Checking in Daily to Maintain Focus #22

Day 240. 8 months… I feel great. Sure there is crazy stuff going on but thats just life.


Checking in on day 12. Been sleeping good, feeling good and it’s all thanks to being sober. I am loving sobriety so much this time around I’m nervous. I don’t want this feeling to go away and end up relapsing. I have been reading a lot on here throughout the day and staying off facebook for now. Social media allows me to interact with people who can sell me pills because unfortunately my dealers are also “friends”. Going to stay positive and sober today for sure because today is all we have. One day at a time is really helpful for me, this way I don’t get overwhelmed and give into cravings. Have a wonderful day all my sober friends. :grinning:


Day 20

Have been spending good quality time with my family and friends past days. Not much time left to read en write here.

Hope you have a very nice Sunday wherever you are!


Waking up with 15 days done and behind me. Each day is now the longest I’ve been sober in three years. I feel free. Wondering about what steps I need to take to ensure it stays this way. One of them is telling my wife. My goal is to tell her today. I don’t know why I’m so scared to talk about it with her, but today it’s happening.


Opening up is always hard to do because you feel vulnerable and afraid to be hurt, and you may also had some period in your life when being hurt meant that other’s opinion/action/reaction kinda destroyed you, you were hit in the very inside and it made you insecure about the core of your self and nothing is more scary than the possibility of loosing the certainty in our deepest selves. But now, if you think about it, you have a lot of tools to cope with this discomfort - even if she doesn’t take it so well, you can handle it. It wouldn’t destroy you, you two could talk about it, you could work on it. Her reaction cannot endanger your deep self. Unknown is scary but you don’t go there unprotected.

  1. Had a drinking dream last night. Cannot remember when the last time I had one was. Very weird how realistic it was. I was absolutely confused when I woke up this morning.

Coincidentally, day 987 today. 987 was also the hull number of the last ship I served on.
All is well, think I will add another sober day


Btw probably the reason of it is that if a child (or baby animal) is vulnerable physically it’s a matter of life and death, and if we experience psychic vulnerability as a kid we also take it as a danger of destruction because we have no protection against it, cause we don’t have a developed self. So if we have a lot of situations like that in our childhood, we tend to be instinctively afraid of these situations in the adulthood imo.


Thats the spirit M! Love waking up to this!! :raised_hands::heart:

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12 days and 14 hours…pretty moody today…tired physically from day back in salon yesterday…it’s a very big very busy place. 50 staff… social distancing is pretty nonexistent :joy::joy::grimacing:. Of course there’s masks etc,I choose not too…I hate them. I wear a visor like and 80s tennis player cos I hate being obstructed in vision aswell. Did some good work but it’s tiring talking non stop and being the character that you have to stage in salon work,and standing up all day is not what I’m used to ,even tho I done it full time for 2 years and part-time for 20!:astonished:.
So moody today, my eldest is pretty lazy and wouldn’t wash up for me , doesn’t matter really. But I feel like saying I’m not cooking tonight .
Anyway just chilling for a bit, looks like I’m going to be unproductive in studying so writing that off today and just gonna do random things around the house.
I was gonna get a :evergreen_tree: tree :christmas_tree: today but I ain’t in the f++king mood ,so I’ll leave that one til I got a better head on rather than upset my kids by being a moody (probably menstrual) cow :triumph::sob::triumph::sob::triumph::sob:


Day 8 just checking in


Checking in on day 175. Everything is going well; I hope everyone is having a great weekend.

It pains me to read through this thread and see some of my TS friends struggling but I know we will all pull through it and use our sobriety tools to help us cope. Stay safe and healthy everyone :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks for the welcome :+1:
Definitly changed me for the better

Hey thanks Eric
Tell me about it its going by so quick
i will :blush:

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Celebrating a birthday. Not mine, but my country’s :finland:


Woke up at 4am, never got back to sleep. Though this has not been unusual in my life, I really thought that giving up the booze would help. I am only on day 23. Early, I know. But it is just… so… annoying. Doing so many things to help my sleep patterns. I thought. Can anyone show me the light at the end of the tunnel, or is my insomnia likely not even alcohol related?!
Going skiing again today. Wish me luck my exhaustion doesn’t lead to a broken bone lol.


I’ve struggled with sleep most of my life, but it was particularly bad when I was drinking. Once I stopped drinking, it took about a month for things to really even out. A few things that helped with that? I started a really strict bedtime routine, which helps my body know that it’s time to shut down. For me that means a bath, a cup of sleepytime tea, writing in my journal, reading for about 20 minutes, and then lights out. Also, I go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time every day. These things have really helped my insomnia. Good luck! You’re doing so well with your sobriety, and you will be at day 30 before you know it!


Those flowers are gorgeous! I hope you have a great day!

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I appreciate it like i was telling Eric these days are going by so fast :fire:


Emm thank you so much and of course
It feels great to be here sharing every step of the way :fire:


400 Alcohol .
340 Tobacco.
735 Marijuana.
Checking in December 6 2020.
I feel like a clean sleight like i get a 2nd chance in life like i can make things right now the way it should have been and will be and i promise to myself new relationships to my family that they will get 110% everytime. This is me now .