while and it is a never ending story i drink every night and feel guilty and say I’m quitting but i just drink again the next night

Good morning and best wishes and love to all off you who are willing and wanting to get, be and stay sober for no one but yourself! :cherry_blossom:

Hi everyone! Enjoy your day :slight_smile:

Hi everyone