Checking in Daily to Maintain Focus #22


First week sober, A huge thank you to everyone posting here :slight_smile:


D. 7 tobacco
D. 991, alcohol. I dont remember waking up and instantly craving a drink. As soon as I opened my eyes, I was wanting some nicotine. Not going to give in. Little meditation, some prayerā€¦then get ready for work


Panic mode setting in!
I have a social distance conference where Iā€™m a guest speaker I used to do well at speaking because I was on some form of drugā€¦ This is going to be my first time speaking drug free my fucking nerves and my stomach are all over the place!

Can I go fucking hide under the quilt anybody got any tips?!!
I seriously think Iā€™m gonna crap myself in front of people. This was booked last year.
I have this belief that Iā€™m better on the drugs then off them, its always been my secure blanket for things I just canā€™t do!

Do you think if I cancel now Iā€™ll get away with itā€¦ Anybody got a fever or a sickness bug (not corna) they can spread!!!

šŸ¤¦ Iā€™m done.



You can do it! You THINK you did it better on drugs, actually sober you can prepare, etc, and actually learn skills from the experience. Donā€™t give in before you even try!


You can do it girl! If you can do it on drugs you can do it clean. I never presented pissed or stoned - itā€™s too much like hard work. And you will feel great afterwards. Just remember to breath and pace yourself. Go knock their socks off! :socks:


Day 309. So after work, I went and did some more Christmas shopping after work for my beautiful girls. This is gonna be the first Christmas I didnā€™t scramble for gifts, Iā€™m actually trying. Iā€™m not being selfish, I didnā€™t look at a damn thing for myself itā€™s all about my girls. It feels goodā€¦ I stayed up for like 30 hours lol. @Rockstar24777 hope your having a good day manā€¦ @anon27760155 you got this girl, I get that feeling of worry but youā€™ll do greatā€¦ I see alot of newcomers on here so welcome to all of you hope everyone has a good day.


Checking in December 8th 2020
Hello Morning we meet again with ice cold wind i can see my breath as i inhale exhale this is going to be an AMAZING DAY because i choose to make it just that i understand now sober the mindset is a powerful tool and right now i choose to be amazing for an amazing day working with amazing people LETS GOOOO !!! :triumph::fire:


Danni, stop worrying. I know itā€™s easier said than done but treat this like sobriety. Break it down to being in each minute and do what you need to do to get you to the next moment.
You are not in that moment yet are you? Donā€™t waste your energy on it now!
Itā€™s a technique Iā€™ve used to get me through some times when anxiety would have crippled me.
We tend to waste too much energy worrying about things and when we actually get there we donā€™t have to energy to actually be our best.
If you have done this before, doesnā€™t matter if you were drugging or not, you have done it before.
Clear your mind and just concentrate on the here and now!
And you have got this girl. I know you have. Youā€™re strong.


Thank you Conor! :+1:

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You got this! I am attending a social distance conference today, too. Attended yesterday and a few folks struggled a bit. Everyone understands. Last spring I was offering a virtual training session and my Roomba started midway through. It was a hit!! :sweat_smile::sweat_smile: I think your presentation will be far better drug-free. Let us know how it goes.


I am on Day 24 and feeling strong! :muscle::muscle:


Your going to be amazing my friend dont worry as we are adhd our minds are in over drive constantly we tend to overthink things ALOT when in reality it actually goes the complete oposite and we do AMAZING and we find out its not so bad as we thought Dani you are very strong dont ever forget how far along you are in this journey my friend im rooting for you please let us know how it went :heart:


Congratulations 24 days look at youuu almost at a month talk about powering through !

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Congrats! 500 days is huge!!


Thank you, Scott. :blush: Still canā€™t believe it myself.

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Congrats girl ! :trophy::rocket::fire: 500 huge massive claps and hugs and high fives :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I hope you spoiled your self today and treated yourself because you deserve it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


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