Checking in daily to maintain focus #17

39 Days. Still sober and feeling more alive each day. I felt i was going to die…this feeling came very often when I was still drinking. I felt sick all the time. I realized I don’t really think that way anymore.

Happy sober Thursday.


I’m so happy and proud of you Natalie. Those guilty feelings can really suck. If we didn’t feel them then I guess we’d either be using our DOC to avoid feeling them. Or we’d be pretty cold hearted human beings. I guess that’s why we’re all here. To learn to feel our feelings in a healthy way. And what a wonderful feeling to have when you can be there for your daughter. That’s the best feeling in the world. Keep feeling that one.

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Checking in this morning on another day sober. I just want to thank everyone for all the encouraging words and support yesterday and today that are still coming in. It really helps.
God Bless y’all.


Checking in with a smile on my face…

I had my last visit from the nurses which has been everyday for the past month, so over the moon that ive ticked all the right boxes.
I went to my local shop and stared at the array of booze that was on display and came out empty handed.

I’ve been out and about and again Ive been paid and still have wages from my last pay check… This to me is amazing as I have two clients who pay me fortnightly… In all my years I’ve never lasted more than 10 day with
Money in my account.

I’ve spoken openly to my mother about issues and addressed alot of problems… Which is a step in the right direction after 6 years of no contact.

Keep grinding is what I keep saying to myself.


Kudos for the 7 month mark. :slight_smile:

Sorry to hear that, Ryan. It’ll make you even more stronger than before.
That sunset if one for the books!


Checking out ! @anon89207786 … dont be worried :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: had a good day and bless you all.
Tuesday i will be in croatia and Montenegro starting a thread with @LuluJo of our adventures… i need to get out , we both can take the benefits of good conversation and that it is… a thread will be opened at saturday i guess…

Be well ya’ll

@Dolse71… your my next stop :innocent::rofl::rofl:


should I be worried :thinking:

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Great numbers bruv


and @lisa07

Gogo gadget good days


Shucks, no one has ever bought me flowers before. Mainly bc of my hay-fever and secondly they just bought me beer, it was always a winner. BTW your a funny twat :rofl::rofl::rofl:


I rather give you the hay-flew bruvvv

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That’s great! It sounds like your taking care of yourself. Good luck with your mother. I don’t know your story but I hope that relationship can be repaired.

I don’t know if this even comes close to your story but im going to share it again anyway. I’m reminded of my niece who was totally abandoned by her parents over drugs and aressets and jails and rehabs. The list goes on. And on. We all had right cause to hate my nieces mother. One day when my niece was in her early thirties and she told us she’s letting her mom move in with her. I thought WTF!! after all she’s done to you!!! She said “uncle, I just ran out of hate.” It took a kid 20 years younger than I to teach me a beautiful life lesson.

I hope someday we all run out of hate.


day 24 off to a horrible start. My partner had a meltdown, and then in an unrelated event, I just spilled an entire cup of coffee all over my laptop during a work meeting. Plus some yahoo is running a woodchopper or something all morning long. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: Yesterday I found an unopened can of beer while cleaning out the garage. Man the universe can throw some punches…


Day 408. Creeping up on a three day weekend. Gearing up for the start of a new lifting program next week.

Made the announcement this week that my new band has signed with a label, and our first EP should be out hopefully by year’s end, and full length to follow mid-2021. Very excited to see where this journey leads.

Have a strong day!!!


Well done, Mike. It’s awesome to see you staying sober through the ups and downs.

Great to see you navigate another first in sobriety, successfully. I’m sure your confidence will continue to grow with every hurdle you clear.

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I don’t know that being sober means we won’t have struggles and obstacles. I don’t think it means things will be good all the time. I think it just means we get a chance to deal with life sober. While it may not seem better at the moment, if you were dealing with all of this while still drinking or using, it undoubtedly would be worse.

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Exactly mister…
That is exactly how I feel I’ve ran out of hate…
I’m am a very silent person and my drug taking was never picked up by any of my family as everyone else around me had bigger problems… I put myself through uni, I helped pay her mortgage at 20 for a good five years but when all my issues started to occur no one had time for me…
So I was told once at therapy you have to cut your family out or they are going to destroy you… I was constantly the one who just had rohelp or do this and if I didn’t I’d pay for it.

Now I’m not scared of my mother and that’s something I’ve been able to say to her at the age of 32!