Checking in daily to maintain focus #11

Welcome! Instead of making excuses hang with us. It helps. Together we’re so much stronger then we are alone. We’re all just a drink away to being right back were we were. That’s why it works being here. The best of success.


real happy for you. :100::heart::100::muscle::100:

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Welcome to this wonderful forum. Take it hour by hour for now. We’re all here cheering you on. Reach out if needed and we’ll talk you off the ledge.


Hang in there! It does get easier. Consider it a fight and you’re not a loser, lol!:grin::+1:


I can’t help myself sometimes. I’m just a chatter box. Especially after not having regular adult conversations for a month!


Thanks @Mno! Big love and hugs right back at ya from Texas! :heart:


You’re part of my journey dear Paul. :blush: Glad to know you. :heart:

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Hate I missed it, and just realized I won’t make next weekend because my internet will be turned off for my move. So the Saturday after from my new groovy apartment :man_dancing:


So… I posted this a year and a half ago (November 2018) It’s now getting worse, and I remembered this post because it’s strong today. I’m feeling it during the day today, all day, I don’t know what to reference it to. Just intense guilt, shame, embarrassment, unworthiness, shit if I just can’t put my finger on what in the hell this is. Regret? Screwing up my entire life? What? Just venting I guess. Sigh.


Day 83.63

I put down the app for 1.5 days to get a number of chores done. Also, I wanted to prove that I am not addicted to the app :slight_smile: . Although, there are far worse things to be addicted to.

Most of the big chores are done as of 3 PM Sunday. I’ve even prepped the grill for Sunday night grill fest!!! Whooohooooooo!!! Baked potatoes go on first and then the bone-in pork tenderloins. I also, have an Indian Vandaloo slow cooking in the Instant Pot. I will add some of the grilled pork at the end. That gives me dinner and lunch for the week. Done.

Tonight is TS, work work, ice cream, TV, and then bed.

Hopefully everyone is having a great Easter weekend!!! :rabbit: :hatched_chick: :hatched_chick: :rabbit:


Can’t wait to see the apartment! So excited for you.

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Sir, @funnydad you are more than welcome to join us whenever ready :hugs:


You are amazing, so super proud of you :star_struck::heart_eyes::+1::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart:


Congrats @crystalclear! :heart_eyes:

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Great job Cristel!!!
7 months is fantastic…I am so happy for you!!!

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Checking in on day 29.


Thank you! It’s been great to be on this journey with you.

Appreciate you Hanna!

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Day 264. Deep cleaned the kitchen and bathroom, hit the store, and gonna get a walk in with the pupper before the rain hits. Just another day trying to stay moving and not just plant my butt on the couch all day.

Have a strong day!!!


@Beardy_McTallman Congratulations! U are working so hard, u deserve it.

@Thumper1213 Learn from ur triggers, and next weekend try to avoid them.

@crystalclear Congratulations! U are so right, it is easy to fall into complacency, got to keep working even if sober. Great u r so self-aware.

@Girlinterrupted It doesn’t happen everyday, but fairly often I’ll remember friends I lost thru drinking, some humiliating incident, and I just feel sick.

Day 114
Went to pick up my regular prescription of anti-depressants. Much like the discussion of sharing at meetings I don’t know what to say. If I feel OK I feel weird asking for the meds (even tho it is the meds keeping me ok).