Checking in Daily to Maintain Focus #22

Oh no, i hope he heals well and quickly! Good luck and unicorn vibes :heart::unicorn:


onother beautiful day ! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:


Happy day 11, friends! Posted in the middle of the night last night as I was having a very rough time. Spent a ton of time reading through posts and praying. Finally got back to sleep, woke up and went hard at my day. Taking a 5-minute mental health break right now to check in and just say thank you for all the love you fine people send my way. I’m grateful for all of you!


Thanks very much for that.

It made me think about how he was the only one left when I got him, he was the “runt” and had some walking difficulties when he was a puppy, so nobody wanted him. I think about how lucky I am that all the other people who adopted his siblings missed out on him. He is the best dog I could ever ask for, so smart and friendly. He’s very much on the smaller side still, but the biggest heart of all. And runs like an absolute bullet! No problems walking these days.


Soooo deeply thankful to be at Day 5. :pray:

2 audiobooks that have helped me immensely:

  • This Naked Mind: Control Alcohol by Annie Grace
  • Alcohol is Sh*t by Paul Churchill

I listen to them over and over again every night for a bit before I go to sleep.

Stay strong everyone!! :muscle::raised_hands:


Check out for today. It’s so hard to keep up with all the postings on here. Everyone is doing and working so well. That’s so good to see.

My day was quite intense. Up and down but I go to bed in a grateful mood.
The call with my boss was not so good. I can best describe it as she obviously followed some kind of script how to tell my workers that they owe the company. The company is good and wants the best for their employees. (of course) I was OK, blaaablaaaa, mehhhh, yes. I hang up close to crying knewing that in principle she was right that my old job doesn’t do me any good except for some money. This in the end only pays the shitty job and for the colleagues, the pressure, a new built team every 12 months as no-one wants to stay there. For me it was a threat to go back there.
After having cried for a good time I talked to someone from the works council. We talked it over and I said, OK, then, screw them, I take the offer, accept the rough decline of money in one year but at least I have my peace. He said he can write the mail to the HR person as I think I cannot manage to stay polite.
I was working some time and in the afternoon, some thought struck me which finally gave me relief : I am like a penguin in the desert always complaining that it is way toooooo hot, so sandy and that there are no other penguin here. Now, with this job I will have at least a small cold room, something to chill down.

I learned a lot. I am sure that emotions will strike me in the next days, I will be crying, being sad and angry but it will go. I will let go.

Over 2 years ago, in the same situation, I would be already lying in bed crying, sobbing, drunk, thrown up.

Also today I got an appointment at the orthopaedic for today! Got physio, yeahhhh and will have an MRT done from cervical and thoracic spine. When? Tomorrow morning. I was lucky someone cancelled. The other clinic offered me March 2nd! I don’t hope that I will still have these pb in March.

OK, that was long. Sorry and thanks a lot everybody.

Bonne nuit. :full_moon:


Thank you everyone for the positive thoughts and kind words. Really greatly appreciated.

It has been hard not to worry, but then I look at him and he’s just going about his life like normal, happy as a clam, totally unbothered. It helps me. I got him a new bone at the grocery store earlier, lost interest after 10 minutes. Back to chewing the old ratty t-shirt I gave him over 3 years ago. The best toys are free.

One thing I’ve always done from day 1 is talk to him constantly. Not “baby talk” stuff, just like a human conversation talk…I think it helps him feel included and develops a better understanding between us.

So of course I’ve been talking to him a lot about how he’ll be Ok, and we’ll get the tumor removed and see what we’re dealing with, etc. More or less trying to soothe him, even though I’m aware that he’s largely unaware of what’s going on with him. But really I think I’m trying to soothe myself with that, and it does help.

We went for his run today like normal and I’m continuing to just give him his normal, best, happy life. And we’ll deal with this shit in 2 weeks when it gets here.


Day 17 done and dusted✅


Hey all, checking in on day 171. Super busy today so I don’t have time to catch up with everyone sadly but hope everyone has a great day!


Wishing you all the best with Chief. Take care of yourself and your boy. Sending big love your way :yellow_heart:

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From: Chief :sparkling_heart::heart_eyes:


Oh shit, I’m tearing up here :sob: I really hope things work out for the best and Chief gets to have many many more dog years.

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Goodnight all… these 14-hour work days are getting to be a drag.
On the positive side, I pick up my new VW ID.3 tomorrow… I’m looking forward to it.


You’re the best dog dad, T. I used to talk to my boy just the same :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’ll be thinking of you both


9th day :pray::dizzy:…had some anxious feelings today so kept busy, potted some baby spider plants I’d been meaning to do for weeks,got 14!..and went to garden centre again(I went yesterday too!)and got a new bigger nicer pot for mama spider plant…!:grin:,may of had too much tea, caffeine affects me more the more days I have sober… appetite has died down a bit today which seems to be a good sign to me that my body is balancing itself…I’ve been eating lots of little meals to keep away from hungry feelings that triggered me to fill with alcohol… grateful to be sober ,clear headed.:pray::fist_right::fist_left:


Congratulations on 11 months @Dazercat and @DanielleRose nice work! Stacking em up with ODAAT!

@TMAC Tristan I’m very sorry to hear about Chief i will have you both in my thoughts and prayers, sending hugs and love my friend.


@TMAC I am sorry to hear about Chief, I really hope it was caught early and keep us posted.

Day 114
Gonna try to get home from work early today to do some stuff I should have done yesterday😂. Recently I am feeling better about not being on top of house/kid stuff all the time. In the past, I felt I had to “make up” for the times I drank and did zero by being a domestic goddess at other times. Now I don’t have those times I can be more chilled all the time. A bit more balance is occurring.


Sounds like a magical place!

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I totally know where you’re coming from! I just realized recently I’m not as crazy about that stuff.


It is man! It is.
Give it a try!

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