Checking in daily to maintain focus #10

Absolutely it feels great. I didn’t realize the negatives of never going to a chiropractor. You can get bad eye sight from pinched nerves, hearing and sense of taste, also you can experience really bad brain fog and and memory loss. And yeah these two times I’ve felt much more clear, and just relaxed. You can feel the stress and anxiety leave. Definitely recommend


Absolutely same here with my girls, the fighting has subsided. They are hugging each other and playing. And yeah just made me want to cry I literally so was blind.


Day 113. This is a weird hard time in world history. I’m happy to be sober for it at least.

I’m conscious, reading this site these days, that we all share our goal to quit unhealthy addictions, but we don’t necessarily share political views, cultural backgrounds, assumptions, nationality or religion. That can be divisive but it’s also a beautiful thing, if we can all, while here, hang onto what we do share, which is the intention to be better and take it one day at a time.


Marie, it is good to know I am not the only one struggling at almost 60 days. Cravings were bad last week with the first of warmer weather. They seem to have dissipated this week. Maybe b/c of the virus :microbe:.

Day 59.
Trying to cobble a Woody from toy story outfit together to celebrate 2 mos. sober (per Marie’s request). With “THE Covid” rolling around I will see what I can find.

Everyone have a great and sober day!!!


You got this!! Iv had to reset before now I’m on day 10. Stay at it!!


Day 10. Hmm haven’t really had the urge to drink but definitely panicked when i thought they would shut the lq store. Did come home from work last night and go straight to bed. Idk why just no motivation. I feel good though just different not drinking.




I can relate. And for whatever reason I was in bed by 7, same deal, no motivation and just wanted to lay my head down and stretch out. Was awake at 4:30 am though…

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I was up so early as well lol hope I have motivation today


Checking in !!! Still working for as long as it still is possibel.
Made lunch for all the workers 2day couz the regular cook isnt fit to work with the corona risk… had to do it all by myself but now they want me as regular in the kitchen so thats good food-feedback i guess.

Be well, safe and healthy peopzzz.



Happy first day of Spring!!!


I’m so glad to have this community!
I’m only on 2 weeks but I feel good and I tend to rise to the occasion in emergencies. With all that’s going on it makes me more determined about living life clean and in the present.
We are all helping each other so much, hang in there brothers and sisters!:sparkling_heart:


I have said it before, but I cannot think of a worse time to be a slave to the bottle. I am so grateful I don’t choose to go thru this with hangovers, bad decisions, blackouts and even more crushing anxiety and despair. What a blessing to be sober.


YASSSS! Completely agree. :two_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::two_hearts:

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Day 5 check in. Some mornings I wake up and see the whiskey and think of pouring myself a shot. Being quarantined with my inlaws kills me. My mother in law mopes around depressed and drunk because she lost 300k in the stock market. I am always having to be strong for her. My father in law is constantly watching Fox News and cursing to himself. They fight alllll the time.
Some days arent so bad. Its really my own mindset. Yesterday I woke up and did yoga and that helped. I just have to resist the urge each day to drink. I see what the drinking is doing to my mother in law, she has a nervous break down each day. Its horrible for her mental and physical health. It is POISON.

Anyway, today is going to be a good day. I am going to make it that way. So glad I have you guys.


Good to gear stores are looking normal again in your area. They’re absolutely empty here so that gives me some hope :blush:

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Day 16.
Struggling as usual, but I am staying strong in my sobriety.
Does anybody know or have resources online as far as working the 12 steps?
Just trying to push forward and strengthen my sobriety…because I know that one day the anger I currently have towards drugs is going to fade and when that happens the risk of relapse will increase greatly.
Love you all so very very much!


Hopefully, it gets back to normal for ya.

We’ll see how it looks when I go Saturday morning…


Day 127. Starting off rough. I didnt sleep well and my neck is killing me. I go to the chiropractor once a month, the appointment is for Monday, but I havent heard it they closed or not. I’ll have to call later.

Yesterday was a pretty good day. Finally got over the initial shock of everything changing in my life and we went for a long walk in the woods. Then I actually felt like folding laundry(that’s a shocker). But once my man got home from work, and drank his usual amount, our typical fight followed. Luckily it hasnt been escalating too far as he normally just goes to bed at that point. Then I finally get some quiet alone time I’ve been missing out on.

I was happy to hear him say they are closing all liquor store at 8pm tonight. Only beer now. Or four locos(idk how he drinks those things). So glad I dont have to worry about trying to stock up on that kind of stuff anymore. I cant imagine this happening last year. I’d have been a wreck and it would turn into a disaster. My neck is already feeling a little better from moving around(coffee helps too :coffee:). Hoping it stops raining bc it’s pretty warm outside today. Yay spring!


Day 92…Grateful to be Sober.Stay Well✌🏻