
Trying to post my story, says I have a link in it and I dont…

@shmacky thank u sweetie

Today is my 51 days clean :smile: and off course I ended up getting strep throat yaay me hahah oh well but anywho congrats to everyone who’s clean an sober it’s not easy that’s for damn sure but we’re gunna get through this shit one second one hr or one min or even one day at a time we got this

@Damian cant help u with that, Im a newbie so still trying to figure it soz mate :woman_shrugging:

@RoseThorn Hope u feel btr soon and ur right we can do this :facepunch::facepunch::muscle::muscle::raised_hands::raised_hands:

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Thank you me too, I Take my last doc of meds tonight so let’s hope I feel alot better tomorrow. I see my primary care tomorrow so we shall see lol

I cant take meds. I have a high risk for becomming addicted to mind altering substances. Vitamins will be my friend.

@RoseThorn tats rite we can get threw this shit and enjoy a good life sober u no

We have 1 shot at this life, lets all make it better ffs. This isnt school anymore , we all want to stop the bs. just all in a diff position. thats why we all are here, to get that spark we need

Hi everyone lonely evening trying to keep busy

@Vic88 Stay positive bro. Think of the past and the pain you had, thats what I do.


7 Days…good days n bad but Im there lol

@shmacky Keep it up! Im almost to 7 days clean off cocaine, and alcohol. We got this, We all got this fight. Chin up foot forward!


I messed up big time , i relapsed 65 hours ago had drinks and today i have my last meeting with my probation officer late in the afternoon. I am afraid , I will test positive

I don’t know if they will let me reschedule this appointment for tmrrw and🙄

Hi Gail

@Gail do u hve a a new plan of action to help u get over this lapse?? Stay strong hope all went well with ur meet :grin:

@Damian well done u. Every day is a fight be we r fighting strong :facepunch::facepunch::muscle::muscle: