Checking in Daily to Maintain Focus #22

Can’t catch up everything on here… but congrats everyone and @Rockstar24777 I wish you well and hope everything will be fine, I work with people dealing with cancer everyday and it can be very frightening. Here’s to serenity prayer about what you can control into all this… @TMAC Thanks for that inspiring post about your gratefulness.

Don’t know if I have anymore to add to this sentence the next time I feel like drinking. Maybe inducing the thought that a bottle = a gun would help, since it will lead to an early-death anyways. :laughing:

@SoberWalker First off I have to congratulates you, but also I NEED to know how you put your daily counter on your watch :sweat_smile: I have a Garmin so I guess I could add it too. Might be some app with daily counter I guess.


Happy Thanksgiving All! I’m grateful to be apart of this community. I don’t do a program so my program has been you guys, which has been more than enough, as far as my sobriety goes :sweat_smile:. Any time I even fathom a drink, I think about you guys and how disappointing it would be to have to admit that I fucked up. I love that I truly feel accountable to a faction outside of myself, which helps keep me on track. Please be safe today and enjoy time with your family.


A little tidbit from Melody Beattie, author of Codependent No More,

"I finally realized that if I put half as much energy into doing the right thing as I had into doing wrong, I could do anything,”


“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.”

Happy Thanksgiving to America and happy Day of Gratitude to the rest of you. :kissing_heart:

It’s going to be a multi-check-in day.


What an accomplishment! You must feel great! Well done!

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Awwww you’re the best Emm, you’re so kind and loving to everyone and I’m so glad we’re on this journey together. You always have the right words to encourage me and I’m very grateful for you. Yes, it was by accident that they found it and I’m very lucky that they did. I’m not sure when my surgery is yet but I definitely will keep you posted. Lots of love and good vibes heading your way too lil sis, you’re amazing!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2::heart:


Wow that’s really cool of you @Tommo thank you for the kind words. I’ve been following your story too and am super proud of you. Keep up the good work Tom, have a great day!!!

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Thank you @EarnIt I appreciate that very much. Have a great day, Happy Thanksgiving!!!


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@Dragonflygirl82 Yikes. You’re right, enough is enough with this virus. I also absolutely agree with you about the calmness and sense of peace that has come with sobriety. So much less anxiety and the anxiety that I do have is easier to control.

@SoberWalker Congrats!!! 800 days is amazing!! Also unrelated question…what kind of watch is that? I love the style lol


Day 125!
Oh man I splurged yesterday on this elecric 12v Mercedes car for my daughter… with LED lights on the tires. Its amazing. I feel some buyers remorse but I was so fucked up the last two years… this year is gonna be EPIC!!! Sobriety has been the best thing to ever happen to me. Seriously. I hope anyone who is struggling can know this feeling, that it DOES get better. Life is good.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! :turkey:
@Mno Yay! Schema therapy is finally here!! Dont be nervous you will be great. Cant wait to hear about it! Ps: that view from your window is so dreamy I love it!
@Jennajen Sad to hear you are feeling so down on yourself. Sometimes when I dont eat it triggers really negative thoughts for me that can last a really long time. I dont know the extent of your fasting but doing more than 1 day could be really depressing! But just know you ARE loved!!
@EarnIt LOVE those quotes!! Great way to start the morning!! Thanks.
@TSan 60 days!!! Ive loved watching you succeed!! :heart:


Day 12 just checking in


Oh no! Yes, this stupid virus needs to go! So sorry it is affecting your family, and hoping your health improves.

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Thank you very much @WCan, definitely serenity prayer situation lol. I’ll be in very good hands and I’m sure everything will work out ok. Thank you again for the support. Happy Thanksgiving!

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Awwww you ARE amazing and that’s the truth and I know everyone here would back me up on that. I struggle with the same things, thinking people are just tolerating me and any positive comments are not true or they’re saying things to get me to do something for them. I’ve known you for awhile now here on TS and you are doing so well!! Keep your chin up and tell the shame monster in your head to stfu lol! You’re beautiful and kind, have a wonderful day today Happy Thanksgiving!!!


old ScotSman 12,492.


Looks beautiful @Mno and good job with starting therapy, proud of you! So bonus points… is Luna underneath the covers at the top of the bed??? I thought I saw a lump lol. Have a great day!!!

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I just wanted to say how proud I am of the person you’re becoming it’s amazing!!! I love reading your posts, they have such a good and positive vibe in them even when you’re struggling a little bit. Keep up the good work lil sis you’re ROCKING IT!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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Day 177 clean and sober today. Happy Thanksgiving giving everyone!!! Congratulations @PinkyP for 30 days sober that’s AWESOME!!! I am so grateful for all of you here. It’s so amazing watching and also receiving the love and support we give each other here, what a blessing that we have each other!!! I hope everyone has a wonderful day today. I know it’s today will be really tough for some of us so if anyone needs to talk I’m here for you!!! Love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Happy Thanksgiving!


Congratulations @PinkyP on a full month. That’s still my favorite milestone. Everything became so clear and I had an enthusiasm for life like I’ve never had before.

Congratulations @SoberWalker on 800 days! Thank you for being such a big part of this community.
