Checking in daily to maintain focus #20

Adorable :heart_eyes: looks like a teddy bear :teddy_bear:


What happened? You were at two weeks, right? The hamster wheel of addiction can feel like it is impossible to get off, but on here there are plenty of people who have done so. What can you do differently this time? Maybe try to get out of your comfort zone and do something different.


Sorry to hear about your crummy dayā€¦ I swear itā€™s the mercury in retrograde! Iā€™ve been super emotional today too. Hang in thereā€¦ as we know things get better. Also itā€™s good to have a good cry every now and then. :yellow_heart::blush:


To all of us that are going through things or getting ready too lol, @apes2020 said recognize that weā€™re going through a Mercury Retrograde right now which can cause things to feel a lot differently than usual. Just a thought I thought Iā€™d throw out there. Love you guys, sweet dreams!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Max looks so sweet! I love that ears up attentive look. Sorry about the stress from the other dog/owners. Thatā€™s awful. Youā€™ve got a good attitude about it all, though.


Iā€™m sorry to hear your daughter is living that experience. Itā€™s not your fault. Our souls are on this earth to learn lessons and to grow from our experiences and lessons. It sucks but your daughter is lucky to have you as a dad. Thats a huge thingā€¦ And as for the emotions, sometimes our thick skins thin out for a moment and we feels all the feels out of no where. Itā€™s not a bad thing. It just means that when you feel. Better, you really feel itā€¦ It makes your happy moments and happy days that much more :grin:ā€¦ And your lucky you have no neighbours! I live opposite a big hotel with the guest room windows facing my place lolā€¦ At the moment the hotel is booked our with military officials and army solider lol so I have to keep my blinds closed lol! So Iā€™m envy of your no neighbors situation :joy:

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Day 250~ Iā€™m sober and sad. Thatā€™s all I have for today. Well and I have hope. Iā€™m hopeful things will get betterā€¦ they kinda have to. Tomorrowā€™s a new day. :pray:t3: Good night all. Keep tryingā€¦ and always have hope.



We gotta hang in there till November 4th till its over lol. Itā€™s a doozy this time and itā€™s the last one of the year thank gosh :joy:


Omg I know! Itā€™s been crazy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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@JBird Do something that will distract your mind. I know other people have recommended basically the same thing, but youā€™ve just got to distract your mind and hands. I read that youā€™re staying at a friendā€™s place, so Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a lot of things not available to do that you might normally be able to. Random, but maybe find some yoga videos on YouTube on your phone and do those? Focusing on the movements and your breath can be really calming. Not sure that would be an option for you right now, but just a thought.

@Smokedog911 One week! Good job!

@Dazercat It sounds like you had a really rough day today! :frowning: It could be the milestone marker. Sometimes it can do strange things to our minds, even though itā€™s just a number. I feel like there is always something under the surface of every addict that we donā€™t really want to feel or acknowledge. Sometimes those things are subconscious and can be oddly triggered by something we donā€™t even know did it. All those feelings come up and we want something to help us self soothe. Before it was alcohol, but now youā€™re learning new ways to handle these feelings and youā€™re doing an awesome job. It really is okay to cry and let it out. Even if you donā€™t know why the hell youā€™re crying, the emotional release can do good things for your soul. Hang in there.

@Zoozoospetals Five days in is good. At this stage it almost feels as though every day is a battle and hard won. You did well not giving in. Just take it one moment at a time.

@TSan Your dog is adorable! Being with a loved pet is definitely the best way to end the day.

@Bomdhil :frowning: What happened that brought you back to 0?

@Dragonflygirl82 Iā€™m sorry that youā€™re so sad. Youā€™ve had a really rough time of it and I guess I would be surprised if you werenā€™t sad at least in some way. But you have a positive attitude and itā€™s going to carry you far. Hang in there.


Congrats @Dragonflygirl82! Even if you are sad, that is some achievement!

Day 71
Recently I have been feeling a little like my life is getting away from me. I am not using my time for things that I want to, and although my sobriety is going well, I donā€™t want to take it for granted. I also know just not drinking is not enough, and I must not allow myself to think that everything is OK just because I am sober.
So I went for a jog this morning, and listened to most of an AA meeting. I also have a Japanese class booked for this afternoon. So hopefully today I will feel like I have been productive for things for ME today.


Trucker J here reporting in doing great feeling great just doing my everynight thing hope everyone is doing amazing !!


Thanks @Squirt I definitely talked it over with the wife. And posting it here helps.
And Iā€™ve always been pretty emotional. This year was also suppose to be the year wifey and I were going to travel. Lots of travel was on our agenda this year. And that pisses me off too. We havenā€™t been anywhere. Maybe next year.

@M-be-free49 I have no trouble being the biggest man baby ever. @Dragonflygirl82 Crying lets the bad out. I think that was a kids song. I still got hope. Things will get better. Right?

@Rockstar24777 I debated even writing my rant. I AM always the strong one. Never ever let them see you sweat. Iā€™m glad I realized I needed a little help from my support staff. Maybe Iā€™m still growing. Even at age 60. @I.cant.We.can I knew venting on here would help and it has. Thanks to yā€™all.

Thanks for the hugs @Lisa07 :heart: having you and Stella right by my side and in my corner.

Thanks @Zoozoospetals I just love that name zoozoospetals. Great name. How can one think itā€™s not a wonderful life. And now your here to remind me whenever I see your name. Sobriety is a wonderful life.

@CapriciousCapricorn I donā€™t even know why those thoughts about my daughter came up. I mean sheā€™s ten years clean. Happily married. @apes2020 And I am blessed to have basically my whole neighborhood to myself. We are one of the only few people that live up here in this community full time.

And thanks @Chiron it was actually kind of funny me cussing up my driveway really loud and then turning on to the next street with the same song on You Get What You Give by the New Radicals and all of a sudden Iā€™m tearing up and full blown crying. Iā€™ve just never felt this kind of rollercoaster for 3 and 1/2 miles :scream_cat: I guess it doesnā€™t help to know Iā€™m almost at 300 days, Iā€™m still going to feel shit.

You guys are a blessing. Stronger together for sure.
Love you guys.



Iā€™m so glad that my username reminded you that it is truly a wonderful life. I always like to be reminded of Jimmy Stewart (had a huge crush on him when I was little), and Its a Wonderful Life is such a great movie with such a great meaning. :slightly_smiling_face::heart:


How is the sugar free situation going? I mean does your mind set change after a month no sugar? Do you not crave or think about things you once did? Are you doing full no sugar ie: no fruits, no natural sugars etc? ā€¦ This is something I really want to tackle soon.

I still have it on my DVR from last year. Never erased it.
I think Iā€™ve had a crush on Jimmy Stewart too :crazy_face:


@apes2020 I just started my sugar reduction yesterday, today I ALMOST managed no processed sugar (two small square pieces of dark chocolate after dinner) which is a start. I am pretty much replacing the sweets I was eating with whatever fruit I want at first, then like @CapriciousCapricorn says going for low sugar fruits next. Weā€™ll see what happens!


Well done, Zoe! Iā€™ve read some of your posts and so I can imagine that these 4 days were not easy.
Keep going, you seem to be nice and clever girl. I wish you all the best :four_leaf_clover::hugs:


Good mornin. Xoxo checking in on day 90 and 1 month smoke free, have a safe and serene day if possible. :kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart:


Yep good to hear about the dark chocolate. Iā€™m on 90% dark now lol and I tell you it really works switching to %90 . I stop after one or two squares!!