Checking in Daily to Maintain Focus #22

  1. Doing some work from home before going to work an early shift bc of a deadline to make. Typically me, procrastinator pur sang. I’m OK. I’m sober and clean. I’m off tomorrow. I love my new home. Have a great week all! Love from my pimped up appartement.

I don’t know about your exact living situation and what you’ve tried so far, but there are tricks to make cats find their own way back. As a kid, we once got our cat back after 2 weeks by letting the front door ajar for 2 nights with a bowl of food just inside (with my parents keeping guard). And there are more possibilities.


Day 160 ended before I could post - it’s 15 minutes into Day 161 and I gotta get some sleep! A full day - 800km of road trip and an accommodations glitch, but instead of rushing to fill the ice bucket upon check-in, my big complaint is no kettle here for my nighty-time tea, so that’s progress :wink: :laughing:
Will catch up on your days tomorrow, sweet sober pals. :orange_heart:


Day 764 and day 44 diet coke free.
Day off today until end of march :grin:
I am doing good today. Had some good talk with friends. I am so grateful now to have them. And they always give me something to think about, to learn. I feel that more and more are not okay with the current situation, not being able to go skiing etc. Or travelling as freely as a year ago. I don’t think flying somewhere is a human right. But what makes me thinking is why don’t I am so depressed bc of this or suffer from that.

And what popped up is that although I could say, fuck a was alcohol dependent, I now feel such a freedom of being able toake changes in my life or/and accept things. This is soooo much freedom that some months of less contacts or consumerism (well for that… :unamused:) cannot diminish that.


Oh. it was not anger, I try not to spread anger since I know how much it hurts me already when internalizing it. it is sadness. but thank you. Maybe I put it down in the wrong words. It is sadness. :wink: Have a nice day.

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So proud of you! :heart:

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Wtf. Hell, I hope you will get help soon. I also learned the hard way in the last months that what is not written down likely did not happen.

In your case, when your health is implicated it’s even worse.

I am glad that you stay positive and in believe the only possible way to get through this is being sober. I wish you all the best!


That sounds very hard and frustrating but sounds like u are taking control. And to keep in control u have to stay sober.

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Thank you TS pals! @Piglet @Dazercat @Olivia @Jennajen @TSan @Mickymo @Lisa07 @RosaCanDo @Dan531 @CapriciousCapricorn and everyone else!

Ya’ll made my day # 101 and my journey in sobriety wouldn’t have been the same without you! :pray:t3::heart:


And of course @Maria! :heart::heart::heart:


Checking in on day 13. Up early as usual but I think it’s just what my body likes to do in sobriety. After like 8 hours of sleep I am ready to wake up and start my day. Have a great day everyone.


week one = level complete :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Day 6, tobacco free. Going to tackle this beast again.


Well done that’s great I am trying but find at the moment but I am only 2 days sober but you have cracked this well done :grinning:


Well done! That’s huge. You’ve got this!

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By the way. thank you for mirroring things back to me!!! apreciate it!

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Checking in with 16 days behind me. Waking up a bit anxious. Many rushing thoughts … how do I deal with all these things that bring stress into my life? Can I actually do this forever? There’s something broken deep inside that I don’t know how to fix. Will I just replace alcohol with some other destructive habit? Overwhelmed and flooded with these thoughts. Headed to the gym.


Day 308. So I got zero sleep, for the first time since about 4 months I couldn’t sleep. Mind was just racing, not negatively or anything, yesterday was actually a pretty good day. So idk, I feel funny. Almost like I actually did drugs. Maybe it’s my mind and body reminding me of what life use to be like? I have no idea, but yeah happy Monday I geuss. I could tell my mom was having funky thoughts when I told her I wasn’t able to sleep, I’m sure she was thinking drugs.


Time to head on down to Stewart’s for some coffee and a slice of breakfast pizza.