Checking in Daily to Maintain Focus #22

Welcome Steph.
89 days clean is so great! Congratulations :balloon:
Lots of great support on here. Check it out. Lots of support and motivation topics and some fun stuff too. Read around and join in when you feel like it.


@Shorty4 Welcome and well done

Day 113
Did not do a lot of the things I had planned this day off. But stayed sober, and did the things I HAD to do, so not a total bust.


Welcome, I hope you stick around here.


Woohoo! :partying_face::raised_hands::nail_care:


#self doubt


11 days sober from alcohol. Itā€™s 3:30am. First time Iā€™m just laying here awake in the middle of the night struggling. No alcohol in the house, which is a really good thing right now. Tonight, the burden is heavy.


Good youā€™re here and sharing cwak. Endlessly better than giving in to your cravings. They will pass. Youā€™ll get through. Sober. Hope being here makes the burden that little bit less heavy.

  1. My weekend is here. Homework assignment to do for therapy tomorrow. Want to paint my bathroom too. Should be able to do both if I donā€™t procrastinate too much. Very thankful Iā€™m able to do so. Life is infinitely better clean and sober. Itā€™s still work. Itā€™s still hard. But I have goals to work on now. A road to travel with perspective on moving on to a better life. Have a good day all. Sober and clean. Love from Amsterdam. Pic is from the park close to my workplace yesterday. Nice little piece of wetlands in the middle of the city.

You get to choose what happens next. Are you going to walk into the fear of the unknown or run with excitement into a world of possibilities. In the past when people went exploring and found new territories their first thought was to use it for something to biuld on and grow, they didnā€™t look at it and think 'Fuck that Iā€™m going home ":slight_smile:


D 907

Was taking a break from TS but I got some hard news last night and I have nobody in ā€œreal lifeā€ to talk about it with.

Chief has cancer.
I found a small lump on his leg about 2 weeks before he had his nasal surgery a month ago. I kept an eye on it and asked them to look at it when he was there, they recommended I get it biopsied which was finally done this past Saturday. Called with results last night.
Malignant mast cell tumor. They wonā€™t know how serious/aggressive/what stage it is until they remove it, surgery is in two weeks. Best case scenario, removal cures it without further action. Worst case, wellā€¦use your imagination.

Chief is the most important being in the world to me. Iā€™ve raised him from 10 weeks old. He is my best friend, and frankly is all that has kept me going for a lot days, especially this year. I donā€™t know if I could handle it if anything were to happen to him. Heā€™s not even 5 yrs old yet. Trying not to think of that though, although its hard. Get the surgery, find out the prognosis, then worry if necessary. Hoping I caught it early.


your doing great mate so just hang on in there, it really does get easier and donā€™t panic if you want to drink, donā€™t we all. Even if I donā€™t crave a drink the concept of being a normal person who can have a couple and walk away would still be nice but thatā€™s not us unfortunately so we live with the hand we are dealt. Your gonna be OK :slightly_smiling_face::+1:


Love and positive thoughts and vibes for you both Tristan. In my thoughts friend.


congratulations on 5 days sober, howā€™s that feeling :+1:

1 Like

My prayers are with you. Our fur friends are family and are heaven sent. Reach out if you need something


Waking up after another wonderful night of sleep. The last couple nights have been great, I really feel normal again for the first time in so long. Today is day 8, I donā€™t think I checked in yesterday but I officially made it through my first week. @TMAC sorry to hear about Chief, Iā€™ll be sending positive vibes your way for sure. I hope everyone has a Wonderful Wednesday! :grin:


Day 4 just checking in


Checking in, day 27. I feel really depressed, but at least I know that I wonā€™t drink, not today. I have a lot of work to do and later I will practice piano. Sometimes music is the only thing I can value, but still Iā€™m glad itā€™s always there for me.


Stay steady Andre. The ā€œreal youā€ is something you donā€™t really know. You grow it over your lifetime, and it comes from learning & participating, constructively and with understanding and respect, with other people. Take it one day at a time and seek out support and be kind and humble, to yourself and to others.


Checking in today. I feel different these past few days, like Iā€™ve let something go: maybe Iā€™m letting go of holding on to the helplessness Iā€™ve felt for years. Iā€™m not sure what it is exactly, but Iā€™m feeling more focused and purposeful.

Gonna harness that energy today and channel it into some constructive development at work and with my family. Much love to everyone - take care today & remember: youā€™re a good person who deserves a safe, sober life where you can be your full self. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Checking in. Back at 10 days. But, Iā€™m proud of those 10 days. Starting to recognize my patterns of why I drink. Yesterday something as simple as a shift change at work (I was supposed to work today, but it got moved to Thursday) made me want to drink. That one surprised me. I didnā€™t though. :blush:
My husband has also made a promise that he wonā€™t go get alcohol for us, and that has been very helpful, as he definitely was enabling the both of us, as he drives and I donā€™t.
Anyways. 10 days! Have a great day everyone.