* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

I used to have the same tingling in my fingers havent had it for a few week’s now its a lovely feeling :slight_smile: x


It sure is: progression! :facepunch:



The only thing I know for sure is that life is shorter then we think and the lessons Ive learned and the experiences Ive had make me who I am. I’m grateful for those ive met and their contributions, both good and bad. Mistakes will be made and judgements will be passed but in the end I can only be me…


The book I’m reading about grief talks a lot about forgiveness of others and ourselves. It also mentions how everyone that’s come into our lives has so for a higher purpose and if we really reflect we will see the lessons that came with each… And fully understand how they have only added to our lives. I’m getting there :slight_smile: I guess it’s a never ending lesson really.


Yes! That was him! Thank you! Hope he will be back soon, he is missed! I think I saw him tagged too in the “who we miss” tread.

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@Yomomma glad to see you here again !!! I missed you!!! Here day 13 Sober. We should never gave up. One day sober is a treasure


It’s hard sometimes to grow, but it doesnt have to mean we put away who we are. Sometimes that’s all you’ll have…


@KevinesKay thank you brother for the encouragement. You know how difficult are the first days


I was not good with meetings this week. Lots of traveling and work and social engagements gave kept me away, unfortunately. I will be calling in on Monday. Thanks for keeping me accountable!


I learnt this years ago from someone heavily into the spiritual life. I’ve tried to live by it.
It’s great to see your self reflection Lea. Well, it’s great to see you!
Keep up the work!:grinning:



In thirty minutes, I will have earned 475 days clean. The one thing that did bug me is that I finally had to mute a thread. My recovery comes first and foremost, and though I strive to help others, there’s times enough is enough.


Day 5: Today I have a conversation with my ex-girlfriend about selling the house and stuff like that. We also have to discuss what to do with out to cats, we can not separate them so its gonna be her or me who takes them.
I don’t look forward to this conversation but it is unavoidable and we must do this.
Hope it all works out well.

Yesterday no cravings at all so thats good. For the first time in 5 days I a had a good sleep.

I am ready for another sober day!
Stay strong me friends! :blue_heart::+1:t3::muscle:t3:

“People don’t always need advice. Sometimes all they really need is a hand to hold, an ear to listen, and a heart to understand them.”


I always enjoy your posts, but I’m finding them especially refreshing recently with what I’ve had going on internally the last few days. Thanks for giving me lots to think about! :slight_smile:


Morning you lovely lot …checking in at day 287…having spent my whole life not dealing with anything sobriety has taught me the only way out of a fire is through it and each day i stay sober and deal with the challenges given to me i become a better person, a person i like :grin:…so have an awesome weekend people …remember 1 day at a time :grin::sun_with_face::heart:


Morning all, first check in for a while. Day 827 here, first weekend without any plans for months and boy do I need it. My home is getting a thorough clean today, as I’ve been travelling so much I’ve just been keeping on top of the basics. Looking forward to it feeling fresh again.

This Scottish weather is shocking, it was like rivers running out of the sky last night and still raining this morning, I like rain at times, it’d be ok if it didn’t seem so permanent though.

I’m off to Netherlands next week for a week so looking forward to that, I’m thinking about emigrating there in a couple of years so setting up a meeting with our office there to explore the potential for it and get to know them a bit better.

Have a great weekend whatever you’re up to.

Stay strong and stay sober.


Day 71. Finally a good night’s sleep! Late work shifts coming up. When I drank I used to down close to 2 bottles after working late, then fall in a coma like state, wake up hungover and repeat the next day. Truly happy and relieved I broke that vicious cycle. I love my sobriety. One day at a time. @NewPerspective having a rather wet summer here, you sure you want to move over? Have a good sober day all, love from Amsterdam.


I spend quite a bit of time there, it’s much better than here to be fair. Fijne dag.


Hey! You were missed, glad you’re back lady❤️

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I’m glad that you’re finally getting a break from your addiction. Man! Those first few days getting clean can be a bear! Especially, after being sober for a few months. For me, it’s easier to keep the heart clean then it is to clean it after it’s been defiled