Checking in daily to maintain focus #18

Ooh, i like that colour


Me too, it’s not blue and not totally green either. The long wall is going to be a lighter version of it but more green. I think it will match great with my plants (I have loads :grin:).


I believe it’s nearly the same colour my room will be once I move.

I think it will, especially with water plants I think


The first month was the toughest for me. Keep in the forefront, Olivia, why you started this journey. The cravings don’t last if you can push past them. Remind yourself what “good” drinking did/does for you…absolutely nothing. :heart_eyes:


My favorite city in the world. Knock em dead on day 5. One day at a time.

@Olivia you are doing really well. Just keep your eye on the prize.
@SoberWalker I love that color. It looks amazing. Nice paint job too.
@M-be-free49 I love that you grew those carrots! I’ve never tried to grow carrots before.
@C_8 my thoughts are with you and your hubs. Health care in the US is shit. I’m sorry you are having to deal with it right now.
@Misokatsu day 24! You are doing so well! Keep it up!


You can do this, stay strong and have a wonderful day :cherry_blossom:


day 267! haven’t posted on here recently because I’ve been so busy with work. but the good news is I’m all moved into my new apartment, which has been pretty nice so far!


Day 5
I’m here, I’m alive and I’m sober.
Handed in my paper this morning, finished it last night around midnight. Usually I do my papers and exams instantly and can’t imagine doing anything else until it’s done. I’m the annoying know it all who hands in everything just on time. Never fails a deadline or an exam. The constant A student, that usually doesn’t talk to people either. This time however things feels different and I’ve focused more in socializing than actual school work. I don’t know how or why, but apparently my priorities are changing. Maybe it’s because I’ve finally choosed something within my “best” subject. Something that makes it possible for me to chase my dreams in a field where I really want to be. I have no idea, besides that it felt good to be open to my classmates about my recovery and the no drinking choices. A bit of it just got a lot easier.

Fall is here for real, it usually makes me depressed but this year I love the thought of being able to work from home and not have to be out in the dark evenings or go up earlier than Satan awakes in the morning to walk out in snow or cold heavy rain to catch a bus. When the next semester starts next year I’m perhaps already in driver’s school.

Keep the hope up and keep fighting y’all.
Wishing you a happy Friday and a wonderful weekend :cherry_blossom:


Had to google on the translation of “teal”, but yes it is! :sunglasses::grin::+1:


@RunnerBean Love ur user name! And congrats on 5 days from Japan🍣

@Apes2020 I got interested and looked up the difference between teal and turquoise

  1. Except for some decorating and filling the shelves, the real work on my kitchen is done. Now for the rest of my apartment :crazy_face:. Today I’ll go for a leisurly bike ride instead to get some much needed cheese, bicycle parts and a pair of jeans. Sober and clean. Maybe drop into my old bar later to watch the finish of de Tour de France and say hi. No craves for me there any more. That’s gone. Actually for me it’s a good reminder why I think drinking is stupid. For me. Have a good day all. One day at a time. Love from my kitchen.

    @SoberWalker Looking good Claudia! Getting some friends in for a bit of help is a good plan. Will do for my living room.
    @MrsOdh Very happy for you things are going so well Sophia. Sometimes things actually do work out for the best. If you put the work in that is. And you certainly do.
    @M-be-free49 Lovely little carrots M! Be sure to wash them before eating though.
    @Misokatsu Congrats Flo. Both on your 24 days and for getting Kitty treated and inside. One day at a time…

49.03 Days


Checking in on day 43 I’m off camping to a AA camperoo weekend I’m useally NA. But I’m actually really looking forward to it, meditation,yoga swimming pool,forests ,BBQ and most importantly A FELLOWSHIP.:pray::pray:


Day 24
Second check in
Feeling gutted. Husband is off and I went to book shop. Spent a while there, was undecided whether to buy a book or not. And when I came home, he said I know u have been drinking. I said I hadn’t. He said he knew I had. I said I hadn’t. Repeat several times. He says he knows I have because I am speaking weird. I am speaking weird because I have that achey throat thing that happens when u are nearly crying, and I am speaking in my second language!


Day 1. Awkwardly tried to make something beautiful today. It felt good to be creating instead of destroying for once.


Omg you’ve got a huge Palm tree, I love it. :heart:
And you’ve got the colors I wish for my own kitchen as well, can you just skip over here and renovate mine too? It looks awesome.

And yes maybe someday the dreams will come true if you work your way forward to catch them at least it feels like that’s possible today :blush:

I hope your day and weekend will be amazing.


Wow! Looks good and deffinitely :heart: your wooden floor!!

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Yes gotta love my faithful Yucca. The one plant that has been with me for over 30 years and simply refuses to die whatever I try to murder it. Want to fill the shelves closest to the window with plants, cacti and succulents might be a good idea for my non-green fingers. Love your little collection @Carly7033! Thanks for the inspiration and success on your sober journey lady. @SoberWalker thanks Claudia!


The kids got a cactus and succulent collection but I occasionally kills them to. The only thing that seems to survive is the “tree” in the living room, got it like five years ago but I have no idea what it is.