Checking in Daily to Maintain Focus #22

Bro congratulations on your 16th day killing it out here ! 14 years thats real love man i wish you guys the best and many more years to come …:fire::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:

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Nice one getting back to a week, seems a long way away when we start again doesn’t it so I for one am really proud of you.

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Never ONLY, it’s an amazing gift each day of your sobriety so well done on 2 of them. :+1:


3.92 months

Mr Misokatsu’s bday today, he is 45. Which in my head is nearly 50 and as I am (just!) still in my 30s feels like we suddenly have a 20 year age difference. He doesn’t want any gifts or special food apparently, maybe I will write a letter or something.


Checking in at a second day #11. Been flapping my gums over at another thread today. Me and my 2 cents! Hope you guys are hanging in there! Good night to slip on the sweats and make some hot chocolate.


Hey everyone, checking in on a very busy day 176. My routine was thrown off this morning so I didn’t have my usual time to sit and catch up with everything on TS :roll_eyes:

Hopefully tomorrow we’ll be back to normal and I’ll be able to spend more time on here. Have a great one guys.


Check in day 17! I Had a good ugly cry with my counselor today and feeling drained but relieved that I got it out.


End of day 6 (tobacco). Decided to treat this like I did alcohol. Check in daily. It got me to 990 days sober…

Kicking tobacco sucks. This time I am using a nicotine product designed to help me quit. While it helps, I still feel the withdrawls…and to be honest…I miss using Copenhagen.


I have a little over 10 years without my chew… it was hard for sure but nothing compared to alcohol imo… Best wishes to you


What a trip! I live in Papillion!

@CATMANCAM They are beautifully done! What a nice way to spend a tough time. Good for you!

@anon27760155 - Crying is better than drinking/drugging. Regardless of his continued path, I bet he will always remember that moment.

@Sanuk - Well done on three weeks!

@Lilly23 Welcome to the forum! I am glad you’re here. We are here to help regardless of what time of issue you are facing. Your battle is yours and we will still fight for you.

@cwak - Happy Anniversary!

Day 29. Uneventful and unfortunately semi unproductive day. Last night, though, I slept 9.5 hours. I think I came to one tiny moment, but I almost missed my meeting! Yesterday, the washing machine caught fire. Yes, the washing machine - who knew? Do damage. It was caught very early because I wanted to add a dish towel to it. The landlords will pay me back, so that’s nice.

Still have tiny nagging moments of how nice it’d be to have a drink - you know, because it would be really nice to have ONE drink and not want another one. Alas, that is not a story I will ever be able to tell.

All the festive drink displays give me pause. Still, I circle back to why the hell people have been trained to celebrate with things that are bad for them. The human race is so odd. “Here, you are ONE year old! Shove your face and hands into this cake! Mommy has never given you sugar but it’s your 1st birthday!” - “Hey! You’re 21! It’s legal! Drink all you want! Even if you blackout! We’re celebrating!”

WT- ever-loving F???


Two weeks today without nicotine. Just over three months without smoking a cigarette…For some reason I’m really wanting a smoke for the last couple hours…attempting to do the same thing thats got me onto day 325 no drugs or alcohol…damn this shits hard some days. I was using 2mg nicotine lozenges to get to that three month mark now two weeks without anything after 25 years of a pack a day ahhhh… this too shall pass …distraction time


Day 3 Check in.

Haven’t done this before, but today is my 3rd day sober after my last relapse. Today I feel good, my mind has been distracted with work and family so I haven’t really thought much about a drink.

I can and I will overcome this. One day at a time :muscle: :call_me_hand:


Checking in back at 10 days. Still working with my sponsor and working the steps. Hope everyone is well :yellow_heart:


Very lazy day. I’ve been listening to random podcasts, kicking back and dealing with dental pain and trying to find the right Medicare supplement or advantage plan. What a total PITA!


Checking in=D-10-alcohol / D-7-cigarettes… I’m noticing that the past two days that I am becoming very sensitive to a lot things. I rarely ever cry, but now it seems like the smallest thing, will just bring a rainstorm of tears. And not all of them are sad tears, either. I guess after years of drowning my emotions away in a bottle, they are starting to slip out again. Like right now, I am tearing up because I am so happy & proud of myself for getting better! Goodnight all & God Bless🙏


Hooray for sleeping!!! I hope that keeps up for you. And thank goodness no fire damage - scary. That’s the perk of renting, for sure…it’s someone else’s problem. As long as they take care of it. We’ll get through this holiday with each other’s help and maybe some new ways to celebrate.


Day 91: Finally put Christmas up, mostly. As always, I want more lights! And I’m talking inside, haha. It is starting to look cheery and it really is lifting my spirits. As I was putting it up all I could think of was having to take it down again, and had to snap out of that bah humbug mentality. Plus, maybe I’ll beat my record this year and leave it up till March. I wanted to say thank you for all the love you guys showed me yesterday on my 90 days. I needed that boost and didn’t even realize it. I’ve never been a part of a community online like this, and had no idea what to expect. It blows me away every day I come on here and see the love being spread around. To see help and support provided and received, and being a part of that is an amazing feeling. Sending big love :heartpulse: as always.


Think I missed ur 90 days
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Today Marks my 1 year of sobriety. It’s the first time I’ve been able to say that. The year has brought many ups and downs, but its strengthened my resolve. It really is a journey one day at a time. Sobriety has brought me to a better place with my family and helped me reconnect with myself. Keep focus and your goals will become reality. Take care friends.


Little less than 2 hrs away from 9 days. Can’t wait to reach double digits tomorrow. I wish I never read about sparkling water helping on here :rofl:. I can’t stop drinking it. I feel more bloated now than when I was drinking lol still having trouble sleeping…I can fall asleep easy but wake up a lot throughout the night. Otherwise feeling pretty good!