Checking in Daily to Maintain Focus #22

Really means alot this has been by far the longest ive gone without drinking i cant beileve it :crazy_face: thank you @cwak


Checking in at the end of day 323. Was a good productive day. Looking forward to tomorrow one of my housemates one year clean celebration. Got him cake a card and snagged him an NA keytag from the meeting I attended tonight :hugs:
God bless you all. :v:&:heart:


Welcome to the 400 club :wink:


Happy to say I made it 1 week! Hope everyone is doing well!!


Checking in day 15. Today was much easier than yesterday. Thanks everyone for the support and encouragement. :blush:


Hey, congratulations on your first week. Thatā€™s great :clap::clap::clap:

I swear it seems like just yesterday you got 365 and youā€™re already at 400? Wow!! Congratulations that is great!! Keep up the great work. Give Fathead a scratch on the head for me.


Congratulations on your 30 days Tomek. Thatā€™s huge. Really happy for ya.


Thank you very much! I honestly could not of done it without the support from everyone here. This is a great place and Iā€™m so glad I found it.


Day 159.
If I accept that Iā€™m not a ā€œnormieā€, then my options are simple:

Embrace this sober life ā€“ rewire the brain, rework old habits, reinvent things like holidays, ride out the times where cravings lurk or come storming right in, and wake up most days to more beauty ā€“ in my life and all around me.

Or submit to the cravings. For what?

So, come on in, cravings ā€“ stop by for a visit any time you like. But alas, Iā€™ve cleared out your things and youā€™ll have to find somewhere else to stay. Sober lays its head on your pillow, now. Happy trailsā€¦!

Gā€™night, big love to all :orange_heart:

  1. Coffee. Slept way too short. Did have a very nice night with my bestie and some great food though. She finally seems to see that Iā€™m still a nice guy to hang with, even when sober. That took some time yes. Anyway, glad to be here, sober and clean, at 7 am and needing to get dressed and running out of the door to face a busy Sunday morning shift. Have a good day all. Clean and sober. Love from Amsterdam.

Yes! I couldnā€™t agree moreā€¦! Enjoy Max and baking, sounds so good.

@cwak i had a lot of emotions the first 90 days - i think things i kept tamped down with alcohol were suddenly given free rein to express themselves. hang in there - water always finds it level and so will you. and keep reaching out!

@Truckinmonster21 400 days - amazing! So glad you are here - thank you for the example of you.

And letā€™s all just keep at it - bit by bit. We can do it. :orange_heart:



Day 763, day 43 diet coke.
I had a calm and intense day yesterday for my thinking. Nothing special happened though. Talked to my mom for some time. It was okay but later it clicked. We were talking about (what else) the Covid situation and I said that in some points it took pressure from me. And as I wrote some weeks ago I read in a book where they compared happiness now and decades ago, why are we not happier with all the possibilities and choices we can make. In 2020 I had less choices, still enough, and had to accept situations as they are. Once I am okay with that, I am satisfied.
Then she says yeah but you have a disadvantageā€¦ You cannot go climbing as everything is closed. :japanese_ogre: This runs in our family. Only negative interpretation. And when I say that it is not true. As if focus on negative things would make them better? This makes me angry, really. Like: cool, I am a nondrinker and some goof comes around the corner and says: yeah buuuuut. Thing is that it is family. Otherwise I could more easily say: I stay away. No. Good energy.
My arm is almost fully okay. I have muscle ache due to the kettlebell workout. :crazy_face:

Think I have to restart interval fasting. I slept way better when I was not snacking at 10pm.

I can say that I am grateful facing life sober now. It sinks into my heart with every challenge I have had lately. What would it have been hungover?

We receive a little magazine every now and then from the company and they asked us to rate them on Kunuu. As a good employee I was pleased to do this. In a fair, polite way and sticking to my experiences. :pray:

Wish everyone a peaceful and sober Sunday.


Perfect :ok_hand:
I wanted to give this more likes but I only get one so :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:


Morning all!
Had a looooong walk yesterday to observe the negotiations in my head my addict mind was trying to drag me in. So villainous I would almost be proud of it. 10km in it shifted, like a cloud. Thank god.
struggling with feeling less then others so checking in here is hard atm. Why the hell would anybody be interested in what I have to say.
This is a duality in me. I love to be silent and observe. But am always angry because people do not listen to what I have to bring into this world. My neighbour has issues with health. I felt it was no good and softly try to urge him to take actions. doctors do nothing during this pandemic. Now it does turn out to be bad news and I get sad and angry. why did he not listen to me? (while he does not have to). I do not want him to see my worries and my tearsā€¦ I can not take care of him and let lose my co dependant mariaā€¦
pfff I am so sensitive.

Now off to facilitate a silent dance on the beach. SILENTā€¦ best discovery ever! :wink: probably last one this year. In a frosty white world. probably dressed differently than in picture :snowflake:


@TSan, @CATMANCAM, @Dazercat Thank you very much!


I love that picture of you! Beautifulā€¦:sparkling_heart:

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Because what you have to say Maria could possibly help me and others stay clean and sober one more day. Thank you for being you and reaching out. Do not be angry my friend, we are listening. :heart:


definitely, the more we know about what is going to happen and why then we can be prepared and say OK this is shit but its normal to feel like this, personally it took me years of relapses and learning something new every time and now I think Iā€™ve been through every possible scenario but never say never bc if you want to make God laugh tell him your plans. :grin: