Checking in daily to maintain focus #11

Tough ride today but grateful I can still do it!


My heartfelt congratulations again to this super strong beautiful lady :confetti_ball::bouquet::tada: I hope you have a day full of sunshine. A lot of chocolate Easter eggs to celebrate and your lovely family around you. I admire you for your patience, your time you give to each and everyone on here with your beautiful advices and just being yourself. Stay exactly like you are!!! Love you my dear friend @cristelclear​:sparkling_heart::kiss:


Thank you sweet @anon35096624! Couldn’t have done it without your support. Shouldn’t you be in bed now?? Get some sleep lovely. :blush: :heart:


Happy Easter!! I am on day 15? Had a wonderful day hiding eggs and having a water balloon fight. My happiness is still at an all time high despite gaining 15 pounds and my living situation. Dont know why I am so happy but I am not complaining either!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I dusted off my kindle that I bought 3 years ago (and never used till now) … Just started the book “Neglect The Silent Abuser… How to Recognize and Heal from Childhood Neglect.” Its good. Happy sober day!

Great job on 7 months @crystalclear !!
AND 30 DAYS!! @Beardy_McTallman


You have to let it go. I used to wake up everyday with extreme dread wondering why I did not seek help earlier in life. It consumed me for a long time. Why did I waste so much time I’d ask myself? What would my life be like now?
This goes all the way back to high school. People still tell me things I did drunk or conversations. I remember none of it. Every morning I played various scenarios, scenes, etc.

I finally had to convince myself to stop looking back and cut it off. It does not mean you don’t have thoughts of it, but you cannot let it consume you. It was hard to stop, but through practice I did. With it came relief and peace.


The thing is, it’s not specific. I don’t know what the feeling is attached too. So I’m not thinking of anything just feeling it. I’m weird and super bad at explaining things.


Checking in sober. I’m having trouble letting go of expectations of myself and others. I think the only way to avoid this is to just be around no one that I have deeper feelings about. Today’s been a hard day. My habit is to be productive every single day because it helps me stay in gratitude. But today I need rest. And I’m struggling with it. But I’m sober and sobriety means something to me, and right now that’s all I can ask for.


Second check in going to bed sober/ :pray:


Checking in sober. Today was a good day with sunshine, a walk in the woods and a virtual dance party.
Despite quarantine and being unable to pick up a regular chip, a friend and fellow made and delivered a cake. :sob::sparkling_heart:


That’s awesome Ariel!! :clap::grin:


Checking in day 373 no alcohol, day 287 no drugs, day 114 no pmo.


Wow! Awesome :smiley: :sunglasses: :clap: :pray:

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Just for today mate just for 10, 5 or one minute if you have to. Don’t quit before the miracles happen. It works if you work at it. And we can always reset our days if it’s not going the way we want.

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Nice Ariel…enjoy that cake. You earned it!!!

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just checking in again at the end of my day. I am so glad I checked in at the beginning because I think it helped a lot setting me up to be clean today. I’m going to sleep at a reasonable time. I’m going to commit now to waking up with a good attitude tomorrow— usually to try to get up, I either need to be motivated by “someone will get angry at me if I don’t get up now!” or well . . . satisfying a craving. But I want to change that. I don’t want the reason that I get out of bed to be because I’m scared or because I want drugs. I want my reason for getting out of bed to be because I love my life and want to live. I want to wake up feeling excited for the day, cherishing the time I have. Not being strung along by other people and cravings. I’m going to make it to three days. I give myself permission to be happy as I am— I don’t need drugs, I don’t need alcohol, I don’t need other people to tell me when I’m allowed to be happy. I can wake up and feel happy just for being here. Thanks everyone for this supportive community :two_hearts:


You’re always welcome here Chris. Good to see you! We’re here to help.

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Aww! This is so awesome! You’ve got a very thoughtful friend there. Sounds like a keeper to me. :blush:

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  1. Back to work. Got a bit of a cold. Nothing more I think. Be safe all. Clean and sober. Love from Amsterdam where we had a lovely Easter day. It wasn’t quiet in the streets but people kept their distance. @aircircle Awesome quit time lady! Nice token too.

I hope you worked it out and found your peace yesterday, having somewhat of an isolated easter. have a good day today!

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Day 13. had some drinking dreams the other night. uggh those are aweful. started bargaining and so i checked into a meeting. glad i did. got a shipment of brewing ingredients that I ordered back when i was drunk. Dumped out the yeast and that helped clear up my anxiety. did some yoga and meditation and had a nap. had a nice easter dinner today. no drama all day after that. can’t wait to get past this phase of my quit. i know the dreams will probably keep bothering me for a bit longer. does anyone know how long they will last?