
How’s everyone feeling today? Finally over 1 week and it’s pretty motivating knowing I can get this far. Where’s everyone else at?

@Lilemm Sorry to hear about the rough night. Hopefully you can get a nice nap in or maybe some meditation throughout the day to get the much needed rest. Keep hanging in there! It’s all worth the result. Each day moving forwards gets easier.

im at 8 and a half days or 202 hours never thought id get this far life is defo better sober only problem im having now is im always thinking about drink a lot more then i normally would but i guess i just have to ignore it hope everyone is well

Hello Everyone. Been an addict in twenty years. Mostly pills and weed. Im currently trying to taper down my valiums, but my doctor has told me it May be too late. But the strong stuff; Coke, speed, and Heroin havent been a problem for many years. My question is; is weed ok? In small doses like 0,3 grams a day. I want too keep my meds (10x3 with diazepam), and i dont want too give up my weed. I dont consider It a problem.

Been sober for 47 days… no weed, just my meds.


My first week clean I’m dealing with withdrawals but I know I have to I dont even enjoy riding it anymore I get crabby with my kids I dont do anything all I do is sit on the couch and watch TV or try and nap this week I’ve been alot better more motivated and not as crabby I got to do this

Hey guys day 1 here goes deleted app and reinstalled was lilemm no@ mental warfare xxheres to trying yet again.

You Norwegian lilleme?

No English,why you askhunni

I’m trying to not drink .it’s destroying my marriage ! I’ve had a problem for years .my husband has told me now it has to stop , and that now I have to choose . I’ve gone so far as to hide drink all over my house and lied about being sober :sob:. I’ve stopped for days here and there bit never really meant it .I don’t want to lose everything . So I’ve decided this has to be it now . I’m awake since 3:30 am as I can’t sleep . I have terrible pains in my feet and ankles :frowning:… It’s so bad :sob:. … All I can think about is drinking right now … Can anyone give advice on tips to re train the brain to not go for the bottle . And things to substitute with ? … I’m really trying so hard , but it’s got it’s claws so deeply rooted under my skin , it’s getting harder :sob::sob::sob::sob::sob:

Hang in there bamba. You can do this! Just take it one hour at a time. Don’t give up. It does get easier. This too shall pass.

Bamba get out the house clear your head go for a morning walk before the day gets busy listen to the birds smell the fresh air it’s all there for the taken. @Bamba

Thanks guys XXX I’m going to bring my dogs for a walk … This app does really help knowing there are people here to support :blush:

Is it normal to feel physical pain ? My feet and ankles especially :frowning:

@bamba stay hydrated if your not hungry just eat little fluids are really important if you have a shitty night get ya shoes on and get out the space your in try to meditate even if u never have.stay in contact and stay strong

Thank you so much . It really helps to hear from people who have been in the same situation . I don’t feel judged . I downloaded a book last night called 12 steps explained in today’s language . It’s amazing XXX

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I was so close to a full week of no relapse and I relapsed yesterday. I have not made it a full week in so long! I don’t want this life of drinking and havent wanted it for awhile. But I keep doing it. I get triggered so easy. Any advice and feedback os welcomed.

Bamba i can relate, but i dont have the same addiction. But Try to shift ur focus to ANYTHING else than the drink. And u shouldnt go cold turkey, this Will probebly fail, or worse IT can cause delirium. Maybe u should consider taking some valiums (short term)

@Lilemm just a hunch :rofl:. How is Life treating u?

@Bamba ur pains Are most likely psykosomatic. I had terrible stomach problems, some 50 days ago, and it went on for days and days. Puking up everything. I too was really worried. But then my therapist managed to distract me, and suddendly, it all went away within the blink of an eye… so then i started distracting myself (singing actually:) instead of moaning. And now, i barely notice IT. I have a stomach syndrom, but sometimes these symptoms we Are experiencing, Are mainly psykosomatic.but do not go cold turkey with alcohol. Its dangerous, and benzos Are very good way of treating the sudden symptoms of whitdrawls. But short term. Just the first weeks. U dont want to end up like me, with a prescription thats lasted for 16 years. The doctor tells me that i could and shouldnt quit. I go into epileptic seizures every single time i Try.