Checking in Daily to Maintain Focus #22

Checking in from my day 5. My first day back at work after my last binge. My mind is feeling good and I’m feeling almost back to normal. I’m very grateful for where I’m standing today. This is the point where I need to stay strong with my program. When I feel good and life is good I forget and feel I can drink. Not today though. Not on my day 5. Day 5 is mine. My mentality is strong. Good luck everyone today.!!!


Back to basics ABSOLUTELY. When I’m having tough and heart wrenching moments I have to think back to early early days and what got me through. Drink water, walk, eat nourishing food, breathe breathe breathe, read inspiring words, and stay here with us on TS.


Awesome thank you Rosa I will for sure!

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I’m proud of you mister… X


@RosaCanDo congrats on 90! :tada:
@Milele congrats on :100::star2::tada:
@Jdiaz congrats on 2 weeks :tada:
@_kim welcome and congrats on 14+ months :tada:
@Mno loving the jumper, it really looks like Luna :heart_eyes::smile_cat:
@zzz so sorry about this experience, I really hope they get that test done soon and you get the help you need :pray:t2: Hope the interview went well.
@apes2020 congrats on your week, so glad to see you posting again :tada::smiley:
@Salty that would worry me too, I’m terrified of dentistry, good luck and hope it goes well :pray:t2:
@anon28001181 good luck in court :pray:t2:
@Rockstar24777 so sorry to hear this Rob, you gave it another chance, but you really do have to prioritise your own mental health and sobriety, stay strong and focus on what keeps you sober :pray:t2::muscle:t2::blue_heart:

87 days.

I might be being paranoid, but after 87 days, I get a random phone call from an unsaved number today, trusted my instincts and didn’t answer, then followed a text that was clearly from a dealer, so I immediately blocked and deleted the msg and missed call. Really did not need that right now. My last relapse was on day 88, which will be tomorrow, safe to say I’m terrified, and it’s almost like they’ve waited until I last relapsed.

Staying in in the warm, watching Netflix, binge-eating, and smoking, seems to be working to get me through this triggering time, but if I haven’t already stopped when I finally get to 90 days, I will stop then and get back to my healthier routine. I don’t want to drink, and I don’t want to use cocaine, so I think I need to allow myself the crisps and cigarettes temporarily, though I don’t want to be using them either.

Today I’ve been repainting some ornaments from my Mum’s grave as they had been down there since I was a child so we’re very weathered, I’m not finished yet but here’s a before photo and a progress photo :blush:


Checking in on day 24.


Thank you Danni. It hurts but I think it was time I stood up for myself, every day my heart was broken and to have them just not care about it showed me it was time for me to go. Thank you for your support I appreciate it so much!


Thank you @Tyler2020i appreciate the support and yes, I have to protect my mental health and sobriety no matter what. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt but I had to put things in perspective. The only thing I regret is the way I cussed, not cool in my book. It’s to late to apologize for it now, what’s done is done. I had to block her on everything to protect myself from the hurtful things I knew she would say. Thank you again, have an awesome day today.


Day 127…

I feel like shit the past couple of days I fight a lot with my emotions and I try and smile through a lot of what’s going on… I graduate from day rehab next week… They have gave me the option of staying on for another 3 months. I’m in shock as I’ve been asked to do peer mentoring at this rehab centre, they are also wanting me to study to be a drug counsellor because of my Nero divisity I see things a lot different to Nero typical people… The thing is I mask so much and rarely let anyone see the true danni! So I am a bit stressed at this offer as I just want to decline and fuck off in my camper can come Jan however I promised I would always give back…

Today in drug rehab I made a guy cry… He relapsed and I asked him to look deep at his journey as this rehab you must be clean of all drugs that includes alcohol… Thou he hasnt been just kicked off because it was booze and not his drug… I’m the type to be very direct and asked him did he want to sit where I am ?? With no one around them facing Christmas alone because of the choices I made?!? This isn’t a journey of half’s I committed not to pick up ever again and I fucking mean it as I haven’t got the strength to do this again… I feel fucking awful now for making this man cry and have sobbed most the day!

I’m tired mentally… I’ve smashed 3 glasses and don’t think I can cook as my motor tics are rough today !


21 days!

Every day I’ll undertake small steps but they are significant for me to strengthen my foundation to full recovery. Yesterday I told another friend that I quit drinking. And today I shared it with a thrust worthy colleague of mine. By telling more and more people about my decision I’ll close the door to probabilities to relapse. In other words, it’s getting harder for me to fall back. Till now I only get positive reactions and mostly they surprisingly respond to me with their own strivings to cut back.

Off course I get frowned eyebrows too, but I won’t interpret that as a judgement. If I let someone judge me, it is me, and I’m pretty harsh. What others think isn’t important to me yet, to protect myself. And I came to the conclusion that you never know for sure how others judge you. So if that’s not clear, don’t assume anything and just follow the path you’ll think is best.


You’re a fucking rockstar Danni I am always amazed by the woman that you are and becoming!!! I say go for the peer position as that sounds like an awesome opportunity to help others which you’re really good at. And as far as making that man cry, you just might’ve saved his life. You’re always so strong. Do what people have been suggesting for me to do and that’s to be kind to yourself today, you’re so worth it!!!


Day 4

Noticing today that my patience is at an all time low. Its very clear that I need to make better efforts to ensure I get plenty of sleep, eat well and accept the things I cannot change. Ive always loved the acronym HALT. Anytime Im in a poor mood or anxiety is high I check in with myself on all of those issues.

Im glad to be sober and know that the key to success is taking this journey one day at a time. Hope everyone is doing well!


I really think you did the right thing, I get you love her dude, i get how hard this is. I feel bad for her, that is so hard on both ends. In my very humble opinion,that is way to much for you man. Your gonna ruin your mind trying to deal with what emotions your already feeling, plus what her different personalities are doing to you. I mean it from the kindness of my heart, but sometimes you have to let ppl go just because you do love them. You need to finish loving yourself man, I don’t want to see you sitting around beating yourself up for something out of your control. Much love dude, I hope this didn’t seem to harsh


Checking out. God night to all of you.

Thinking a lot about quitting from my AA online meeting. It doesn’t do me any good. Always on and off in my mind and I think the reason why I am still in is false responsibility.


Welcome! Share at your own level of comfort. Glad you decided to check in!


Not to harsh at all bro I really appreciate your feedback. Yeah it sucks and it hurts but it sucked and hurt 98% of the time anyway and that’s a truth I needed to and still need to face. Much love to you too Mike, thank you for being my friend. Have a great day :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Goodnight everyone.


Welcome Lilly. Nice to meet you

Checking in December 7 2020 .

@Tommo congratulations on 94 days man. Thats crazy almost at 100 lets get it my friend

@anon27760155 congratulations on 127 days thats amazing !

I hope everyone is doing amazing its alot of you guys i want to shoutout you guys are doing amazing keep fighting the good fight ! Keep trucking


Taking my wife out for an AF anniversary dinner to celebrate 14 years of marriage. She has faithfully stuck by my side through all the sh!t. So thankful for her. Great way to wrap up my 16th day of sobriety.