Checking in daily to maintain focus #20

Hey that’s what I did the first month! I set myself to buy these leggings I’ve wanted for 4 years if I made it to a month. It definitely kept me from resetting. Wishing you well, and glad you’re here!

I hadn’t thought of it!! Haha you’re right! Thank you for such kind words. :heart::white_heart:

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Thank you Donna and thank you @Joy. I feel strong and happy.



SO FREAKIN AWESOME!!! Super-duper Congratulations Young man. Well earned.

I hope that you are always 4 days (?) behind me. Coz if not, one of us will have screwed up :flushed::pray::kissing_heart:


I like reflections about self and identity. Self is at the same time universal, as you describe, but also unique. It is mostly that unique part that we often call '“me”. But this last quote seems a little paradoxal to me:

I think the question of the body is too early discarded into this reflection :wink: There ain’t no “me” if there’s not body. That body is me. There’s no thoughts without that body. Even more, the thoughts we have right now and the identity to which we identifie ourself today aren’t going to be physically the same tomorrow and even less in 10 years. Your self from 10 years ago ain’t the same as the one today because your brain have changed, because of aging and contexts and experiences yes, but because also of the behaviors you had and the choices you made. This is where I agree with @Tomek that we are potentials. Because the thoughts does not define you at all. They support the self-project, the self-process, the potential self that is always an on-going thing (and there is connected with the rest of the world like you said). Thoughts aren’t enough, that’s why idealism fails at the end of the arguments if taken individually. Well, I think all the great philosophical currents and sciences fails when taken in a silo. For example, where you seem to approach the identity question with rationalism and an energetic scope, and where Tomek added some existentialism, I might be more these days influenced by the neurophysiological and physicist aspect of the concept of “me”. I think all this is needed, and much more, to answer those existential questions.

This frighten me all-the-time. As I am here, making my life and trying to become the better me, to help the most people I can, sometime this just hit me so hard. The illusion we’re making a difference in this big picture. But, but but. I have to come back to my context. You and I are making a difference in the world. What role is that? This might be totally unknown and insignificant if you go to a scale up to the stars, but it is realizable if you look down to where you are and into the people surrounding you. Of course I am one human in trillons, but I am unique to a lot of people. I am a son, I am a boyfriend who’s look at to be a father, I am a friend, I am brother, I am a caregiver. Into those eyes I am unique, not just a result of the evolution. And I am certainly not just my thoughts. Because when I go there, when I go deep in my only thoughts, this is were I can loose myself. This is actually where I meet alcohol to get me out of this infinite spiral of thoughts without anything concrete to put my hand onto and to relate myself to the world. I can’t count only on my thoughts, because they can fool me, like they do to any addict because they’re affected and poisoned by years of addictive behaviors.

Ahhh… I just get it now why I had to answer to your post… :pensive: I didn’t want to argue against your conceptions of self or anything. I think I have experienced that road of thoughts you described, and that I’ve been stuck in them, suck in them, and I’ve been coping with it with alcohol because I didn’t know how to get out of this. So I am reacting because I hate alcohol right now and I basically hate that I’ve spend so many years trying to answer some questions that didn’t have any when asked only and answered only inside my addict head. Man so many years and potentials wasted… I’ve discovered in the last year the whole potential of behavioral changes, and I am more more into a neuro approach in my recovery. Since I’ve made that change, I have so much more facility to accept my thoughts, my feelings and all, because I understand more clearly (even if I’m far from a specialist) what’s fundamentally happening in my brain. So, I’m sorry if I offended your steps and reflections - I think I’ve been a little “triggered” by that. I was about to erase my reply, but I think I’ll leave it, because sometime we say things without thinking too much, sometime we think a lot without saying much. And, well, those thoughts made me realize somethings and I thank you for that. Hope you’ll have a good day.


Yeah not bad :thinking:!!! :grin::heart:

Take a pic and take your pick.

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Absolutely brilliant :v::fireworks::sparkler::tada::sparkles::trophy::1st_place_medal:

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Cracking Dan! Well done!

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One month and 5 days. Since it started counting it like that instead of how many days I have I find myself less interested in checking in every single day cause I feel like I have to make it another month for it to be worth it. How do you guys set your counters to just be days? Instead of years months days. TIA!

Oh I figured it out. I was afraid to tap those icons cause the first one I tapped asked me if I wanted to reset. And I was like NOOOOOO! :sweat_smile:


Day 291. Feeling okay.
Very gratefull to be sober.
Looking back on everything I’m glad I left that toxic relationship. I’d like to believe my higher power kicked in right on time and got me out of there.
Today is better day. Don’t feel the need to drink.
Just feel the need to get rid of this damn flu! Haha. Had to do a covid test befor I could see my doctor. Came out negative!
I guess you all were right. It takes time to process all my feelings. Not alcohol.
Hope everyone is having a nice sunday!

Much love

JC :heart:


I’m sorry you’re sick. I’m delighted that the urge to drink has passed. And congrats on so many days!!!

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You too man! Stay strong and take things day by day! :wink:

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Congrat Dan , I am very happy for you :confetti_ball::dizzy::+1: well done

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Way to be, Dan! This is awesome. Thanks for being a motivating force for al of us!

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@Dan531 wow well done, what a big ass milestone :upside_down_face:
@Lisa07 I hope hubby stays strong you’ve shown him it can be done x

Checking in at day 85 (D&A)
Day 35 (SA)

I just walked to the park and back something I would never have done before sobriety… It was Beautiful…

I feel so greatful and happy doing my own thing nowadays… I don’t mind my own company :star_struck:


Lol :joy: thanks Dan… I have a feeling those 30’s will be much better!


Day 135 clean and sober today and realizing that the reason I’ve been feeling off a little is most likely due to the fact that I stopped going to the gym and started eating a little crappy. I can’t be on my game if I’m not taking care of myself. Have a great day everyone, love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Way to go Dan that is awesome!! 1 year AF. I bet that FEELS GREAT ! What a success story. I love to see it.
Have a wonderful day with an extra proud high step in your walk.

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Big congratulations on your first week clean and speaking at a meeting. First time must be pretty hard. I read somewhere the share you give is for you not the people that are listening. However if it can just touch one person and it will that’s just gravy. Share when you’re willing you are so worth it.
Again congrats on 1 week clean.


0.43 Checking in ,been awhile :v:t2: