Checking in Daily to Maintain Focus #22

Congrats on 90 days @RosaCanDo nice work!

Congrats on the triple D’s @Milele!


I went through that too! Actually it just started to feel normal recently. I hope yours doesn’t take as long as I did!:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I always think it’s cuz I grew up in the 70’s and I killed a lot of perfectly good brain cells!:laughing:


So proud of you!!

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Checking in day 83.
Big big week academic related and deadlines. No more attention for today… Being busy kind of remove craving… Or maybe it’s my sobriety’s work of the last weeks combined to the business of this week. Looking forward to Wednesday when this rush will end.
I guess things are getting better. Not necessarily easier on the mood.
One foot in front of the other.


Day 28. I have been doing schoolwork all day. My brain is fried and I really need to do more, but it will likely come out as complete garbage. I am officially off of quarantine tomorrow. I feel really disconnected and have no desire to go make sales in the grocery store, in this Covid hotbed of Nebraska.

I was ready for my post exam ice-cold beer, but only for a moment. I haven’t really been craving. I also haven’t really been present. My mind is all over the place and that’s OK. AND I slept pretty OK for the last couple of nights. So, hopefully, I will have a nice early start tomorrow and knock out the school work that is still hanging around. Only 11 more days of this semester.


Day 610. Christmas shopping, always not enough time for some reason.


@TSan, thanks for the tips! I am trying to do a lot of the routine you mentioned. I could definitely make it more consistent. Glad to hear that MAYBE there is relief ahead.
Thinking about getting good sleep gives me anxiety, anxiety keeps me from sleeping, and on and on. The mind is one nutty thing, that’s for sure. I appreciate your response nonetheless!


Checking in at the end of my 15th day of sobriety. I keep hearing discussion of a “pink cloud.” So I did some reading on that today and began wondering if I could be experiencing that right now. Haven’t really had much struggle staying sober, but I also have some good safeguards in place. Also wondering if I need to dive into AA. I was thinking about going to a meeting tonight but got hung up working. I just really want to set myself up to win here. Ignorance will only hurt me I think…


For me the hardest times to work on my sobriety was when things are going well. It’s easy to think I don’t need to work when it’s going well, but I do it anyway. Then, when shit goes bad I have all the tools already in place. That’s gameday. When things are going well, that’s practice.

Day 1,130.


I’ve never thought of it that way… very good point! I know it’s important to take it day by day but I think I need to put more thought into when the struggle gets real bad. Thanks for the insight.


Yeah that pink cloud is real for sure. And its a emotional ride when it ends. But then there are good days. @Englishd nailed it, I kept thinking all was well so I’d stop doing a.a and not work my recovery, hit a couple a.a meetings here and there and call it good. Took me 307 days to realize I can’t just work a.a on the bad days. I’ve been hitting meetings and doing the steps everyday. Keep up the good work.


Checking in day16. I am tired and emotional and frustrated with myself, But I made it through this day sober and I’m looking forward to tomorrow being better.


Day 118 or 3.89 months. Gonna flip over to months so hit 4 months properly.

Resignedly bummed about the cat. Have made all the calls, will print flyers at work tomorrow, so I don’t have regrets that I didn’t do all I can.
Husband is already talking about getting another cat (considering he threatened me with divorce if we kept Noisy in the first place, this is a 180 change of opinion) and has looked at online sites. My daughter has jumped on the idea, and a depressing number of kittys needing a home. I and my son need a bit of time before we make any decisions though.


Second check in of night… I was pretty frustrated earlier when I posted. But here I am a few hours later, pulling through. Made a sundae for a special treat, and it was really good. Lifted my spirits. My boyfriend got drunk early tonight and now he is hungover, and while I feel bad for him that he feels sick I am sooooo glad I did not have a drink earlier when I felt the desire. Going to bed sober on Day 9 no alcohol.


You doing great.

“We May wonder how we are going to get through all the stages and phases, the levels in growth and recovery…Knowing we are not alone often quiets our fears and helps us gain perspective.”

Living With Sobriety

Have a good night.


Late night check in.
Found out I still had some CBD oil in my bathroom. I knew it was there. I know I’m keeping it. I know I think about it sometime. I know it’s in the back of my head that I could spare some of those lonely night with that. That never been my doc. Still. I think Mr. Hyde is playing is little trick by keeping this. I don’t know. Maybe I paranoid and don’t trust myself enough. But it was on my mind and wanted to share. Maybe I’m not honest with myself about this. Maybe I’m making it bigger then it is. At least it’s not a bottle I’m hiding, because that would be big trouble.


#13 down, going to be rough tomorrow. Going to spend time with my friend who just put down her dog. Super sad. Going to not get sucked into her wine. Good night all!


Its not 0 but not quite yet 1. Starting again and checking in.


Chuck it.
You are strong enough until you are not, and when you are not let it be so difficult that you can stop yourself before you do.

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Checking in here for the first time. 14 months and some days down, so many more to go. The clarity is :star_struck: