Checking in Daily to Maintain Focus #22

I hope you get some good news soon Brian. But even more important I hope you get better soon.
Prayers for you my friend.

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Day 25. Well that went fast, at least after the first 24 days. :crazy_face: I am getting close to the end of my semester and brain fog problems are real! Normally, I am can draft a quick paper in no time flat, with minimal grammatical errors and saying everything that needs to be said. Now, I am like, ā€œIt seems that in this current ā€¦() and (), soā€¦??..ā€ &*#$%#!!! Somehow I donā€™t think thatā€™s going to get a passing grade.

@Hotic Thatā€™s freaking FANTASTIC!!!

Congrats @DanielleRose and @Dazercat on 11 months! Thatā€™s awesome!

@TMAC I am so sorry to hear about Chief. I hope for the best outcome, friend.

@Briella - I am not going to lie, I am a bit envious about your ability to sleep well! :slight_smile:

@cwak - I am glad to see you powering through, my friend!



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domestic goddess! i failed that test long ago! apparently i have hardwood floors. i also have a golden retriever. looks like wall to wall deep shag carpeting in here most days :joy:

but seriously, iā€™m glad to hear thereā€™s some balance being restored. i think we probably all compensated for the drinking in some way or anotherā€¦


Day 156.
Todayā€™s sunrise and sunset from my little corner of the world.

I made the sun a deal: if it does its thing for another 24hrs, so will I. :wink:
Sober she goes!
Gā€™night, dear pals. Big love :orange_heart:


Might as well check in day 87ā€¦itā€™s going to take me a while to wind down and try to sleep after a scary episode with my dog late tonight. He seems to be sleeping quietly now. BIG sigh from a stressed out momma. He seems to be getting worse over the past week after a period of stability on medication. Iā€™m so grateful to be sober during all of this, and also that the stress hasnā€™t been a trigger for alcohol cravings. I guess managing my own physical issues and a sick dog have mostly distracted me from thoughts of drinking other than the occasional romantic vision. Coming up on 90 days makes me thoughtful. I had multiple attempts to cut back, then to meter, then to only drink on weekends, then to quitā€¦it took me so many first 7 days, then a few whole months of abstinence, and so many returns to drinking. Approaching this milestone I know that this is a massive achievement for me, but it feels so in the background for some reason. Too many other worries? I donā€™t know. Maybe thatā€™s just how I feel at the moment. I want to reflect on this some more and gain a sense of accomplishment and pride. Maybe I need to take a step back and read some of my early posts and look through my journals to gain some perspective. Or maybe itā€™s okay to feel like itā€™s just the thing that Iā€™m doing now and not a big deal. Time to do some reading and hopefully get some sleep.
Edit to add: I want to say thank you to those of you who have offered kind words of support while Chucho has been ill and when Iā€™ve griped about not feeling well, too. @CATMANCAM and @Dazercat I saw your mentions today/yesterday. Thanks.
@Tommo a huge congrats to my almost twin on your 90!!!


Hope you are okay?..:thinking::dizzy::pray:

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Really grateful to not be hungover this morning. Getting gradually more and more organized in my daily life which feels good. Looking forward to another day of freedom from thinking, buying, drinking, buying more, drinking more alcohol. Because I know if I pick up one the downward cycle will start again . And it takes way too much away for weeks, months, years.


@Tommo Congrats!

@RosaCanDo Milestones are funny things. They are a point in time for reflection and pride, but also just another day, another one day at a time

@apes2020 Whatā€™s going on? How can we be more help?


Hey, whatā€™s happening? We are here, April. Donā€™t just leave. Youā€™ve been here long enough to know we care for you.:heart:


Thankyou and good morning I am on day 4 I feel much better today donā€™t have the foggy head hope you are doing ok I just love this group :blush:


Checking in on the evening of day 19. AA meeting in 20 minutes.


Thank you, @Clarity for your kind words! She hasnā€™t replied yet, so Iā€™m pretty anxious about it, although I know that I cannot do anything in this case and have to accept whatever comes. I try not to take it personally.
I learnt piano recently, actually I know the exact day I started, because it happened a week after we moved to our current country, it was in the summer of 2018. Unfortunately I had to stop practicing this spring because of the pandemic (I had been seeing a teacher), and also stopped practicing alone because I was just so tired and numb all the time due to the constant hangovers.

  1. Coffee. Therapy day. Doing the assignment for it yesterday confronted me with the 40 years that passed since I was first recommended therapy to try and work out ā€˜some personal issuesā€™ I might have had back then. Since then I wasted 40 years drugging and boozing and not getting anywhere. Feeling whatā€™s the use now, Iā€™m totally settled in this solitary lifestyle and itā€™s way too late trying to change that. This is just going to give me lots of stress and anxiety.
    Then again I told a lot of folks here itā€™s never too late to change. Whether weā€™re 18, 40 or 70, living clean and sober is always preferable to being under the influence. Itā€™s always better to try and better ourselves, one day at a time. To learn to accept what we cannot change and work on the stuff we can. So I better practise what I preach. On I go with my 55 year old body and soul. Not feeling like it but Iā€™ll make do. Just for today. Have a good one all. Clean and sober. Love from a dreary Amsterdam.

    @Tommo congrats Tom. You do what you need to do. For you. Youā€™re doing great.

Checking in on day 9. So thankful to almost be to double digits again. I feel like this last 9days have gone by so fast. I feel so good mentally and physically. Iā€™m having a hard time staying awake past 6:00/7:00 p.m. so I have to find something to keep me busy in the evenings so I donā€™t totally crash like I have been. Have a great Thursday everyone! :grinning:


Day 6 sober. Yesterday I had a great meeting online. I felt loved and understood. Letā€™s donā€™t fall again!!!


@Dee134 congratulations !!! 19 days is great :+1:t4:

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Waking up stressed and on edge on this day 12. Had the most vivid and stressful dream. Itā€™s been a while since Iā€™ve had dreams I could remember at all, much less one this clear and this bad. In the dream I had done something awful and was trying not to get caught. Felt so real. Something I would never do. Wow. Not the way to start the day. Getting up to go to the gym and try to refocus.


Checking in December 3 .
Im going after it even tho life seems like it wants to crumble i know the feeling ive been here before when you have it all and in a bkink of an eye you loose it all and i know one thing SURVIVE we meet again but this time its diffrent this time im doing it soberly and im not running away to my DOC im standing my ground hit me with whatever you got :pray: have a good day everyone.