Checking in Daily to Maintain Focus #12

Why didn’t you post here? That is what this forum is for!

That goes for anyone else who is feeling the pull of alcohol, especially if you don’t have a network of people to call through something like AA. Or if you’re feeling a little sad, or pissed off, lonely or bored. There is always someone here and apart from any internet connection charges, it is totally free.

Even sometimes just reading through your own posts can help. But there are people here from all over the world, there is always someone awake and happy to talk. It doesn’t even have to be about sobriety. Memes, poems, disgusting recipes (or nice ones!), books, films, TV shows. Just hang out, chat and be part of something :hugs:


Day 132

Super busy day, baking cakes in my crappy Japanese oven (they don’t have big gas ones, it takes twice the time) while failing to teach on Zoom. I don’t have enough bandwidth to do that and have the kids watching their tablets, and if they don’t do that they keep interupting. Have a stress headache and wanted to drink for the first time in weeks. Survived though.



Big and beautiful !! :+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::kissing_heart:


Day 3 for me with no alcohol and its extremely tough bad sweats, vivid dreams, bad thought, more irritable but I know it doesnt last as long as I stay on the right path I check in every day on here and it truly has been a huge help and every day I wake up knowing I didnt drink makes me feel more positive about my future.


Day 8 check in.A hard week at work, but so grateful I still have a job. I want to be Sober more than I want to be drunk or high!!! Hope everyone has a good day!!!


Happy Birthday!!!

Day 6. Will be a much better day for me after yesterdays depression. Going to see my cute little neices. Being an aunt is one of my favorite things ever. They are young, and I don’t want them to ever see their aunt as “the one with the drinking problem”.


This is called romancing your drinking. “The best beers.” Beer isn’t any good period. You no longer drink beer and that is a good thing. Alcohol is an addictive poisonous substance. We’re addicts. Learn to accept it. : “Amazing shacks” There are amazing shacks anywhere. You sure don’t have to go into a bar to find one. “Good music” You don’t need a bar to hear and enjoy good music. Or alcohol. “Interesting people” There are interesting people everywhere. Lots of interesting people who don’t drink and go in bars too. The addicted part of your brain is driving you crazy. Don’t believe the hype. Keep going. Stay sober.


Just told my suitcase that vacation is not gonna happen …

Check in !!!

Be well


Thanks @Hopeful777!!! Day 3 here. Much better but still what is going to happen in the future keeps bothering me. A coworker must be in surgery soon and I will have to carry her work and I feel so incapable to manage certain situations


@050Nl ha ha ! She seems upset!

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Glad you are here, Beth!


I feel this way too. It is something I’m working on coming to terms with. I have this quote written in my Step 4 Guide to help me:

“The most destructive thing I’ve ever done was believe someone else’s opinion of me.”


Congrats!! Having your own transportation can be a game changer.

One question, are you a Funko Pop collector?
I see them on the shelves.

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I love this so so much! Thank you for sharing :pray:

This morning I came to realize it actually doesn’t matter if my mom or anyone else came to know about my addiction. Her opinion about that, or me for that matter, is none of my business. The most important thing is that I’m working on myself and my recovery and the only thing that matters is what I think of myself. And boy, am I proud of myself! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Never would’ve thought I would come to that conclusion. Ever.

Checking in sober on day 15 woop woop!!
Have a great and sober day, folks :pray::heart::four_leaf_clover:


Not really collectors, just snag the ones we like.

I do try to snag all the Super 7 figures I can though.


Checking in at 1.02 days. Going to check out, as soon as I’m feeling up to it, some online SMART meetings and AA. I can only handle AA in small doses, but a sense of community with people that want to be sober is what I need right now. I see lots of links on here and will rustle those up. I want to thank everyone who has reached out here from the bottoms of my heart. The support is truly appreciated.
It was my birthday yesterday, so I guess that’s a pretty cool sobriety date :slight_smile:


Checking in 19 months sober. Things have been rough but sobriety is the one highlight!