Checking in daily to maintain focus #20

I’m not crying, you’re crying. Much love brother, you have helped me pull through some damn hard times. All while pulling through some damn hard times yourself :muscle:


Thank you… it’s a deal, I’ll stay 4 days behind you!

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D 869

I’m not the type that would usually ask for this, but please keep Chief in your thoughts over the next couple days - early tomorrow morning, I’m dropping him off for a surgery. He’s not in pain or ill health, nothing like that. Just a proactive procedure to ensure his long-term health and comfort, and not a major one from what I understand. He’ll stay there overnight, it’ll be strange not having him here with me.
It’s the same hospital that did his neutering, and they’ve always taken great care of him so I know I’ve got nothing to worry about but you never know with surgery/anesthesia. I’m just worried about my friend, I don’t know what I’d do if anything were to happen to him.
Yesterday I got him one more big day out running/playing/swimming since he’ll have to rest for about 2 weeks after. The freezer is filled with dog ice cream treats.


There have been some tough times for sure and that’s just life… we got to lean on one another when we need a little help. Thank you for being there

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Awww you’re a great owner to him :paw_prints:

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A post was split to a new topic: Creative writing: from my book

Thanks pal :blush:

It’s my responsibility to give him the best life I can!

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Thank you Eric it feels damn good, you’ll be here soon. I do seem to have va little extra pep in my step today😉


Thank you !

Appreciate it :black_heart:

Happy one year poison free !!!

Day 48: Shaking off a funk after waking up with a lot of pain in my hands. My right hand especially, thumb and index finger radiating up to my wrist and forearm. I am starting to think I might have sprained or otherwise injured something. Doing as much research as I can until I can get in to see a doctor. One exacerbating repetitive motion that I can identify right off is kitchen prep, especially knife work. I need to figure out how to work in the kitchen without making things hurt worse, if that is even possible! Cooking is so important to my recovery…ugh! Looking into wraps and braces, how to be mindful of how I hold things and stop gripping the damn knife like I am trying to kill somebody and every other option today. I might also have to switch to journaling on my computer instead of my beloved pen and paper journal…oh the horror, I can’t even think about that right now. (I’m being tongue in cheek here but I’m genuinely getting concerned…)

Some activities, like knitting, seem to help loosen things up, and I have a light grip so that doesn’t seem to cause more trouble. So I guess I’ll do some light crafting today and we’ll eat foods that don’t require chopping for dinner. And I’ll start sounding even more desperate in my call backs to doctor’s offices tomorrow to try and find someone who’ll take me!

OOF - thanks, fam, for reading my rants. Pain sucks. Not gonna drink. I appreciate all of you. Hang tight.


@Tryingtogetitright Congrats on triple digits! :tada:
@Dan531 Congrats on a whole year! Amazing :tada:

44 days. I also missed a milestone the other day, 6 months smoke free.

I awoke when my fitness watch said 4:30, fed the cats and took my morning meds and had breakfast, got back into bed, as usual, picked up my phone to put the back to sleep meditation on, and realised the clocks went back an hour as my phone said 3:42! Oops. Well I didn’t manage to fall back asleep after trying for 45 mins, so I got up and made a tea and coffee.

I was back from my morning walk by 8am, and it was a nice one.

I’ve been really struggling to spend any time on my sofa since I stopped using, and I think it’s because of all the traumatic memories associated with my using that stops me from being able to spend more than tens mins there whilst I eat and watch a bit of Netflix. Well today I put my bedding in the wash so I challenged myself to stay on the sofa for the whole playlist on Spotify, and it was really difficult and I had high anxiety and didn’t know what to do with myself, but I did manage it, 1hr 40mins.

Then I went out for my second walk, it was blue skies when I left so I didn’t wear my rain poncho, and you guess it, it chucked it down and I got soaked. By the time I got home my washing had finished the drying cycle, so I put it back on the bed and packed the rest away. Then I had a nice warm shower, fed the cats, and have been on this thread since.

Time for some food and an early night with my book I think :blush:

I hope you’ve all had lovely sober weekends :pray:t2:


A post was merged into an existing topic: Creative writing

I’m sorry to hear he’s going in for a surgery but I’m thinking of you and the little man! I’m sure he will be just fine and he’s very lucky to have someone like you who takes such good care of him.

Let us know how his procedure goes!

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@RosaCanDo I’m sorry to hear your wrist is bugging you so much, especially when that effects things important to your recovery. That’s the worst.

I hope it starts to feel better soon :slightly_smiling_face:

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I really appreciate you wanting to share your art with us. I would encourage you to start your own thread with a warning in the title with this rather than posting on the check in thread, simply because there is some dark and violent imagery that could trigger some or that not everyone may want to read. @siand or another moderator could help move this or help you start a thread.


@CapriciousCapricorn my dear sweet friend! I tried finding the perfect meme lol, but nothing captured it. I love you so much and I’m so happy for you. You have so much on your plate, a lot to conquer, yet you’re always here cheering us on. Congrats on 300 and your other growing numbers :heart:

@Dazercat Same! I watched “The Way Back” after it was recommended here. It was definitely worth the watch.

@Lisa07, good for you putting your foot down for the sake of the family and your sobriety! You my dear, are the real deal. Much love! :heart:

@Mno , I just have to say how much I enjoy your check-ins, and I look forward to your photos everyday :slight_smile:

@dan531 Amazing!!! Congrats one one year. What a true blessing!!!

@jonachav123 so great to hear this!!

@TMAC Chief will definitely be in my thoughts :paw_prints::hugs:

Just chillin’ on a lazy Sunday. Watching football and rustling up some ambition to do my Sunday cleaning. Bought me a Cadillac SRX and I’ll pick it up Tuesday, fun! Talked to Ex1 and think it’s somewhat ok. I just told my daughter to come over whenever she wants to, but don’t feel pressured like she has to. We’ll see what happens. I’ve been blah/sad, but I’m sure it will pass. No desire to drink.

I hit a record with my eating disorder. My last decent run lasted 29 days.


Congrats on you 29 days with you ED. That’s fabulous. I’m just sitting around doing the same as you. Football. Maybe some cleaning. We’ll see. With all the 4 legged fur balls I got it don’t stay clean but an hour. What’s the point. But I’m baking and footballing and going to do some winter planting. Ugh :weary:

You getting a Caddy?! So cool. I love the SRX. Much later down the road you’re going to have tell me how you like it. Always been thinking of getting a Caddy like that. But my 18 year old M3 convertible fits like an old soft leather glove. I’ll probably be buried in it.
Have a great Sunday. I hope you can work things with your daughter without pressure. That’s the best way.
I hope your teams win. Keep up the great work. Your certainly worth it.


Woo hoo! Congratulations on 5 months @Girlinterrupted. Beth, I’m excited with you over your new car. I love the SRX, good luck and enjoy.


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Checking in on Day 460. Yesterday sucked, work related, naturally. Today marks eight years since my grandpa passed. I was the first born grandchild, born ON his birthday, so we were super close. Decided to get out for a walk and enjoy the decent weather we’re having, and clear my mind.

Pic from today’s walk:

Have a strong day!!!