Checking in Daily to Maintain Focus #22

Huge congrats on 90 days Rosa! That’s huge! Good times and bad ones. One day at a time. Love and hugs your and Chucho’s way.

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Oh man, that’s a bummer about your view! Tell your landlord you were paying to live there for the view, lol!! :rofl:
And that’s awesome all the baking you did; I would love getting that! I’m glad you’re having a good day, did your little mini me help bake??


I bought this house last year. Gah this house has been such a money pit and now I cant even enjoy my expensive view. :crazy_face:
Yeah my mini helped me! Probably why it was so exhausting!! She makes messes faster than you can blink an eye! But love my little helper!! Have a great day Donna! :kissing_heart::heart:


so happy for you, thank you for being a valued part of our sober community and here is to one more sober day :hugs:



Checking in, day 31. I force myself to check in, because I have been neglecting it a bit lately and I know that distancing can lead to depression and relapse. I try to track down and identify my emotions because it seems more and more fuzzy and confused on the surface, I feel lost in this mess.


Hello everyone :hugs: check in 111 day .


Thank you Tommo One day at a time is key

Okay, so. I made it to 100 days today. How apt. It’s my country’s Independence Day also.

So, triple digits. No PMO. Has it been easy? No! Heck no! Some days it felt like I was crawling to the “finish line” at the end of a day. Have I had easier days? Yes! Some days just flew by, with laughter and rainbows and unicorns! :joy:

But one thing is for sure. I would not have made it without the help of TS and YOU guys!! My heart goes out to you! :heart::heart::heart:


Goodnight all.
I’m pretty happy with my VW, and having a charging station in my parking garage never hurts !



100 days. Yippee!!





Checking in on Day 9 no alcohol, and today was FRUSTRATING. The day that I planned to have did not happen, and even though nothing exactly terrible happened I just feel annoyed and down. In the midst of it, I experienced the first real craving this time around of giving up alcohol. I did not drink, and I’m not going to now even though there is still part of me that wants to. I know drinking won’t solve anything, and I know that despite feeling like it will numb or distract from my emotions, it won’t actually do that in the long run. It will only make things more difficult to work with.

Sometimes I just wish I was a different person.

I just need to VENT here and let myself be a little frustrated at my situation today. I feel out of control of my emotions, even though I really probably just feeling my emotions more than normal right now. Not out of control, just intense. Thanks for listening to anyone who reads this. I am going to go take a hot shower and try to relax. I will probably have to do a second check in later tonight…


Congratulations, @Milele! 100 days is awesome! I’m really happy for you!

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Well done you brilliant :clap::clap::clap:

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Yay! Congratulations on triple digits @Milele!


12 days and 23 hours so day 13 done…had a tricky day …had a day off studying,so uncomfortable feelings set in…kept busy doing a bit if house tidying but it got to a point late afternoon when I thought if I go down to the local to get a chocolate bar for my daughter (she wanted one) in the mood I’m in is not gonna turn out the best so I said,right the only thing that’s gonna cheer me up is going to the garden centre! went to garden centre with kids,looked at some lights…bought some orangey smelling pine cones, and ANOTHER plant!:grin:…cheered me up and no alcohol. I have 3 new plants this week…home is becoming homely. Tired :zzz:.


Woohooooo!!! :partying_face: Well done!

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14 days. Feeling great today. I feel pretty motivated this time. I do feel my memory is off though. I’ve been keeping lists to help me with that. I think…and I’m no professional…but if alcohol screws up short term memory I believe that part of the brain needs time to heal during recovery…or maybe my memory just sucks now.