Checking in Daily to Maintain Focus #12

600! massive. and even on an emotional rollercoaster day you managed again for one day! hope you had e nice treat from the kids on mothers day! Love!


Way to go! Congrats on 400 days @anon89892515 :confetti_ball: :tada:
Take care of you and be safe @SoberWalker, see you when we see you. :smiley::sunglasses:
Blessings and sobriety!


131 days without alcohol :white_check_mark:


Take very good care of yourself Claudia. I’m glad you feel safe in your sobriety and want to do more other stuff. You know we’ll be here when needed. Will miss you. Hugs.

  1. Coffee. Switching from early to late shifts. Trying to swing my mood up. Succeeding a bit by being mindful and doing chores. Have a good week all. Sober and clean. High time to feed Luna. Love from Amsterdam.

" we aint, going nowhere
 " :innocent:


Back too a big fat 0 :weary:


You’re back now and that what matters most by far. Welcome back Sarah. Hope you learned some from what happened in the last days. Onward and upward.

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Absolutely I can’t look back now. And the amount of money I’ve spent is crazy. And thank you you guys really help


Go for it !!! Step by step , moment after moment and day by day. The fact that you’re here is allready a great step to begin with again :pray::revolving_hearts::pray:


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I blame VE day :joy:

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Day 98 although I am so much happier and see how much better life is sober
I do still have alot of soul searching to do, but happy Monday everyone have a awesome day so many of you are killing it and doing great
love to all



Being in a country that doesn’t really ‘do’ Mother’s day sucks, not a word much less a gift. I suppose if I don’t ask, I won’t receive, but having to ask makes me think I don’t deserve it, and while the last few months have been better, maybe the year or so before means I don’t


No problemo :raised_hand: Likes are nice but who counts them :wink:


Goed voor jou !!! You rock !!

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dear @runner I share the same feelings , I am in day 4 but what it is important is to maintain this rebellious core who says: yes I am defeated but I am back up again and again and again. I will pursue sobriety as a madman


Checking in at 11.0 days. I got to pick up my 14-year-old yesterday and bring her home with meThe perfect Mother’s Day surprise! It was sooooo weird being out in the world. I’ve been quarantined by myself for two months. It was her first time seeing my new apartment. I can’t tell if she likes it or not, she’s more of a country girl. Just like her daddy.

We had a nice day and went on a few walks. She definitely seemed to enjoy that and it’s a miracle I got her outside lol.

This is something else I’m grateful for with sobriety. Walks with my kiddo :heart: some pics from our walks.


I believe we are making progress
 Let’s hope there is not relapse :joy: :joy: :joy:

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Day 112.39

Traveled back from Charleston yesterday :unamused:. It so beautiful and quiet right now.
The weather was perfect. I think this sign sums it up.

Walked for coffee first thing this morning. Right back to work after a too short weekend. I am grateful to still be working. I know a lot of people are out of work these days. Things are starting to get crazy here in SC. Definitely not a lot of social distancing going on. People are going crazy and I am watching the numbers slowly start to rise. I think this will be a yo-yo until there is a vaccine.

Everyone have a great day and week!!!

Shoutout to my Sober Twin @Hopeful777
Marie, hopefully things are good with you!!!


Hey @Mno , what a great card i received today from you :heart: liefde broeder en dankjewel!! Really loved the laminated poëm and it will be a good thing as a memory to come across in futures to come when i look in my drawrz! Really thoughtfull

Also @Dolse71 
 yay the letter found his way to my bedside, thnx for your kind and Nice words
 i was wondering about what you said about the little present though becouse there were holes in the envelope and only the letter, but hé  thats what was the most special for me anyhow!!! Thnx bro. It really touched me :pray:

And then @Flamestar :hugs: wat een lieve en mooie kaart ! En de waarheid als een koe. Ik neem het graag ter harte en ga hard door met de dingen op mijn (soms eigenwijze) manier naar iets toe te buigen waar ik alleen maar weer beter uit kan komen als mens. :pray::revolving_hearts::pray:

Bless you all for the cards, letters, kindness and motivation to keep going.
I’m far from there yet but every beginning has an end, and every end provides an opportunity for a new beginning.

With love and be safe ya’ll