Checking in Daily to Maintain Focus #12

Congrats! Keep it up. I’m happy for you.

1 Like and @785, it happen’t try to learn something out of it so there come’s something good out of it. Hope you understand that crappy sentence :thinking: But relapses sucks, I know the feeling. But feeling miserable isn’t going to help. Maybe write down how you feel right now to read back when you crave later?

@Quit4myDaughter congratulations with your month sober!! :confetti_ball: Well done :clap:

Day 591 :coffee:
Creeping towards my 600 days milestone, maybe that is making me so depressive lately?
Music is helping me cope with it. This song is making me happy for instance (it’s Dutch :hugs:).

It’s called: “Geluk is gratis”
In English: “Happiness is for free”

thank you @Misokatsu, feel happier today, was totally floored yesterday!

Almost @ 600 days topper !!!

I just checked in die the train up to the sea in the westlands again so now checking in here @ the forum.
@Mno any bike trips towards Katwijk planned?

For me my work of the week is done…
Long weekend in peace and quietness ahead :pray::tulip::pray:



@Quit4myDaughter congrats on 30 man good job dude. Good morning everyone, day 87 today is my Friday. Nothing to report, just another day feeling ok, yesterday I was going through moods alot, happy, fatigued, irratible lol.hope you all have a good Thursday


I’m glad you’re back. You’re not giving up. Hugs :two_hearts:


Check in day 7. Grateful for my many blessings.!! Hope everyone’s day is good :pray:


Been staying busy busy busy and sober AF :grin::muscle:
Day 10 today and feeling great. Double digits feels good and it flew by this time. I’m doing some deep cleaning and decluttering and it feels so good, almost like I’m decluttering my brain at the same time. Have a great sober Thursday everyone :smiley::+1:


day 4, we are rockin it, stay focused, it’s just another day. :metal:


go you with your double digits, proud of you.


1 week means your not weak :100::muscle:


Morning all :heart:,sad day for me but also a day to look forward i picked up 2 days ago lasted 24 hrs and I can honestly say it was hell ,I knew this as that’s what I left nearly 6 months ago so here I am getting honest sitting humble looking forward.


So so so very proud for you!!! Well done! :tada::tada::clap::clap::clap::+1::+1::+1:

Nice job!!! You are doing it one day at a time!!!
Congratulations on 1 month down!!!

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Day 101.33
Did a 5 mile walk in the rain yesterday. About halfway through, the sky opened and never closed again. I got soaked even though I had an umbrella. I did notice that even Winnie the Pooh is in quarantine. If Winnie can make it, so can we!!!

Have a great and sober day y’all!!!


Day 2 sober. I have dealing with my bad mood. Maybe be because my stress levels


@zzz you are doing great!!! Keep the momentum my friend

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it will pass, just breathe deep, I know it sounds easy but just think of today… :100:

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Took a morning walk to keep my head straight and my heart strong :blue_heart: It’s beautiful outside in So Cal this morning!


Day 17

The shock has worn off and I feel good today, just ironing out the finer details regarding contract etc. back to the sort of “real” world. you & @785 back that the main thing and try and learn from it, hope you feeling better today. I had the same couple of weeks ago, already back on 17 days :slight_smile: but only after taking learnings
well done @Paulaloha for your strength in resisting :fist_left:
@Quit4myDaughter massive congrats for hitting 1 month
@Mno that beach looks beautiful
@zzz you so right! you sound in the right zone :slight_smile:
@anon60334405 2 mins cold shower this morning and starting to enjoy!
@Thumper1213 congrats on your week :slight_smile:
@Briella so happy for you on your 10 days and yes it has gone quick
@Lilemm sorry to read but you back here keep looking forward you can do it

Have a great day all