Checking in Daily to Maintain Focus #12

Day 133. Nothing important to report. Feeling okay. Feel good!


Day 1. Again. Attended my first NA meeting on Zoom today. It’s finally starting to sink in that I can’t do this on my own.



Back on day 1. My name is Rad and I am an alcoholic. I won’t do this on my own. Anxiety is on very high level and cravings even higher. Had thoughts to go to get booze but turned them around.
Started reading about AA ( never knew as much) and see only one conclusion here. I won’t help myself without joining AA. To many attempts and relapses not to do this.


hi, imo it’s not so much how much AA can help you but it proves your ready to help yourself. Wish you well on your journey and well done for turning that craving around.

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Sounds like you realize you need help.
There are many types of meetings you can attend that can be found here:


Thanks Paul. I wasn’t ever so devastated after few days drinking so now I see how much I need to sort out my life. There won’t be more chances given to me.

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Thank you @GVLNative. Will look at meeting asap.

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ugh wow i just slept all day. its its 4:04pm and i fell asleep at 10am

it was kinda nice i guess
i love my sober bed


Okay… so I was doing alright this morning. Not many using thoughts. Its 216pm here and my anxiety is starting up. I went to an online meeting already, have been on here alot… but those thoughts are getting stronger. My heart is pounding and my breathing is out of whack. Just trying to slow down my breathing and ground myself right now. Just wanted to share.


Fight the thought…do you have a urge jar?
You can write small chores to do and put them in a jar. Pull one out and do it to make you focus while the feeling passes.

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Never heard of an urge jar before… I like the idea tho :slight_smile: maybe I’ll consume my time by making one. That would keep me busy :slight_smile: thanks so much for the idea!

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Yes there have to be a million small tasks to do around the house. Pull one out every time you feel an urge. Just another productive tool to avoid using.

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207… another hike today, trying to make the most of time off!


I’m a big fan of meditation.

@Mno @Conor689908 @GVLNative @TMAC @CapriciousCapricorn

Thank you so much for your support. I’m doing alot better. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today and was an emotional mess. With that said, I’m learning that not being okay is a process and it’s completely normal and I allowed myself to not be okay without beating myself up about it. I journaled which was very therapeutic. A hot shower and some sun while running errands made me feel alot better. :heart:


Saw this today and I liked it.
Hugs! :hugs:


On to Day 8. Woke up at 2:30 this morning with a full day of work ahead of me. Hitting the hay early after some reading. Started “We Are The Luckiest”. Very good so far. Sleep well , All.


Great job on Day 8.

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