Checking in daily to maintain focus #11

I’ve been struggling TBH, I’ve been here and there on here, mostly in the seeking help section and now finally after a few bad weeks, all job related and cv stress, I think I’ve found that feeling again, the one you can’t turn on and off but when it’s on giving up is a lot easier and makes more sense, trust me i want to drink and smoke right now but I carry my 24 hour coin with me everywhere I go, I’ve just got to stay sober today. Thanks for thinking of me, I’m sure your still racking up the days like the legend you are. Its time for me now. :heart::pray::v:


Woo hoo! Congratulations on 100 days @I.cant.We.can.

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go straight to bed if you have to, I also work in a very toxic environment and did a 10 hour shift the other day, I thought I would be safe from alcohol but when you get home you just want to relax and drink and drugs is how we think we should do this, it’s amazing how much alcohol I managed to squeeze into the only 2 hours free of my day. My thoughts are with you in these difficult times. :heart::pray::v:

sorry but I just wanted to tell you that I love you. :100::blush::slight_smile::v::pray:

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Marie, that breathing exercise is hard.
What is the end result supposed be?

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lots of different benefits; energy, focus, immune system, my experience is I feel tingling whilst and after doing it (once I got the hang of technique), but feel focused and totally awake after doing it and generally feel better. Now that I am following that with cold showers!!! seems to clear my head and feel more alive. I totally love it. Quick google to see if I missed anything, highlights these benefits

Advantages of the Wim Hof Method breathing exercises

  • Stress reduction.
  • Faster recovery from physical exertion.
  • Better sleep.
  • Improved sports performance.
  • Enhanced creativity.
  • More focus and mental clarity

2nd and 4th bullet points would be good for you :grinning:


Thank you friend have a blessed day :pray:

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Nice, I’m gonna give this a shot as well with the cold showers thank you for sharing

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My heart truly goes out to you, I’ll be praying extra hard for you. Your time is coming, I can feel it. :crossed_fingers::pray::hugs:
Blessings and sobriety!


Triple digits in the house!!! Congrats to you. Keep up The great work!

can i get a what what lmfao ty dan

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Rocking chairs :heart_eyes: That’s awesome!

Day 11
I’m having a pretty good day. Lots of socializing, which is a little exhausting since I’m not a very social person :yum: Just cooked some dinner. Imma join a meeting later on. Have a good day folks! :pray::four_leaf_clover::heart:


back where I belong. :man_dancing:


Thank you very much for all the support you guys rock!!!
Four months stella yessss!!!

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Whooohoooooo!!! 4 months down!!!
You are killing it!!!

I love that quote…I think it explains our situations well.


Hey, all-
Checking in sober, Day 111 (a nice round number!)

Still dealing with the feeling of “justifiable” anger over an issue… Having trouble let it go, especially as the other party is posting lies on FB, emailing people and even calling people to disparage me. Trying to let it go, but it is hard.

Attended an AA step meeting hoping it would help. Was initially disappointed that instead of doing a step we did a tradition, Tradition 4. But when we got to the end of the reading, it was clear this was meant for me: “Rule #62: Don’t take yourself too damn seriously.”

Feeling better now, like so many things my pain is due to Ego. Let go of Self!


Almost 30 days; nice work!!!


Day 2, struggled with the urges but didn’t relapse! Felt like I had more energy when time is not wasted feeding poison to my brain.


Thanks. trying not to get excited about it. Will probably lay low until it’s passed :zipper_mouth_face:

Awesome! Way to go on 120!