Checking in Daily to Maintain Focus #22

Congratulations on 11 months. You rock :sunglasses:

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I hope I’m not too late to the party. Congratulations on 11 months @Dazercat and thank you for all the love and support you spread around here.


Awe Tristan, this brought me to tears. Chief is young and strong, hopefully all goes well. Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers. Sending positive vibes for a good outcome.


Thank you :hugs: one foot in front of the other is all we can do. The day will get here soon enough, and I choose to save my worry for when I know what we’re dealing with. I’ve been saying that out loud, “I choose to save my worry”. Helping.


Never ever too late. Thank you Lisa.
And right back at ya :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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That’s funny about the new toy you bought him, lol. He’s an old soul just like you!


Checking in day 131… I am sober.

Congrats @Dazercat on 11 months!! Must have been your New Years resolution??? And you are nailing it!!! :raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands: That takes strength, I am proud of you!!
@TMAC I will say a prayer for chief. Such a sweet little dude! Keep us updated.
@Rockstar24777 Saying some prayers for you too my friend, feels like this is all moving so fast, but glad you are getting the surgery out of the way so you can start to recover.
@Tomek Whatever your friends reaction is just a reflection of her and not you! You are awesome! When did you learn piano, you are so good!


Day 5 no alcohol. I am grateful for this thread as a daily check in. I am also journaling every morning. Today I woke up thinking a lot about addiction and my experiences. I am starting to realize that I carry guilt for my addiction. When I look back at my life, a lot of times I feel like I messed up, embarrassed myself, or went off track from my goals, they are most often related to consuming alcohol or other substances. I think I have always known this, but it is coming to the surface more this time around getting clean. Today for the first I actually thought of myself as a recovering alcoholic. That is a scary thing to see and say, but it also feels freeing. I really want to process my experience and relationship with alcohol and begin to change what I can to move forward in my life. I have a good life, and I want to live it fully.

Today I meditated, journaled, did creative writing, made a piece of art, took care of emails and discussion board post for an online class I teach, created a video promo for another class, recorded a podcast with my boyfriend, walked my dog, exercised and practiced yoga, and cooked dinner. Seeing all these things written down really reflects to me how good I have it and where I’ve put my energy today. Feeling grateful.


One day and even moment at a time as needed is how I best navigate. In this moment, I am sober. Then each moment, I keep doing whatever it takes for me to stay sober. I’m always cheering for you from the sidelines, you’re never alone my friend. We’re all walking this sober path & lighting the way together!


I’m proud of you; drinking is just not worth it. I know it’s hard when we’ve done it for so long but it’s really so much better, Charlie. I promise!


So sorry to hear about chief!!! My best friend is putting her little Boston terrier down on Friday. She’s losing it. I wish i could help. It’s horrible to have to do that. I have her some bones & treats for him. My Labrador is 14 and starting the decline. I hate thinking about running out of time with him.
I’m really really hoping you caught it for chief early enough! Looks like a fun & loving companion :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:


Laying around again waiting for test results. My back is enjoying the down time. My mind needs some down time too.
God bless you all. :v:&:heart:


Way to go Charlie on the 18 days! Way to be strong. I Don’t know if you’ve seen me write this before on here or not, but my mantra is. “I’m NOT drinking today. And I’m probably not drinking tomorrow.” I still, and probably will always, get a little freaked about never drinking again. When I think probably not drinking tomorrow, it doesn’t really give me an out, but it keeps me focused on “I’m not drinking today!”


Check in day 12… almost to the two week mark where I usually start to struggle. For my recovery I’m doing weekly individual counseling and reading on here daily and just started a new 30 day yoga challenge.


Aww, I am so sorry to hear this. I’ll be thinking of you both with love my friend!

I do want to give you some hope, my soul dog Buddy had a very aggressive form of cancer when he was 5. After the surgery he did great and lived another 9 happy years. I hope your best buddy Chiefers has a very similar outcome.:heart:


Checking in at my 2nd Day 6. So far so good. On a fun note - I learned how to crochet Christmas :snowflake:!!


Attaboy, @Dazercat. You are a solid presence and your daily encouragement is a reassuring guide. One year - and what a year it was- is just around the corner.


Really good share. Great job on 5 days. There really is so much to be grateful for without all that booze. Good to feel those feelings. And remember, the sober you is not the same person you use to be. You’re so much better.


Thank you! I appreciate hearing that :sparkling_heart:

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Thank you very much @Clarity I really appreciate that! :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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