Checking in daily to maintain focus #11

Day 35
5 weeks


Going to look this Guide up Jane. Daily Lesson hit home with me as my thinking were much in line with yours.
Your Breath-work did make me chuckle, but hell if it makes you feel powerful then it sounds worth the freeze. Alien feeling for me “powerful” as normally so defeated. Hence it has pique my interest.

Off to google I go. thanks and have a great day


sure all will be well @Hazy, it was good you were honest as nothing worst then dreading if they find out! Enjoy your sober day

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thats great Jane, thank you so much. Will get signed up, will let you know how it goes!

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Great! In the netherlands

Made my first goal. 1 week! Next is double digits.


so am I! You are past that milestone now :trophy:… So now you can relax in to it again. So much going on think the most laid back person would feel unsettled at this time. You have given it everything and I am so happy for you.

Previously I was glued to TV constantly and felt horribly stressed which I feel contributed to my relapse, now only catch the news once a day so to keep informed. Plus I am “light” reading so much more to help with the stress.

But for now, I am reading about Web Security in prep for the interview which is sending me to sleep. I have set a “stop” alarm for 17.00 (in 2.5 hrs time), no more interview prep as will be overloaded.

“someone just give me a job” :rofl: :rofl:

Enjoy your day or night - cant keep track of people time zones…


well done @sprite keep going :muscle:

Day 145. Stay strong, brave sober allies.


I’m sorry you have such high anxiety right now. That feeling is never easy to be burdened with. When I realized I still had problems after I stopped drinking, it surprised me. I thought that I wouldn’t have low days, or sick days, or days I over eat, or days I lashed out at my kids. I thought all my problems would disappear. And a lot of them have, and everything I mentioned has gotten better, but you and me, we’re still human. Things will upset us even while sober. And arguments in a relationship is actually really normal. If the communication surrounding it is detrimental, then maybe there needs to be some work done there. Talk to your BF and discuss your needs and expectations… And open up about your fears. If you feel he’s pulling away, ask him to confirm that or not. And if you trust him, believe him when he answers you.

Hang in there :sparkles:


Ahhhhh so excited for you!!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

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I set an alarm this morning to get that shoot :star_struck: cheers big trouble.

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One time a therapist told me to do this so my mind stops
First imagine a stop Sign !!
Then you get in an elevator ( close your eyes), you will go up to the 1, 2 and 3 floor try to feel you are in the elevator going up.
Then you go down 3,2,1 when the elevator opens the door Picture a place that gives you Tranquility…
Do this many times to make your mind unwind


Thank you Donna, I pulled through. I shut my phone off ate a ton of chocolate and passed out. Crazy how I kind of feel like I still did use it from all the fighting in my mind, I have no motivation and I just woke up. Thank you @SoberWalker, @Misokatsu, @crystalclear, @Hopeful777 and @laura thanks guys. Made it to day 77.


Good to hear buddy…:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Day 8 !! I need to work 12 hours shift tonight :sob:


wow, wow, wow, looks fabulous, hope you dancing around those rooms, and what fantastic views, can imagine what it would look like at night!
Happy Home Warming Beth…

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thank you @Beardy_McTallman, trying everything that helps me to stay on straight and narrow. The only way is up :slight_smile:

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fantastic news! Was looking out for your post today and you did. High five! Day 77 :slight_smile:

Good job Mike!!!

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