Checking in Daily to Maintain Focus #22

I would quietly put up a list, lolšŸ˜†
With treats for completing them, of course!


O.m.gā€¦ this is hillarious!!! With treats rofl

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@anon79808082 I need one, too! :laughing:

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I have had a weird day. The snow makes me exceedingly happy, yet I have had depression aches and pains. This has led me to sleep the majority of the day away. I want to give up almost 17 days of sobriety, and I cannot think of a valid reason to do so. I have tried to manufacture future reasons to continue to smoke.
Thankfully, I have remained smoke-free. I also began to lay the foundation for detoxing from sugar next month. One addiction at a time, I tell myself.
I am worth the peace, happiness, and health that comes with detaching myself from the material in order to connect more deeply with the divine within me.


Checking in end of 78th day of life changing decisions, thoughts and actions.

Heading into a 10 days rush with lots of deadlines. Going to have to cut down my TS reading time and support. Iā€™ll be checking in still everyday, but I think Iā€™ll have to put aside the reflection and assistance for these next few days.

I hope everyone is taking care of themselves. Iā€™ll be myself doing at lot of mindfulness practice instead of screen time because work requires already a lot of it. I found a quiet place in my mind in the last few days, I call it my circle of intentional tranquility. I intend to surf into that discovery I had during a meditation the other day. I can always go back to that safe circle in my mind and use it to just calm down or even to focus on something. Pretty cool. Never been a meditation guy but now I like it. I just do it while walking or even chores. Donā€™t need to absolutely laying down to do that.


Will have a talk with my boss in 2 hrs. I could also sit here in my pyjamas watching TV. Guess the result would be the same.

My shoulder pain gets worse. And I hope to get an appointment soon.

China went to the moon digging out some stone from billions of years ago. Yeahhhh. Feels like me hanging in my past denying the present tasks or eg climate change/people dying bc of our economic system. OK, I stay positive. I am sober. Heating is working and it is not raining today.


Congratulations on the 700 club!


Day 155.
Sober she rises, sober she sleeps. This alone is what makes it another day in a life well lived. No matter how hard any one day is, they each only have 24 hours. I know we can all do it again tomorrow.
Gā€™night, sweet friends. :orange_heart:


Good evening to all my beautiful clean and sober friends, checking in on day 1161 of continuous sobriety and with that I get to be babysitted by these two beautiful ladies. :heart:


Congrats on 700 days, keep on keeping on ODAAT! :confetti_ball: :tada:
Blessings and sobriety!


I loved that show. I watched it while recovering and I think they did a great job capturing the insanity of addiction. I also like the way the show ended. Not to give spoilers but I like how it was very real.


Made it to 11 months, it seems surreal! Been feeling more positive lately, just trying to focus on keeping up a positive routine. Iā€™ve also cut back on Netflix time and instead have made a deep dive back into my books, which always helps.


Omg Ed :heart_eyes::heart_eyes: Iā€™m so jelly!!! I wanna hold those babies. SqueeZe and love them up for me!!


Congratulations thatā€™s amazing!! :tada::muscle:t3::muscle:t3::muscle:t3:


I love them!! They are the cutest little creatures on earth!! I want them to come babysit me. :joy::joy:


Nice!! Congratulations on 11 months! :clap: :two_hearts:


Congrats @DanielleRose on 11 months, youā€™re doing amaiiiā€¦ zing! Keep on stacking them days ODAAT! :confetti_ball: :tada:
Blessings and sobriety!


Good morning. Checking in day 5. I am sober.
Have a nice day beautiful people, be kind and stay calm.


89 day clean