Checking in Daily to Maintain Focus #12

@Mno @Conor689908 @GVLNative @TMAC @CapriciousCapricorn

Thank you so much for your support. I’m doing alot better. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today and was an emotional mess. With that said, I’m learning that not being okay is a process and it’s completely normal and I allowed myself to not be okay without beating myself up about it. I journaled which was very therapeutic. A hot shower and some sun while running errands made me feel alot better. :heart:


Saw this today and I liked it.
Hugs! :hugs:


On to Day 8. Woke up at 2:30 this morning with a full day of work ahead of me. Hitting the hay early after some reading. Started “We Are The Luckiest”. Very good so far. Sleep well , All.


Great job on Day 8.

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Cate, I love the number!!!


Oooh!! Fireworks :+1::heart_eyes: Thank you Mr. K :kissing_heart:


Checking in on day 13.
I have been up and down and all over the place the last few days, but today I feel like I am ever so slowly starting to find my groove. I’m also feeling really proud and excited about my sobriety. Today, I’m feeling goooooood. :slight_smile:


Sarah great job on Day 13!!
You are doing great!!! Keep the days rolling one at a time.


Day 5 is winding down and I’m feeling tired. Work was busy, and more so WFH than in the office. I remind myself to be grateful that I am one of the lucky ones that can work from home and my company plans to do so until at least October. Today I had a zoom call for a few hours with 4 friends I get together with for dinner every month. We switched to zoom calls every 2 weeks during the lock down, which is nice. Dinner with them always involves cocktails and I wonder if and how those dinners will change being sober. Restaurants aren’t likely to open in Seattle for several more weeks, at least not for large tables of unrelated guests so I will be several more weeks in before I test it out. Staying strong!


Great job on 5 days!!
Start planning for the temptation of your dinners so you can get through them unscathed. Knowing what you are going to do and the feelings to expect will help you when the time comes. I am able to work from home as well. I am glad to be able to do that. We are both lucky in that regard.

Day 563. I’ve been getting little doses of tough love from friends recently (you know who you are), and I’m super appreciating it. My awareness of my various issues fluctuates and sometimes I need reminders to address what needs addressing, or to take a different attitude or approach to something I’ve been doing. Or sometimes I’m totally aware but need a push. It helps being able to receive it from people I know and trust — it has the potential to do more harm than good otherwise.

My future in the next few months has a lot more uncertainty than I’m used to, and more potential as well. It’s an exciting time but carries apprehension with it. So far, so good. I appreciate all your support.


I’m so happy to hear you are giving yourself love today :heart:

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245 Days. Just stuck in a funk lately. I’m looking forward to the long holiday weekend. I have so many things that need to get done around the house. Hopefully my mood changes by then or I’ll wind up wasting the entire weekend doing nothing.

Thank you @Fargesia_murielae, @Joy, @Conor689908 , @GVLNative, @CapriciousCapricorn. The support from this community is amazing. I never thought I’d meet such wonderful peolpe by downloading an app for a counter. :heart:

@050Nl thank you for posting pics of Nala. They always make me smile even when I’m feeling down.


@Dolse71 Finger crossed :crossed_fingers: your Covid19 test results come back negative and you get the treatment you need, get better soonest. I need you fit around here. :blush::hugs:
Glad to hear the funk has left you @Desire2ChangeToday. Stay strong, be safe. :hugs:
Blessings and sobriety!


Day 161! Today started good, and kind of went downhill :(. Hoping tomorrow is better.


That is an amazing idea! I just made a list of chores yesterday because I learn indeed that doing a small chore with result that needs focus can take you out of a rut and a crappy mood which triggers… especially for me bigger things ( I am in remodeling my ‘new’ house) can fire up the critical voice whilst doing something to confirm my intentions helps.
@Butterflymoonwoman. how did you manage to breath yourself through it? are you ok?


Day 8
My friend and I had a nice email exchange about work, life, etc, and she mentioned she was struggling with anxiety, and was thinking about meds. I told her I have been on some for a while, and gave her some info about drs. I am not happy she is in a bad place, but was happy she felt she could “talk” to me.


Checking in sober, day 35.

As of Saturday I will be the owner of my first car ever!! Pretty excited :heart:


why are batteries A, AA, AAA and not A, B, C?