Checking in daily to maintain focus #20

I’ll take a look at YouTube. Thank you.

Thanks! It definitely didn’t work for me either. It felt great the day of but the comedown was DAAAYS of misery. Definitely not worth the trade off.


Checking in day 292.
Woke up and felt like shit physically and mentally. Lousy walk with the dogs. Tried to pull myself together for my power walk. Cranked the music. I was screaming like a wild man fuck it! Fuck all this shit! As I left my driveway. Good thing no one lives around me. Got 2 houses down same song still on and all of a sudden I’m crying. Just letting it out. Then further on I’m all pissed off and then back to crying. I don’t know what’s going on but my emotions all over the place. Maybe it’s the election coming up. Or is it my 292 days close to 300 milestone. I don’t know. I’m just an emotional freak today. Even thought about my heroin addicted child who is ten years clean but I was thinking and crying what did we do to this child where she had to do heroin. I know we didn’t cause our child to do heroin but my emotions are all over the place. Is this what it’s like to feel? Sometimes I feel like drinking really made all that easier. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not drinking today. And I’m still probably not drinking tomorrow. But fuck. What a roller coaster today.
Thanks y’all.


Checking in
Weird day. Rough day. Had to help someone who’s struggling with addiction - didn’t see that coming as it wasn’t the reason of our appointment. I felt weird the rest of the day. Made it through by taking some of my recovery tools, but it wasn’t comfortable. Didn’t reached out here as I was able to find some ears out there, but I was close. I don’t blame myself for having felt this way, but I recognize I still have work to do. I can’t slack off my recovery plan. And maybe it’s too early to assist someone in this situation. I’ll sleep on it for tonight.
Although I am somewhat proud I’ve made it through- but at the same time I wasn’t even going to drink anyways, so I just kind of feel weird that I’ve been feeling unsatisfied or kind of depressive. Don’t know. Maybe its the lack of good sleep of last night. It’s early here and I’ll hit the pillow now.
Hope everyone is having a good night and a nice day ahead. Peace :v:t2:


500 days! Yay!Yay!Yay!


Sorry to hear about the rollercoaster of emotions. Work through them as best as you can. Take the time scream. . .to cry. . .to do whatever you need to get through it. Is there someone you can talk it out with? Can you talk it out further here? Just take care of you & know that the emotional rollercoaster ride will plateau.


I know that in my past times getting clean and sober I’ve tried to help people who were still using. Sometimes I made it out alive lol and sometimes I ended up using. I’m thinking it’s best for me to allow the people to come to a meeting or something instead of us risking ourselves going into enemy territory. Them not being the enemy but the substances and all the weird spiritual shit that hangs around that stuff. I hope you feel better soon, super proud of you! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Awww. Some days are about feeling the feels. I cry privately. Until I’m suddenly weeping in the supermarket line…

A pal who is wise and educated on these things (she’s a counsellor at the uni) told me sometimes our psyches know how to “dose” us the hard stuff - spread it out so we eat it, digest it, feel it, grieve it in manageable chunks.

Maybe we’re just not finished our plates. And even if we were, life dishes us up some more. Good for you for just feeling it all. I think it makes room for the happy stuff. :hugs:


Dude! You’re always so strong for everyone here it’s ok to not be ok! You’re a fucking rockstar man, I look up to you a lot! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


So confused… two rockstars? :joy:
Just me being yer cheeky lil sis!


HAHAHAHA love you sis! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Aww Eric, I’m sorry you’re feeling like this. You’re handling it great though. Just go with it and ride that wave. Eventually it will end. The saying goes “this too shall pass”. Stay strong my friend. Sending you big hugs.


Mmmmmmmmmmmm. So, I’m gonna vent. Kinda.
Today was…hard. I’m only on day five, which granted is a lot for me, but it feels like it’s taking forever! But today I was real tempted (REAL tempted) to relapse. I hate this feeling, because everytime i even think “well, it might help with your over active emotions” I feel more guilty.
I didnt relapse, thank God, but the thought is still there. I just hope day six is gonna be better. :slightly_smiling_face:
I understand, somewhat, how you feel @Dazercat. Emotions are running very very VERY high right now, but it will pass. Everything changes at some point, even if it feels stagnant. I hope you are feeling better!


Sadly I have to report a day 0 again :cry:


Day 277.86
Struggling to maintain a balanced schedule. Woke up late again today. Managed to get shaved and showered. Got dressed and went to visit my friends at the treatment center. Stayed for supper and game night. We even played catch with a football in the parking lot. Played some cards. I prayed and read the daily reflections. Listening to some meditation music. Walked home with my friend and talked recovery and relapse prevention. Nice that people are concerned that I’m off my regular schedule, yet I feel bad for worrying them. Texted a little with Mom. Talked with a couple of my housemates when I got in at 9. Ended up being a good day, now its the struggle to fall asleep early and start to get my sleep schedule rewired.
To everyone here I wish you all a happy and healthy 24. :v:& :hearts:


You got this my friend. Emotions can really go haywire for me too. I was an emotional drinker/user because i didn’t know how to deal with them in a healthy way. Try prayer, journaling. Vent on here, go to a meeting.
Good on ya for getting it out. I’m not going to drink about my issues today either. Together we can do this shit. Yell, cry as much as needed, just don"t drink.
Praying for you. Sending all the strength I can.


Thank you. I read your reply and it helped me not to go and buy a bottle. I’m at day 18. Sunday night, My ex boyfriend got hit by a car while on his bike. He just got off the ventilator yesterday and had Vertebrae surgery today. I was going to start drinking again but I decided not to. Thank you for inspiring someone else and at the same time helped me! :pray:


That sounds like a hell of a lot to be going through. All I know is that alcohol will make it a tonne worse. Hope things go well for your ex-boyfriend.


A BIG congratulations @Mno so awesome!! :muscle:t3::yellow_heart::blush::tada:

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Late check in tonight. Day 24. My dog and I are in Lake Charles tonight because I needed to come down here for work. It was mostly a good day, but we’re staying with a bunch of coworkers, and one of them has a giant dog who is not very well behaved and also keeps trying to bite my dog (much littler) on the neck. We just figured out which room is ours, and guess what? Giant dog and his human are our neighbors. Just keep telling myself, we can sleep through this night. We can get up and head back to work in the morning. And if I have the opportunity to go home tomorrow evening, I’m definitely taking it. Not every day can be awesome start to finish. But I’m fortunate that I am here, I am sober, and my not terrible (actually super awesome dog, Max), is curled up beside me.