Checking in Daily to Maintain Focus #22

CONGRATS!!! :raised_hands:t3: :raised_hands:t3: :raised_hands:t3: :star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck:

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Sorry to hear the news brother. Iā€™ll keep you both in my thoughts and definitely hope for the best.

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You sound a little down. Can you get back outside in the snow for a good long walk with some music on? It always makes me feel better. Well not the snow part. Unless itā€™s just a dusting. You were enjoying being out in the snow yesterday. We are going to be wicked cold but sunny here. Barely break freezing. Canā€™t wait to walk my ass off today. I been slacking on my walks. And when I do do them I always feel so much better.


I am so very sorry to hear this. Sending lots of love and healing energy to you both. I hope this is just a bump on a long list, happy road for the two of you. I know you are scared. Know that, even when you feel like it, you arenā€™t alone. You have so many friends here who love youā€¦


I 100% didnā€™t mean to tag you! Haha! Thank you so much for responding. I do be snow Angelā€™s are in my future. :slight_smile:

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169 days. Been doing a lot of thinking about what my upcoming 6 months sobriety means to me. It will be the second time Iā€™ve been here but it feels different this go around. Although I am nowhere near where I want to be in terms of employment and house ownership it honestly pales in comparison to where I was mentally and emotionally six months ago. Hopping into a relationship with a single father of two girls has been more than challenging but I have felt all the feelings and not used alcohol to numb. I have also not ran away except my ā€œspiral dayā€ when my man accepted a job offer. I wake each morning feeling like Iā€™m ready to take on whatever life hands me. I am slowly learning that otherā€™s words and behaviors are about them and are not a reflection of me. I am accepting my imperfections and using courage to change the parts I donā€™t like. I am taking baby steps one day at a time and I am sober :grin:


So sorry you two have to go through this. Hoping for the best possible outcome. Our fur kids (not first kids, as autocorrected, although they could be that, too!) are our family.


Way to go!!! Big congrats.

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Day 86: Fighting the funk and the ouch today. Iā€™m tired of talking about pain so Iā€™ve started calling it ā€œthe ouch.ā€ Today I work on just being present despite it.


@RosaCanDo so sorry to hear about your doggo, sending love and strength, I think the apple is too :blush:
@Butterflymoonwoman thank you, I am always so grateful to feel like it is a choice to stay sober, because like you, I felt such a slave to my addiction and it never felt like a choice to use.
@Hotic congrats on 700! :star2::tada:
@DanielleRose congrats on 11 months :tada:
@Shorty4 welcome and congrats on 89 days :tada:
@Briella congrats on your week :tada:
@nwags & @Jdiaz congrats on double digits :tada:
@anon35096624 congrats on 40 :tada:
@Dazercat congrats on 11 months :tada:

82 days.

I didnā€™t get shortlisted from the interview. They said itā€™s actually a senior role so they need someone with the skills and experience already, and that none of us who were interviewed met the threshold. They also said however that they were impressed with me and would like to pass my details on for volunteering and peer support, I said Iā€™m happy with that. I feel actually quite relieved because the state of my mental health since attempting to get back into work has been diabolical, so I donā€™t think I could cope with a job, just like I havenā€™t coped well for the past 7 years. BPD & Fibromyalgia suck. Itā€™s so hard to accept that I canā€™t work though, it used to be my coping mechanism, I had 3 jobs for most of my life.

Iā€™ve achieved more today since the phone call than I have in the last 2 weeks. Iā€™ve been for 2 walks, and decluttered my spare room. I also received a phone call from my friend out of the blue which was really nice, it was good to talk to someone about addiction, she struggles too so we shared about our restlessness etc.

I feel much calmer than I have the last few days. Back to basics for now.


@TMAC Iā€™m so sorry to hear this about Chief. My cats are my best friends too and they save my life everyday, so I can imagine how awful this must feel right now :sob: Sending strength and prayers that itā€™s been caught in time and his surgery goes well :pray:t2:


I can so relate to what youā€™ve described about work. A whole lot of my identity was wrapped up in my work for so long, I was the breadwinner for our entire marriage and always very independent before that. Now since I havenā€™t worked in 4 years, having moved several times for my husbandā€™s work and then falling into depression and drinking, I really have struggled with my sense of self. I think the offer for volunteering and peer support work is amazing. I hope you pursue it. I was starting some volunteer inquiries before the pandemic and am really hoping to get into volunteer work next year as a step toward employment. And your volunteering would be almost a foot in the door at that establishment!


Way to go, @Dazercat!!! 11 months is amazing!!! You are owning 2020!!!


Still kicking. Had some rough nights with one of my kiddos but dealing with it sober and not wanting to drinkā€¦ Thanks to all in here


Thank you.
Appreciate it.

Hi just new here how do I join thanks.


Itā€™s so good! I loved Edie Falco in Sopranos but somehow never got around to watching Nurse Jackie. I actually didnā€™t the know the promise of the show revolves around her relationship with substances! I just started Season 5, so she is sober right now. Thereā€™s so much about the show I love and appreciate :sparkling_heart:


Thank you Rosa.
I hope your buddy Chucho is doing well. I guess I missed that the other day or 2. That unconditional love is hard to find anywhere else. During the shit show of 2020, Wifey and I keep saying at least the old girls are doing well. Minnie dog and Alice cat. I hope Chucho is on the mend. :pray:

Youā€™re already joined! Welcome Marie, good to have you here. :orange_heart:


Oh, but Chiefā€™s young yet! Sending my best wishes and thoughts and vibes and prayers that this is a chapter - a tough one, but only a chapter - in Chiefā€™s amazing life with you. :orange_heart:

This poem reminds me of you twoā€¦

How It Begins

A puppy is a puppy is a puppy.
Heā€™s probably in a basket with a bunch
of other puppies.
Then heā€™s a little older and heā€™s nothing
but a bundle of longing.
He doesnā€™t even understand it.

Then someone picks him up and says,
ā€œI want this oneā€.
Mary Oliver, Dog Songs