* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Day 33.Long work week .TGIF✌️


Checking in day 140.

@KevinesKay Thank you. I’m still going strong.


Oh, good Reddit thread! This one was my favourite:


361 days pretty happy about that :smile:


Great job 361 is amazing! Keep up the good work.

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I love this one! Never thought of putting it like that, but it’s cleaver really.

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Day 26.
Today I will have another date. We will meet in one of my favorite restaurants and I am happy not to have to drink.

Last time I went there with my Ex 3 years ago, I have been so unhappy, I remember well that evening. I wished so badly to be a “good wife”, while driving out his violence. I ordered way to much wine, just to feel like a normal wife having a good time with her husband.

But in reality it wasn’t.

So…today I will go there, happy, confident, meeting another man.

I am very careful. If I just feel a very, very little violence, egoism or narcissistic behavior - I’ll pay my stuff and go home.

  1. This week has been full of inspiration, growth and reflection. I’ve had a lot of confronting circumstances with my ex husband, my children and also with life and death…a co worker/friend of mine passed away last night, who was my age and died of an apparent heart attack…being reminded of the fragility of life can be difficult… And at the same time today, I’m hearing about babies being born and friends announcing their pregnancies. I am just humbled by the pure love and deep pain life has to offer and I’m so moved by it. I want to live life like I am reborn every day. I want to decide how I want to live, act, and feel… Like I’m starting with a clean slate the moment I open my eyes.

Same here…


Alisonnnnnnnnn!!! Hi. :slightly_smiling_face:

Yeah, I saw yer creeping. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Sorry to hear about the rough go, but glad to see you back in the fold. :v:


Checking in for day 19


Day 385. Been taking a beat the last few days. Partly to collect focus and make good on things I said I would, partly to take a fresh inventory and spend more time with Lue. Through this discovering a whole new box of things I didn’t want to admit about myself, but they’re the truth and it’s alright.

Whether or not someone’s already told you today, you’re awesome and I love you. :v: :heart:


Hi Lea,
That’s easy. The only control we have in life is over ourselves, our thoughts, goals, wishes and actions. Once other factors and/or people enter our lives there’s compromise and an inevitable loss of control and choice. Its difficult to be fair to others without giving up some of ourselves…


Good luck! you’ve got this be strong and have a amazing time! X


Hope you stumble over someting good soon Daniel :wink:

How I recognize your feelings @Lionfish. Not with a ex husband, but the life and death encounters. A lot of deads in my surroundings lately. It’s hard (dead) and beautiful (new life) and confronting (sickness) too. It made my trying to live like tomorrow I can be dead by a bus (sorry if that sound to hard, can’t explain it easier :laughing: )

That was another persons ending line here wasn’t it? Someone we miss out here but his name won’t pop up in my head right now, just his profile picture :blush: Do you know who it was @Eke?


Yes indeed, @Twowaymirror. That line (a little tweaked) really stuck with me, too :heavy_heart_exclamation:

Where ya at, @Twowaymirror?


Day 18. So far so good. The cravings are intense but short lived. I found another community on Twitter. Decent folks. Fewer rules & more chaotic, but interesting.


Been slowly giving up the illusion that I had any control over things outside myself since I started my journey of recovery…just didn’t realize it was so important for growth and moving forward in life. But it’s becoming clearer every day : )


Day 334 :coffee:
Had a lady in my shop yesterday. She thought she had a vitamine B deficit because she had neuropatic pains in her fingertips. When I asked questions about health, lifestyle, diet, doctor, medication, etc. I think I found the reason why: she drank every day and more then she should. That can give a vitamin B deficit for sure!
I told her about my own struggle with alcohol. Strange thing to do because she own’s our local licor store just around the corner of the shop I work in. So we know eachother by face (didn’t buy my wine there, to expensive :hugs: ).
I hope I helped her a bit. She left my shop with a high dosed vitamin B complex and a lot to think about!
Today we’re doing it again sober friends, today were sober as f**k! :facepunch: