Checking in daily to maintain focus #11

make sure you are… Take care


Wondering if anyone journals? Do you find it helpful?

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Sober cousins, lol


Hey guys! I am about to hit 24 days! So far so good! Today I am baking some lemon bars from scratch and then balance it out with a 3 mile run… those are my plans! We have had our quail egg for a week now and there was no sign of life until last night! Not getting my hopes up though. But who knows. Hope you guys all have a wonderful sober day! :heart_eyes:


Great job mike on making it to day 77 :raised_hands::raised_hands:


Yes. I try to do it every day. Helps me to get clarity and to empty my head. Seeing my thoughts written on paper makes me realize how much crap I make up sometimes. :sweat_smile: It also provides me the ability to wonder if those thoughts are actually true or not. If I don’t, those thoughts keep lingering and sometimes become monsters.


I will see how it goes. There isnt really anything to talk about from my perspective due to the disagreement i just dont know if its normal to feel unsteady afterwards

Hang in there man. I can understand you worry. How are you doing now?

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Day 30, I’ve not posted for a couple of days for one reason or another but today marks one month without a drink and it’s also my first day back at work on intensive care which I was a bit apprehensive about. I needn’t have been worried though as I have an amazing team around me and I’m back doing a job I love and also feeling like I can make a difference in this crazy time.


Hopefully it is just allergies. Get some sleep (let Luna keep you company) and hopefully you feel better. You had the picture with the blooming tree behind you. Probably just an explosion of pollen.

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Thanks so much for responding and caring Maria, and @GVLNative, @Fargesia_murielae, @Misokatsu, @Conor689908, @crystalclear and @anon79808082 . I’m OK. This whole world situation is just a massive mindfuck to me. Sometimes it all becomes a bit much. In the end I think I had a bad night. I might have corona but I’m not sick, these symptoms I’m having I’ve had for weeks, they’re a bit worse now. I had a shower, a nap and a bike ride after all. Had a long call with my friend. Got enough groceries for a week. Put clean sheets on my bed. Early night. I’ll be good. Thanks again. Love from Amsterdam.


Congratulations on one month!! That’s fantastic! Well done.

Day 6 of being completely sober and clean. Haven’t got much to say. Inside panic attack all day. None of the usual treatments help. Trying not to leave the house for booze purchase. :frowning:


Thank you :heart:

You can do this. I’m right there with you. Yesterday was my day six, and I was in the exact same boat. One day at a time, you can make it thru today. Believe in yourself. Remind yourself why you are here. Go for a walk, or take a shower, or meditate. Distract yourself.

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Day 272. Finally getting my bike tuned up, so that’s exciting. Worked out, walked the dog, added a juiced jalapeno to my juice today… probably gonna cut that down to 1/2 next time.

Keep on keeping on!
Have a strong day!!!


Thanks for the good words @She_hulk_kt . I’m struggling but trying to stay strong at the same time. I think early bed time might help.

Signed up :+1:

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