Checking in daily to maintain focus #15

I haven’t really used this thread and now after my last relapse, I’ve decided to join in the daily checking in fun. Today is day 2 for me. I tend to be a chronic relapser. I’ll do pretty good for about 40-60 days and then eventually I give in. I use for a while, then I decide that kind of life sucks and I go through the withdrawals and clean myself up for a while then go back again. It’s a pattern that I’m sick of, and honestly it’s part of the reason I join this community. So today is kind of hard for me because I’m changing the pattern. I’m not going back for more after giving in. I’m sure that the feeling will fade over time, but for right now it’s pretty uncomfortable.

@Apes2020 Congratulations on your 90 days!
@anon79808082 Wow that’s a ton of rain! Is that where you are now? I hope you’re safe!
@Dolse71 You can do this Paul. You haven’t lost as long as you keep trying.
@Rad You got 58 days. That’s a win. I won’t pretend I know exactly how you’re feeling, but I know how hard it is when you feel the weight of depression pressing down on you and it can feel like there is no point anymore to trying to be sober if you feel so terrible while doing it. Just know that we’re here for you on your journey, no matter how many bumps there are in the road.


It didn’t last all day, maybe an hour or so.

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  1. Coffee. Quick early check in as I have a little bit of preparing to do for work today. Have a good day all. Sober and clean. Love from Amsterdam.

Alcohol Sobriety is going strong. I reset my mindful eating / cook processed food counter yesterday. Started over indulging on junk food after I snuck some cooked foods in over the past 1.5 weeks or so. I’m resetting with the intention to make my health a priority. I can’t go backwards with food. Just laying it out there for accountability purposes. I regret my “cheat day” 2 weeks ago because it put me down a slippery slope. Grateful for the progress I’ve made regardless.


I am here 3 days sober off alcohol and periodically would use x pills but yes it has been rough but I am pushing through. Looking forward to tomorrow


Welcome, Marie! Keep checking in here on this thread daily, as often as you need. There are people all over the world on this forum, so usually someone is awake and nearby if you need to reach out. Read around all over the forum too - it does wonders to beat the cravings! :wink:


Identifying those thought patterns can be really useful - this is a version of a resource sheet I got through CBT.

So how about, instead of I need to find enthusiasm for life - I’m not feeling great at the moment, but that’s ok (forgive yourself, remove pressure from how you should feel). Things will change. In the meantime I will do this activity (take a bath, have a lie in, go for a walk, meditate…) which will at least give me a temporary break from how I’m feeling.

  • I’m not saying this is right for you, but that’s the kind of thing that would help me take the pressure off. Your reframe, opening up opportunities for yourself, reminding yourself what you can choose to do, is also really great!

You might be able to self refer for online CBT - see or chat to your GP.

Mental health is a very personal thing and there is no right way of doing it, but these are some resources I have found useful:


It’s a journey, not a destination! :pray::sparkling_heart:


tenor (31)



Congratulations truly amazing :muscle:t3:


How are you doing today?

We’re all rooting for you.

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Congratulations @purr! A full year is amazing. I hope you get the chance to celebrate your awesome success.

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Day 623. Depressed.


304 Days. Officially 10 months. I went to my niece’s 13th birthday and there’s alcohol which didn’t bother me. However, they proceed to give my daughter wine. It was only a small amount and she is of legal age to drink but that’s not the point. She’s not responsible enough to make that decision on her own. She has special needs and I do everything for her. She can’t tie her shoes, yet my sister in law thinks it’s ok that she drinks. Really?! Wtf is wrong with this world. This is my husband’s family and he had to work so he wasn’t there. I didn’t wanna disrespect my niece at her party so I politely left right after cake, without discussing the incident. I will be having a chat with my sis in law tomorrow.


giphy (17)


Congrats on 90 days sober, keep on stacking them days ODAAT. :tada: :confetti_ball:
Blessings and sobriety!


Yea she definitely should have checked that with you first, special needs or not. Especially given the fact that you don’t drink, and the anxiety your daughter has over your husband drinking.

I am sure it was done out of thoughtlessness rather than anything intentionally disrespectful, hope so anyway! Still I can only imagine how pissed off you are feeling. Well done for exiting politely and calmly!


You’re right, it was out of thoughtfulness. She heard my daughter ask me about tasting wine last year and I said yes, some day when we have some. Well I’m not a wine drinker and never had it in my house. My SIL happened to have it today which is unusual and I’m sure she thought it was ok after what I said a year ago. Knowing I’m sober now, she should have asked first.


Just wanted to check in and say hi and good night to everyone, pulling up the covers on a long and arduous but grateful and sober day 1026. :heart:


Sorry about this Paul, just as you’re persistent in not giving up neither will I give up praying for you. Sending you strength, hugs and love my friend, keep on getting up and giving it your all odaat!
Blessings and sobriety!