Checking in Daily to maintain focus #13

for about 6 months I’ve always wondered how you took a picture like this but now I’ve discovered photo editing apps I’m like editing the shit out of everything. Well done on reaching day 300, I’ve loved watching your journey. Long may it continue, obviously a day at a time no point getting clever now :100::v::100::heart::100::pray::100::muscle::chocolate_bar:


sometimes when we try to become better me’s it shows other people the flaws in themselves others just don’t know how to act around us bc it turns out it was the only thing we had in common. In my experience after a little time people see that your actually serious about this and start to become supportive, even interested in your journey. For now though this has to be about you and no one else, your doing this for you and the rest of life will gradually sort itself out the longer you remain sober. Well done BTW your doing great. :pray:


thanks you’ve just made my week really long, you know what it’s like when your waiting for a surprise it fucking drags on forever. :thinking:… sitting here staring at my phone for 96 hours…

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Thank you :blush: I’m really hoping that we have more in common than the destruction part, we grow up together. I’m usually pretty good in seeing things from everyones point of view and understanding why they act like the do. But this was beyond my imagination.
Everyone else seems to understand and support but my oldest and closest friend won’t.
Anyway my sister is still coming and her husband and she promised to stay sober with me so that’s really nice. :blush:

Wishing you a wonderful day. :cherry_blossom:


my longest and closest friend is the only one that wants one more night out or when I went to his mums funeral was the only one who acted funny when I didn’t drink, strange. Maybe he just doesn’t like the fact that it’s time to grow up,At 48 :joy::joy::joy:


That’s sad, but as you previously said maybe they just don’t know how to act. I totally feel the “time to grow up” feeling. We’re over 30… I’m not wasting more time screwing up my chances. And I don’t want my kids to remember that all I did was drinking. I’m aiming for the life I want to have from now on. And I’m so glad I’ve found all of you here. :cherry_blossom:


all my guesses aren’t 8 letters, this is hard. :thinking:

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Congratz @Dolse71 ! Big up
@Jimieg, thnx again for reaching out and hope you enjoyed the bikeride
@Rad you keep on going
@Mno i stressed out when the site was down yesterday, really missed it :rofl:
@Joy 300 days no cigs comming up. Respect.
@Desire2ChangeToday !! Great numbers
@Beardy_McTallman , big 90 in sight bruv ! You got this .

Think im checking in around 240 days now,
Had a 12 our sleep after the walking service die nala canceled, had no choise to walk the bulldozer myself and 3 staples sprang out when a loose little yapper showen up around the corner.
Nothing i could have done about it but it hurted feeling my flesh gotten torned open even more…
Stupid people… ( read : annoyed me )
For now another dat of rest and its going to be 20+ Celsius

Have a good one ya’ll

  1. Strange how cycling is easier for me than walking atm. I was able to visit my bike shop and have a little service on my road bike done. So when my back is properly healed I can get straight back in the saddle and ride. Met this family on the way there.
    Also, inspired by some of you, I’m looking for a second hand car now. Not bothered by any knowledge of cars which makes it a bit stressful. Well, will take my time. I’m sober and clean so I got a clear head and my savings aren’t dwindling. Have a good day all. Love from Amsterdam.

    @050Nl Be careful friend. Don’t want to see your guts spilled on the streets in Katwijk.
    @ifs You got this more than you think yourself. James. Keep breathing. Small steps. Etc.
    @Mtrav0040 Good you’re here, and good you see the good you do in harder moments too. That’s a big gain friend.
    @SoberWalker Good to see you on the thread Claudia!

Do you guys mention the amount of sobriety, or how many days youve checked in?

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morning me old sausage stay safe and have yourself a good day. How is the healing going lately.

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I guess you’re right about that. But it still kinda sucks. Hopefully he’ll change his mind about it. I hope everything is good with you today. :cherry_blossom:


I’m glad to hear that you’re all good :blush: painting as in art or painting as in painting the walls for renovation?

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still have difficulty grateful to be here today.


Damn, that’s awful too hear. What happened to you that you have staples in the first place?

Porely unfortunately, wounds still dont close and grow, but he… at least im clean and sober to endure the feeling :rofl:


241.43 to be exact … going out is Nice indeed connor but not yet with the dog i painfully got to know but there was no other option


Awesome, We did that in the boys room a few weeks ago. Last thing my husband said before he left for work this week was “Don’t you go and start another painting project now” :joy:

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Shot 3 years ago, had 69 holes in my intestants, clinical death for 57 scnds and ended up with a colostoma for two years. Have had 6 mayor abdominal surgerys now… the last one came unexpacted. The scar tissue made a traffic jam exactly under my stomach, if’s called an Ilius or something like that and it got twisted like a saucage. Had to open up my intire belly again but becouse its the 6th operation over the same scar tissue it really heals slowly, porely and ugly now… guess that covers the the story.
I relapsed after the last operations when they opened me up twice in a week. Thats 320 days ago now i guess. But the medication threw me in a depression and the story got on… was sober for many years before that


Jesus, that’s awful, beterschap

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