Checking in Daily to Maintain Focus #14

My thoughts and prayers are with you Lisa and your friends during this incredibly devastating time. :heart: sending my love…

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Day 596 and checking , really lovely day yesterday caught up alot of friends I havnt seen in a long long time and it was great ,was a little bit scary at first as It was the first time i had been around other people drinking but I took a breath and focused on the company and not the alcohol and the anxiety passed …i know this is a transition period for me and its important I don’t run away with myself so sticking with what I’ve learnt ,one day at a time and focusing on being happy …hope every one is OK and big love to you all :grinning:


Day 29.

All gray outside, it’s supposed to rain heavily this afternoon and tomorrow. I know I begged for rain but I’m already tired if it. It have been raining enough to clear the air from pollen and I already want the heat back.

Sister is coming for a luxurious breakfast on Thursday again. Those used to contain champagne for me, but this will be the second non alcoholic one during my sober time. And I actually think I like those better.

We’re also going to buy a new pool (the kind of pool you put above the ground) and some more garden work is planned this week. Seems like my husband is about to do night shifts starting tomorrow, and in three weeks when he is on annual vacation we’re hopeful going to fix the roof, paint the house and starting on our porch. It already makes me stressed out.

Overall a good day, and I’m soon about to go out for a walk.


Good morning friends on this 15th day for me! I hope all Fathers enjoy a terrific Father’s Day! (I know it is celebrated today in many countries, but too numerous to list) I am going to enjoy my day - my wife and I are supposed to go out for breakfast a little later this morning. Have a great sober day!


On day 2. Went for a 3 hour walk and now I’m going to make myself a delicious pasta dish .



So happy for you!!!

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I am so sorry, this is heartbreaking. My sympathies. :heart:

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Oh my god Lisa, this is all so awful. My prayers to all involved :cry:

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Checking in at 24.31 days. I didn’t wake up sad today, I actually woke up pretty happy. First thought on my mind was humility. Wonder what I was dreaming about, it was like I was mid conversation or something :thinking::sweat_smile:


Good morning all!
At work already; I only weigh myself if I feel light…:slight_smile: I did this morning and I’m up; wth!
Oh well, charging on~!




Day 124

So glad to be sober for my first fathers day. Glad I get to spend the day with my family, siblings parents and nephews. Looking forward to some bbq later.

Happy fathers day to all the dads out there. Hope everyone has a great day! Keep up the good fight.


Day 82. Had a particularly nasty craving last night. Managed to pull through with the help of my support network. You all rock​:metal:t2:. Happy fathers day. :bearded_person:t3:


Need to relearn to be bored or need to learn something new ? What do you think you would like, love to do? What can you imagine doing with that sober time you would usually spent in forgetting and numbing your days? Maybe in boredom lays opportunities? Not have to be the greatest things… go get it !! :wink:

I like running and training and I can’t run and train when I drink. I like to read and learn and I can’t read and learn when I drink. I like waking up and being able to do stuff and I can’t wake up and do stuff when I drink.

Checking in today no hangover after a day at the chalet by the lake. First time it happens maybe? And it feels GREAT. Ready for another day of living high of sobriety and seeing what I can learn and experience today from this.

I am greatful today of these feeling (I am PUMPED to get after it!) and being able to share a little bit of this with you guys!

To everyone today I say:
Let’s go! :fire: :muscle:t2:


Sounds like a nice day, presents are always pleasant. Happy Father’s day (In Sweden we celebrate Father’s day in November) relax and enjoy,you deserve the best :hibiscus:

Resting is not a waste!! Restoring our body mind and soul are very positive things for our selves. Resting allows our nervous system to slow down and heal. I say embrace the slower pace for awhile…practice being okay with just being (as opposed to doing)…it can free up all sorts of space in our body and mind. :heart:


Day 166. Woke up sober to loving messages from my kids (they live with my ex). Gonna have a nice brunch of sausage and eggs, skype with the kids, then for for a bike ride to enjoy the sunny day. Life is good!! Happy Father’s Day to all the sober fathers out there!


So sorry for you and for your friends.

It is a reminder to us all that we only have a daily reprieve from our struggle, contingent on the maintenance of our spiritual condition…

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Thank you all for your support. The dad survived his overdose and will be fine. Unfortunately, I got another call that my brother inlaw is in ICU with pneumonia and liver cirrhosis. He’s a heavy drinker and smoker. Praying he makes it and gets a 2nd chance to change his lifestyle.

I need a break from all this sadness. My daughter and I are taking hubby out to an early dinner for Father’s day. Outside dining finally opened and this is the 1st time in months we’ll be going someplace other than a store.